Peter and Paul Church, Poliany



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General information about Peter and Paul Church (Poliany)

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Roman Catholic community of the village of Poliany was small and belonged to the parish in Pomoriany. However, the owners of the village Frantsishek Hursky and Valerian Valsky decided to build a chapel here.

Thus, in 1904, the Peter and Paul Church was built according to the project of the famous architect Yulian Zakharevych in a transitional style from historicism to modernism. In 1924, a separate Roman Catholic parish was formed in the village of Poliany, which remained there until 1944, when the priest left the village.

After the Second World War, the Soviet government used the church as a warehouse, dividing the premises into two floors. Today, the church remains inactive and is in a deplorable state. Nearby is an old Polish ceme ...

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Roman Catholic community of the village of Poliany was small and belonged to the parish in Pomoriany. However, the owners of the village Frantsishek Hursky and Valerian Valsky decided to build a chapel here.

Thus, in 1904, the Peter and Paul Church was built according to the project of the famous architect Yulian Zakharevych in a transitional style from historicism to modernism. In 1924, a separate Roman Catholic parish was formed in the village of Poliany, which remained there until 1944, when the priest left the village.

After the Second World War, the Soviet government used the church as a warehouse, dividing the premises into two floors. Today, the church remains inactive and is in a deplorable state. Nearby is an old Polish cemetery.

На початку XX століття римо-католицька громада села Поляни була нечисленною і належала до приходу в Поморянах. Проте власники села Францішек Гурський та Валеріан Вальський вирішили збудувати тут каплицю.

Так, у 1904 році було збудовано Петропавлівський костел за проєктом відомого архітектора Юліана Захаревича у перехідному стилі від історизму до модерну. У 1924 році в села Поляни утворилася окрема римо-католицька парафія, яка перебувала тут аж до 1944 року, коли ксьонз залишив село.

Після Другої світової війни радянський уряд використовував костел як склад, розділивши приміщення на два поверхи. Сьогодні костел залишається недіючим і перебуває у жалюгідному стані. Поруч – старий польський цвинтар.

Practical information about Peter and Paul Church (Poliany)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1904


Coordinates 49.744093° N, 24.99409° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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