The art exhibition "Footstones of Bartosyk Generations" in Ivanky was opened in 2013 by the metal artist Sashko Bartosyk, the son of the famous Ukrainian monumental artist Mykola Bartosyk.
The art gallery is dedicated to the work of the Bartosyk family, where the central place is occupied by plastic compositions made of metal by the artist-blacksmith. The subject of his works: lyrics, love, philosophy of life.
According to the creator's plan, in the future the space of the gallery will be filled with his new sculptures and his daughter's creative works, various entertainment and educational activities will be held here.
The gallery is currently free to visit.
There is a shop on the first floor of the gallery, and a coffee shop in the basement. ...
The art exhibition "Footstones of Bartosyk Generations" in Ivanky was opened in 2013 by the metal artist Sashko Bartosyk, the son of the famous Ukrainian monumental artist Mykola Bartosyk.
The art gallery is dedicated to the work of the Bartosyk family, where the central place is occupied by plastic compositions made of metal by the artist-blacksmith. The subject of his works: lyrics, love, philosophy of life.
According to the creator's plan, in the future the space of the gallery will be filled with his new sculptures and his daughter's creative works, various entertainment and educational activities will be held here.
The gallery is currently free to visit.
There is a shop on the first floor of the gallery, and a coffee shop in the basement.
Художню виставку "Ступаки поколінь Бартосиків" в Іваньках відкрито в 2013 році художником по металу Сашком Бартосиком, сином відомого українського художника-монументаліста Миколи Бартосика.
Художня галерея присвячена творчості родини Бартосиків, де центральне місце займають пластичні композиції з металу роботи художника-коваля. Тематика його робіт: лірика, кохання, філософія буття.
За задумом творця, у майбутньому простір галереї наповнюватиметься його новими скульптурами та творчими роботами доньки, тут проводитимуться різноманітні розважально-пізнавальні дійства.
Наразі галерею можна відвідати безкоштовно.
На першому поверсі галереї працює магазин, а у підвалі працює кав'ярня.
Last update
Categories | Museum / gallery |
Date of foundation | 2013 |
Address |
Ihorya Shcherbyny Street, 58А/1
Ivanky |
Coordinates |
48.991384° N, 30.456269° E
Phone | +380 67 780 8700, +380 97 139 3311, | , | |
Official site | | |
Additional services |
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