Holy Assumption Church, Ivanky



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General information about Holy Assumption Church (Ivanky)

The construction of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ivanky began in 1910. Funds for the construction were collected by the whole village, and construction work was carried out by the toloka. The church was consecrated in 1914.

The iconostasis was made by the masters of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, and the temple itself had the shape of a large cross. In 1936, the building was handed over to the collective farm for storage, but the dome and bell tower were not demolished. In 1941, during the offensive, the Germans burned the church. In 1962, the building was transformed into the House of Culture.

In the late 2000s, the church was returned to the religious community of the village, and in 2010 the reconstruction process began. The parish of the Assumptio ...

The construction of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ivanky began in 1910. Funds for the construction were collected by the whole village, and construction work was carried out by the toloka. The church was consecrated in 1914.

The iconostasis was made by the masters of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, and the temple itself had the shape of a large cross. In 1936, the building was handed over to the collective farm for storage, but the dome and bell tower were not demolished. In 1941, during the offensive, the Germans burned the church. In 1962, the building was transformed into the House of Culture.

In the late 2000s, the church was returned to the religious community of the village, and in 2010 the reconstruction process began. The parish of the Assumption Church in Ivanky belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. A dome was erected, and part of the walls were demolished. Reconstruction continues.

Будівництво церкви Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці в Іваньках почалося в 1910 році. Кошти на будівництво збирали всім селом, а будівельні роботи велись толокою. Освячено церкву в 1914 році.

Іконостас було виготовлено майстрами Києво-Печерської Лаври, а сам храм мав форму великого хреста. В 1936 році будівлю передали колгоспу під склад, але купол і дзвіницю не знесли. В 1941 році, під час наступу, німці спалили церкву. В 1962 році будівлю переробили під Будинок культури.

Наприкінці 2000-х років церкву було повернуто релігійній громаді села, а в 2010 році розпочався процес реконструкції. Парафія Свято-Успенської церкви в Іваньках належить до Православної церкви України. Було зведено купол, знесено частину стін. Реконструкція продовжується.

Practical information about Holy Assumption Church (Ivanky)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1914
Address Ihorya Shcherbyny Street


Coordinates 48.9911918° N, 30.4478119° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 96 065 4239,
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