Attractions of Ukraine
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Attractions Ternopil region
Attractions Ternopil district
Attractions Staryi Skalat
Les Kurbas Memorial Museum-Manor
The memorial museum-house of Les Kurbas is located in the village of Stariy Skalat, where the memorial house of his grandfather, priest Pylyp Kurbas, has been preserved.
The childhood and youth years of the future outstanding Ukrainian director passed here.
Near the church where Pylyp Kurbas served, relatives of Lesya Kurbas are buried: grandfather and grandmother, father, younger brother Nestor.
Меморіальний музей-садиба Леся Курбаса розташований в селі Старий Скалат, де збереглася меморіальна хата його діда, священика Пилипа Курбаса.
Тут минули дитячі та юнацькі роки майбутнього видатного українського режисера.
Біля церкви, де служив Пилип Курбас, поховані рідні Леся Курбаса: дід та бабуся, батько, молодший брат Нестор.
Last update
Categories | Museum / gallery, Palace / manor |
Hours of work | 10:00-18:00, days off - Monday, Wednesday |
Address |
Lesya Kurbasa Street, 1
Staryi Skalat |
Coordinates |
49.458449° N, 25.988749° E
Phone | +380 3524 336 443, | | |
Official site | | |
| |
Additional services | |
Cost | adults - UAH 20, schoolchildren and students - UAH 10, excursion - UAH 100, theatrical excursion - UAH 300 |
According to the institution
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