Saint Demetrius Church, Zalizniachka



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General information about Saint Demetrius Church (Zalizniachka)

The wooden church of Saint Demetrius in the village of Zalizniachka near Yerky was built in 1773 and has survived to this day with some reconstructions.

The church is cruciform in plan, single-headed, with an octagonal central log, made of hewn oak beams. The composition of the building is dominated by the central volume, completed by a flat tent top on a drum. All facades are topped with triangular pediments. In the interior, the side branches are subordinate to the height-opened central volume and are connected to it by arches-cutouts.

The Saint Demetrius Church is considered a unique work of folk wooden architecture of the Right Bank, but the last reconstruction deprived it of its authentic appearance - the church was plastered with a cement "fur coat", dismantl ...

The wooden church of Saint Demetrius in the village of Zalizniachka near Yerky was built in 1773 and has survived to this day with some reconstructions.

The church is cruciform in plan, single-headed, with an octagonal central log, made of hewn oak beams. The composition of the building is dominated by the central volume, completed by a flat tent top on a drum. All facades are topped with triangular pediments. In the interior, the side branches are subordinate to the height-opened central volume and are connected to it by arches-cutouts.

The Saint Demetrius Church is considered a unique work of folk wooden architecture of the Right Bank, but the last reconstruction deprived it of its authentic appearance - the church was plastered with a cement "fur coat", dismantling part of the wooden frame.

Дерев'яна церква Святого Димитрія в селі Залізнячка під Єрками збудована в 1773 році, донині дійшла з деякими перебудовами.

Церква хрестова у плані, одноголова, із восьмигранним центральним зрубом, складена з тесаних дубових брусів. У композиції споруди домінує центральний об'єм, завершений плескатим шатровим верхом на барабані. Усі фасади увінчані трикутними фронтонами. В інтер'єрі бічні гілки підпорядковані висотно розкритому центральному об'єму та з'єднані з ним арками-вирізами.

Дмитрівська церква вважається унікальним твором народної дерев'яної архітектури Правобережжя, проте остання реконструкція позбавила її автентичного вигляду – храм потинськували цементною "шубою", розібравши частину дерев'яного каркасу.

Practical information about Saint Demetrius Church (Zalizniachka)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1773
Address Zalizniak Street


Coordinates 48.995938° N, 30.975264° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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