Village History Museum, Ulanove

Museum / gallery

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General information about Village History Museum (Ulanove)

The People`s Museum of History of the Village of Ulanove was founded by a local school teacher, Petro Kyselenko, in 1959 as a school history and local history museum on a non-profit basis.

The museum is located in a separate building with a total area of ​​over 500 square meters.

The museum's collections include about six thousand exhibits, including more than five thousand originals, which are presented in 7 exhibition halls. Among the exhibits are valuable historical documents, photographs, rare editions of books, posters, leaflets, newspapers, paleontological, archaeological, numismatic collections, three thousand folders-funds of personalities of famous people of Sumy region. The museum has a library fund, which has more than four hundred copies, a newspaper collecti ...

The People`s Museum of History of the Village of Ulanove was founded by a local school teacher, Petro Kyselenko, in 1959 as a school history and local history museum on a non-profit basis.

The museum is located in a separate building with a total area of ​​over 500 square meters.

The museum's collections include about six thousand exhibits, including more than five thousand originals, which are presented in 7 exhibition halls. Among the exhibits are valuable historical documents, photographs, rare editions of books, posters, leaflets, newspapers, paleontological, archaeological, numismatic collections, three thousand folders-funds of personalities of famous people of Sumy region. The museum has a library fund, which has more than four hundred copies, a newspaper collection, which has more than three thousand titles.

Народний музей історії села Уланове засновано вчителем місцевої школи Петром Киселенком у 1959 році як шкільний історико-краєзнавчий на громадських засадах.

Музей розташований в окремій будівлі загальною площею понад 500 квадратних метрів.

У фондах музею нараховується близько шести тисяч експонатів, в тому числі більше п’яти тисяч оригінальних, які представлені в 7 експозиційних залах. Серед експонатів цінні історичні документи, фотографії, рідкісні видання книг, плакатів, листівок, газет, палеонтологічні, археологічні, нумізматичні колекції, три тисячі папок-фондів персоналій відомих людей Сумщини. Музей має бібліотечний фонд, який налічує більше чотирьохсот примірників, колекцію газет, що налічує більше трьох тисяч найменувань.

Practical information about Village History Museum (Ulanove)

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Categories Museum / gallery
Date of foundation 1959
Address Uspenska Street, 42B


Coordinates 51.75537° N, 34.30168° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 50 274 7497,
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