Kermenchyk Fortress Ruins, Vysoke

Castle / fortress

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General information about Kermenchyk Fortress Ruins (Vysoke)


The Kermenchyk fortress in Vysokye has been known since the 13th century. The stone fortification on Mount Fortetsya (700 meters above sea level) is located 0.5 kilometers west of the village, which until 1945 was also called Kermenchyk (small fortress).

The length of the defensive wall was more than 230 meters, from the south there was a donjon tower. A fragment of the fortress wall with a height of 4.2 meters and a width of 7 meters has been preserved.

The Kermenchyk fortress was built during the time of the Feodoro principality and served to shelter the local population in case of danger, and was also a connecting signal pos ...


The Kermenchyk fortress in Vysokye has been known since the 13th century. The stone fortification on Mount Fortetsya (700 meters above sea level) is located 0.5 kilometers west of the village, which until 1945 was also called Kermenchyk (small fortress).

The length of the defensive wall was more than 230 meters, from the south there was a donjon tower. A fragment of the fortress wall with a height of 4.2 meters and a width of 7 meters has been preserved.

The Kermenchyk fortress was built during the time of the Feodoro principality and served to shelter the local population in case of danger, and was also a connecting signal post, clearly visible from the fortifications of Mahgup, Syuren fortress, Tepe-Kermen and Kiz-Kermen.


Фортеця Керменчик у Високому відома з XIII сторіччя. Кам'яне укріплення на горі Фортеця (700 метрів над рівнем моря) розташоване за 0,5 кілометри на захід від села, яке до 1945 року також мало назву Керменчик (маленька фортеця).

Довжина оборонної стіни становила понад 230 метрів, з півдня була вежа-донжон. Зберігся фрагмент фортечної стіни висотою 4,2 метри і шириною 7 метрів.

Фортеця Керменчик була споруджена за часів князівства Феодоро і служила для укриття місцевого населення у разі небезпеки, а також було сполучною сигнальною посадою, добре видно з укріплень Мангупа, Сюренської фортеці, Тепе- Кермена та Киз-Кермена.

Practical information about Kermenchyk Fortress Ruins (Vysoke)

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Categories Castle / fortress
Date of foundation XIII century
Address Fortetsya tract


Coordinates 44.6304742° N, 33.9494369° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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