Photography Museum, Rivne

Museum / gallery

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Photography Museum (Rivne)

The Museum of Photography was opened in Rivne by the famous Ukrainian photographer Oleksandr Kharvat in the premises of his own photo studio.

The museum's exposition includes more than 1,000 exhibits - cameras, film cameras, photographic equipment and other equipment used for shooting, starting from the end of the 19th century. Also presented are devices and accessories donated to the museum by world-famous photographers.

Among the exhibits are many unique ones - in particular, a German camera from the Second World War, as well as a journalist's camera made in the 1940s.

Along with other exhibits in the museum - a large library of books on the history of photography, technologies, albums of photographers from many countries of the world, as well as "The Hi ...

The Museum of Photography was opened in Rivne by the famous Ukrainian photographer Oleksandr Kharvat in the premises of his own photo studio.

The museum's exposition includes more than 1,000 exhibits - cameras, film cameras, photographic equipment and other equipment used for shooting, starting from the end of the 19th century. Also presented are devices and accessories donated to the museum by world-famous photographers.

Among the exhibits are many unique ones - in particular, a German camera from the Second World War, as well as a journalist's camera made in the 1940s.

Along with other exhibits in the museum - a large library of books on the history of photography, technologies, albums of photographers from many countries of the world, as well as "The History of Rivne in Photographs" by Oleksandr Kharvat.

Музей фотографії відкрив у Рівному відомий український фотохудожник Олександр Харват в приміщенні власної фотостудії.

В експозиції музею понад 1000 експонатів - це фотоапарати, кінокамери, фотоприладдя та інше обладнання, що використовували для зйомки починаючи з кінця ХІХ століття. Також представлені апарати й аксесуари, які подарували музеєві фотографи зі світовим ім'ям.

Серед експонатів чимало унікальних - зокрема, німецький фотоапарат часів Другої світової війни, а також апарат журналіста, виготовлений у 1940-х роках.

Поруч з іншими експонатами музею - велика бібліотека книг про історію фотографії, технології, альбоми фотомайстрів з багатьох країн світу, а також "Історія Рівного у фотографіях" Олександра Харвата.

Practical information about Photography Museum (Rivne)

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Categories Museum / gallery
Date of foundation 2014
Hours of work 09:00-18:00 (by prior arrangement)
Address Soborna Street, 1


Coordinates 50.6173° N, 26.26396° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 97 116 4539,
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