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Attractions Nizhyn
Holy Annunciation Monastery
The Holy Annunciation Monastery in Nizhyn was founded in 1702 by Metropolitan Stefan Yavorskyi, whose brother served at that time as abbot of the Saint Nicholas Cathedral.
The Annunciation Cathedral was built in 1716 according to the project of the Moscow architect Hrigory Ustinov in the Baroque style. Had a second name - Nazareth the Virgin. Fragments of paintings of the XVIII-XIX centuries have been preserved inside.
The complex also includes the Peter and Paul Church with a bell tower (1803), the abbot's house with a refectory and cells (1808), as well as 12 monastery shops.
In 1999, the complex was handed over to the UOC community of the Moscow Patriarchate, the men's monastery is in operation, but the restoration of the buildings is being carried out very ...
The Holy Annunciation Monastery in Nizhyn was founded in 1702 by Metropolitan Stefan Yavorskyi, whose brother served at that time as abbot of the Saint Nicholas Cathedral.
The Annunciation Cathedral was built in 1716 according to the project of the Moscow architect Hrigory Ustinov in the Baroque style. Had a second name - Nazareth the Virgin. Fragments of paintings of the XVIII-XIX centuries have been preserved inside.
The complex also includes the Peter and Paul Church with a bell tower (1803), the abbot's house with a refectory and cells (1808), as well as 12 monastery shops.
In 1999, the complex was handed over to the UOC community of the Moscow Patriarchate, the men's monastery is in operation, but the restoration of the buildings is being carried out very slowly. Church shops are used as shops, hairdressers, etc.
Свято-Благовіщенський монастир у Ніжині засновано в 1702 році митрополитом Стефаном Яворським, брат якого служив у цей час настоятелем Свято-Миколаївського собору.
Благовіщенський собор збудовано в 1716 році за проєктом московського архітектора Григорія Устинова в стилі бароко. Мав другу назву - Назарет Богородичний. Всередині збереглися фрагменти розписів XVIII-XIX століть.
До комплексу також входить Петропавлівська церква з дзвіницею (1803 рік), будинок ігумена з трапезною та келіями (1808 рік), а також 12 монастирських крамниць.
В 1999 році комплекс передали громаді УПЦ московського патріархату, діє чоловічий монастир, проте реставрація будівель ведеться дуже повільно. Церковні крамниці використовуються як магазини, перукарні та інше.
Last update
Categories | Temple, Architecture |
Date of foundation | 1702 year |
Address |
Metropolitan Yavorskoho Street, 2
Nizhyn |
Coordinates | 51.048173° N, 31.884717° E Coordinates copied |
Phone | +380 4631 25 253, |
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