Holy Assumption Church, Pavlohrad



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General information about Holy Assumption Church (Pavlohrad)

The brick Holy Assumption Church was built in Pavlohrad in 1896 with donations from the city's residents. It was placed near the city cemetery on a dry elevated area.

Vasyl Rybnykov, the first head of the church, is buried under its walls. In the 1930s, the temple was closed and converted into a granary. It was reopened in 1943 and has not been closed since then. The painting was finished in 1996.

The main shrines: a rakia with fragments of the relics of Saints Philaret of Moscow and Theodosius of Chernihiv, Reverend Fathers Optinsky, Iona of Kyiv, Lavrentius of Chernihiv, Saint Barbara.

The Sunday school of Saint Nina, the enlightener of Georgia, operates at the church. On the day of the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God, a procession to the cathedral i ...

The brick Holy Assumption Church was built in Pavlohrad in 1896 with donations from the city's residents. It was placed near the city cemetery on a dry elevated area.

Vasyl Rybnykov, the first head of the church, is buried under its walls. In the 1930s, the temple was closed and converted into a granary. It was reopened in 1943 and has not been closed since then. The painting was finished in 1996.

The main shrines: a rakia with fragments of the relics of Saints Philaret of Moscow and Theodosius of Chernihiv, Reverend Fathers Optinsky, Iona of Kyiv, Lavrentius of Chernihiv, Saint Barbara.

The Sunday school of Saint Nina, the enlightener of Georgia, operates at the church. On the day of the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God, a procession to the cathedral is held.

Мурована Свято-Успенська церква була збудована в Павлограді у 1896 році на пожертвування мешканців міста. ЇЇ розмістили біля міського цвинтаря на сухій піднесеній місцевості.

Перший староста церкви Василь Рибников похований під її стінами. В 1930-ті роки храм було закрито та переобладнано під зерносховище. Знову його відкрили в 1943 році і з того часу він не закривався. В 1996 році закінчено розпис.

Головні святині: ракія з частинками мощів святих Філарета Московського та Феодосія Чернігівського, преподібних отців Оптинських, Іони Київського, Лаврентія Чернігівського, святої Варвари.

При храмі діє Недільна школа святої Ніни, просвітительки Грузії. У день храмового свята Успіння Божої Матері проводиться хресна хода до кафедрального собору.

Practical information about Holy Assumption Church (Pavlohrad)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1896
Address Kharkivska Street, 19


Coordinates 48.540932° N, 35.874288° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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