Saint Joseph's Church, Hnivan



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General information about Saint Joseph's Church (Hnivan)

The Church of Saint Joseph was built in Hnivan in 1906 at the expense of landowners Yan Baranovskyi, Karolina Yaroshynska and other Catholic parishioners.

The temple is made in neo-gothic style. Inside, it is decorated with biblical scenes carved from wood. Stained glass windows and chandeliers in the form of large candlesticks create an atmosphere of coziness and peace. Near the altar on the right side is a sculpture of Saint Joseph with the Baby, on the left side - an icon of the Mother of God. In the depth of the building there is an altar with the crucifixion of Jesus.

A grotto of the Virgin Mary was built in the central courtyard.

In Soviet times, the temple was used as a production facility. In 1992, the church of Saint Joseph was returned to the Catholic parish ...

The Church of Saint Joseph was built in Hnivan in 1906 at the expense of landowners Yan Baranovskyi, Karolina Yaroshynska and other Catholic parishioners.

The temple is made in neo-gothic style. Inside, it is decorated with biblical scenes carved from wood. Stained glass windows and chandeliers in the form of large candlesticks create an atmosphere of coziness and peace. Near the altar on the right side is a sculpture of Saint Joseph with the Baby, on the left side - an icon of the Mother of God. In the depth of the building there is an altar with the crucifixion of Jesus.

A grotto of the Virgin Mary was built in the central courtyard.

In Soviet times, the temple was used as a production facility. In 1992, the church of Saint Joseph was returned to the Catholic parish of Hnivani, and restoration was carried out.

Костел Св. Йосипа побудований у Гнівані в 1906 році коштом поміщиків Яна Барановського, Кароліни Ярошинської та інших парафіян-католиків.

Храм виконаний у неоготичному стилі. Всередині його прикрашають вирізьблені з дерева біблійні сцени. Вітражні вікна та люстри у вигляді великих свічників створюють атмосферу затишку та спокою. Біля вівтаря з правого боку стоїть скульптура Святого Йосипа з Немовлям, з лівого боку – ікона Богородиці. У глибині споруди розташований вівтар із розп'яттям Ісуса.

На центральному дворі споруджено грот Діви Марії.

За радянських часів храм використовувався як виробниче приміщення. У 1992 році костел Святого Йосипа було повернуто католицькій парафії Гнівані, проведено реставрацію.

Practical information about Saint Joseph's Church (Hnivan)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1906
Address Lisova Street


Coordinates 49.0922371° N, 28.3375726° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 4355 35 024, +380 4355 34 833,
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