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Attractions Murovani Kurylivtsi
Nativity of Holy Virgin Church
The Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Murovani Kurylivtsi was founded in 1781. Later, it was dismantled, and the materials were used for a new five-domed church, the construction of which was completed in 1889 at the expense of parishioners, the treasury, and landowners Komar and Lykhachev.
The church had a one-tier gilded iconostasis with a valuable icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God, which was purchased on Mount Athos and donated by the landowner Chykhachova.
In 1934, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin was closed by the Soviet authorities, then briefly revived during the German occupation, but in the 1950s it was closed again and stripped of its domes. The premises were used as a library, a gym, a bakery and even a warehouse for glass containers.
Sinc ...
The Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Murovani Kurylivtsi was founded in 1781. Later, it was dismantled, and the materials were used for a new five-domed church, the construction of which was completed in 1889 at the expense of parishioners, the treasury, and landowners Komar and Lykhachev.
The church had a one-tier gilded iconostasis with a valuable icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God, which was purchased on Mount Athos and donated by the landowner Chykhachova.
In 1934, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin was closed by the Soviet authorities, then briefly revived during the German occupation, but in the 1950s it was closed again and stripped of its domes. The premises were used as a library, a gym, a bakery and even a warehouse for glass containers.
Since 1991, the temple is active again.
Церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці в Мурованих Курилівцях заснована в 1781 році. Пізніше її розібрали, а матеріали використали для нового п'ятикупольного храму, будівництво якого коштом парафіян, скарбниці та поміщиків Комара та Лихачова було завершено в 1889 році.
У храмі був одноярусний позолочений іконостас із цінною іконою Тихвінської Божої Матері, яка була придбана на Афоні та пожертвована поміщицею Чихачовою.
У 1934 році радянською владою церкву Різдва Богородиці було закрито, потім ненадовго відроджено під час німецької окупації, але у 1950-х роках знову закрита та позбавлена куполів. Приміщення використовувалося як бібліотека, спортивна зала, пекарня та навіть склад склотари.
З 1991 року храм знову чинний.
Last update
Categories | Temple, Architecture |
Date of foundation | 1781-1889 |
Address |
Soborna Street, 1
Murovani Kurylivtsi |
Coordinates |
48.7204384° N, 27.5208251° E
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