Polupanivska Holy Mountain, Polupanivka

Historic area


Natural object


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General information about Polupanivska Holy Mountain (Polupanivka)

"Polupanivska Holy Mountain" is a landscape reserve created in 1994 on 11 hectares of the territory of the Medobory ridge.

Rare species of steppe vegetation and animal world are found here. The mountain is composed of reef limestones. The slopes are covered with huge boulders. The location of some stones in the form of dolmens gives reason to assume that in ancient times there was a pagan sanctuary on the mountain.

In the upper part of the mountain there is a healing spring with which the legend of the apparition of the Mother of God is connected.

The Holy Mountain is a place of pilgrimage for Christians of various denominations. In 2010, the "Way of the Cross" was opened on the territory of the "Polupanivska Holy Mountain" landscape reser ...

"Polupanivska Holy Mountain" is a landscape reserve created in 1994 on 11 hectares of the territory of the Medobory ridge.

Rare species of steppe vegetation and animal world are found here. The mountain is composed of reef limestones. The slopes are covered with huge boulders. The location of some stones in the form of dolmens gives reason to assume that in ancient times there was a pagan sanctuary on the mountain.

In the upper part of the mountain there is a healing spring with which the legend of the apparition of the Mother of God is connected.

The Holy Mountain is a place of pilgrimage for Christians of various denominations. In 2010, the "Way of the Cross" was opened on the territory of the "Polupanivska Holy Mountain" landscape reserve with 14 stations, on which sculptures illustrating the Passion of Christ were installed.

"Полупанівська Свята гора" - ландшафтний заказник, створений у 1994 році на 11 гектарах території Медоборського хребта.

Тут зустрічаються рідкісні види степової рослинності та тваринного світу. Гора складена рифовими вапняками. Схили посипані величезними валунами. Розташування деяких каменів у формі дольменів дає підстави припускати, що у давнину на горі було язичницьке святилище.

У верхній частині гори є цілюще джерело, з яким пов'язана легенда про явлення Божої Матері.

Свята гора є місцем паломництва християн різних конфесій. У 2010 році на території ландшафтного заказника "Полупанівська Свята гора" відкрито "Хресну дорогу" з 14 стаціями, на яких встановлені скульптури, що ілюструють Страсті Христові.

Practical information about Polupanivska Holy Mountain (Polupanivka)

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Categories Historic area, Temple, Natural object, Reserve
Address Svyata hora tract


Coordinates 49.47642° N, 25.986614° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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