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Яблуня-колонія, Кролевець
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Apple Tree Colony

Natural object

The apple tree colony in Krolevets is a unique apple tree-bush over 220 years old. It is a colony of 15 related trees with an area of 1,000 square meters.

The colony developed from a single mother trunk that once existed. Its main feature is a unique method of reproduction. With age, the branches of an apple tree bend to the ground and take root, as a result, new trees sprout (in this way, gooseberries and currants multiply).

Apple tree is located on the territory of the former estate of the Meshchersky princes. A tombstone found nearby with the inscription: "Prince Petro Serheev, son of Meshchersky" was installed under it. He was born on August 24, 1780, and died on February 18, 1848 at the age of 68." According to legend, the tree "mourns" the deceased owner.

Another legend tells that the prince planted an apple tree on the grave of his wife, who died early.

Map pin icon Andriyivska Street, 71 Krolevets


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Музей археології, Глухів
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Archaeological Museum

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Archaeological Museum of the National Reserve "Hlukhiv" was opened in 2008 in the restored manor house of the Kochubeys.

The exposition presents ceramics, work tools, dishes, fragments of clothing, samples of building materials found in Hlukhiv and its surroundings.

The Hall of Ancient History covers the archaeological heritage of the city from the Paleolithic to the 1st millennium AD.

The Hall of the Ancient Rus Era presents the history of Hlukhiv in the 10th-13th centuries and the period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 14th-15th centuries. WITH

ala of the late Middle Ages is dedicated to Hlukhiv in the 18th century, when it had the status of the capital of the Hetmanate.

Temporary exhibitions are also held in the archaeological museum. The administration of the National Reserve "Hlukhiv" is also located here. Employees organize tours of the city.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 30 Hlukhiv


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Краєзнавчий музей, Глухів
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Hlukhiv Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Hlukhiv City Local Lore Museum is located in the two-story building of the Noble Assembly (1811), designed in the style of provincial classicism.

The museum was founded in 1902 as the Hlukhiv Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities. The basis of the exposition was the private collection of Mykola Shuhurov from Hlukhiv.

The exposition highlights the history of the city from the earliest times to the second half of the 20th century. Placed in five halls: nature hall, "Medieval Hlukhiv", Hetman's hall, "History of Hlukhiv XIX century", "Hlukhiv during the Second World War".

The Hlukhiv flag of 1878, the Gospel of 1766, products of the Volokytyn porcelain factory, and others are presented.

Map pin icon Tereshchenkiv Street, 42 Hlukhiv


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Київська брама, Глухів
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Kyiv Gate of Hlukhiv city fortifications

Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Kyiv gate of the Hlukhiv city fortifications is the only building of the Hlukhiv fortress that has survived, one of the four former entrances to the territory of the old city.

The earthen fortress was founded in 1635 on the site of an ancient Rus settlement by Oleksandr Pisochynskyi, the headman of Novhorod-Siverskyi.

Significantly expanded in 1685. When Hlukhiv became the hetman's residence, the fortress was reconstructed, and in 1766-1769, the Kyiv and Moscow entrance gates were built of stone. However, already at the beginning of the 19th century, according to the city redevelopment project, the fortress was liquidated, the Moscow Gate was dismantled. Apart from the Kyiv Gate, only fragments of the defensive line along Valova Street have survived.

An exposition dedicated to Hlukhiv during the German occupation of 1941-1943 has been opened in the Cardiguardia building (contact the administration of the "Hlukhiv" reserve).

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 1 Hlukhiv


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Краєзнавчий музей, Лебедин
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Lebedyn Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Lebedyn Museum of Local Lore was established in 1996 on the basis of the Public Museum of the History of the Lebedyn Region.

There are about 10 thousand exhibits that tell about the settlement of the region, significant historical events, economic and industrial development of the region.

Permanent exhibitions: "From the history of the region", "Musical heritage" (materials about composers Oleksandr Steblyanko and Serhiy Rakhmaninov, singers Ivan Steshenko and Borys Hmyrya), "Under the black brand" (exhibition dedicated to the Holodomor 1932-1933) etc.

Map pin icon Taras Shevchenko Street, 37 Lebedyn


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Башта водогону, Глухів
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Water tower

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The forty-meter water tower is a business card of Hlukhiv. It can be seen for many kilometers from the city, is an expressive element of its architectural silhouette.

The water tower was built in 1927 on the site of the Putivl Gate of the Hlukhiv Fortress after a decision was made to create a city water supply. Unique in architecture - the round cone-shaped trunk in the upper part gently transitions into an extended two-tiered cylinder with rectangular windows.

An internal spiral staircase of 186 steps leads to the upper level with an observation deck that offers a magnificent view of the city and its picturesque surroundings. Access to the observation deck is open in summer.

Map pin icon Tereshchenkiv Street Hlukhiv


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Краєзнавчий музей, Ямпіль
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Yampil Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Yampil Local Lore Museum was founded in 2009. The museum is located on the territory of the Yampil Botanical Garden of local significance.

The museum collection includes about 1,700 exhibits. These are household items, dishes, regional folk clothing (girls' and women's costumes of Eastern Polissya (Yampil region) and Dnipro region (Poltava region), men's embroidered shirts), interior embroidery of the late 19th - first half of the 20th century, photos and audio library of the 20th century, household clocks of the second half of the 20th century, sculptural porcelain of the 1950s-1970s, etc.

The decoration of the folk clothing presented in the museum is the wedding costume of Yefrosiniya Popravko from the Deryazhnya farm, which is more than 100 years old. The exposition is complemented by a selection of photographs of residents of the Yampil region in national clothing of the late 19th - first half of the 20th century.

The pottery exhibit features a unique clay spark arrester - a device that was placed on a thatched roof to prevent it from catching fire.

Map pin icon Botanichna Street, 23 Yampil


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Палац Ліщинських, Кияниця
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Lishchynsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The Neo-Renaissance palace in Kyianytsia is considered one of the pearls of manor construction in Slobozhanshchyna.

It was built in 1890 by the Lishchynsky merchant family, who inherited Kiyanitsa from the rich sugar farmer Ivan Kharytonenko.

The two-story Kyianytsia Palace with an elegant tower, surrounded by an age-old park, looks especially romantic from the opposite bank of the pond. More than 70 species of trees and shrubs grow in Kyianytsia Park (56 hectares), among which you can find sycamores, ginkgos, silver firs, pines, lindens, maples and, of course, the main park-forming wood - oak. A small outhouse has also been preserved.

In Soviet times, the "Kyianytsia" recreation center was located on the territory of the manor. Currently, the building is owned by Sumy National Agrarian University, partial restoration has been carried out.

Map pin icon Lisova Street, 1 Kyianytsia


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Педагогічний університет (музей), Глухів
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Pedagogical University (Museum of History)

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The complex of educational institutions was built in Hlukhiv in the second half of the 19th century.

In 1874, a teachers' institute was opened, which trained teachers for the Chernihiv and Poltava provinces. In 1914, the outstanding film director Oleksandr Dovzhenko graduated from it. The artist Heorhiy Narbut studied at the Hlukhiv men's gymnasium.

Currently, all buildings are occupied by the Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv State Pedagogical University. It houses a historical and pedagogical museum.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 24 Hlukhiv


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Музей Родинна Пам'ять, Шостка
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"Family Memory" Museum

Museum / gallery

The Memorial and Educational Complex in Memory of the Victims of Totalitarianism and Armed Conflict "Family Memory" opened in 2015 in one of the buildings of the former production association "Svema" in Shostka.

Created as a basis for studying the history of Europe on the example of the stories of the inhabitants of Shostka and the area - victims of World War II. The initiator of the museum was the artist of the Krolevets weaving factory Ivan Dudar, who in the early 2000s began collecting materials about the forced labor of Shostka residents at the Nazi powder factory "Aibia" in Germany. The project partners are the Documentation Center for the Study of the History of the Libenau Powder Plant and the UNF "Mutual Understanding and Reconciliation".

The exposition is located on two floors, with an area of over 700 square meters. Krolevets towels and Shostka film became the basis for the artistic decision. The exposition tells about the pre-war industrial history of Shostka, Stalin's repressions in the Shostka region, the Nazi occupation of the city during the Second World War, the post-war reconstruction of the city.

The museum is dedicated to Holocaust victims, Soviet prisoners of war, Ostarbeiters, prisoners of Nazi and Stalinist concentration camps.

The Family Memory Memorial and Educational Complex is a department of the Shostka Museum of Local Lore.

Map pin icon Leonida Kadenyuka Street, 1/10 Shostka


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Благовіщенська церква, Тростянець
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Annunciation Church

Temple , Architecture

The Annunciation Church is one of the oldest stone buildings in Trostianets.

It was built at the expense of local nobles in 1750, when Trostianets belonged to the Nadarzhynskyi family, descendants of the royal clergyman Timofiy Nadarzhynskyi.

The Church of the Annunciation in Trostianets is made in the style of early classicism with baroque elements. It has a stocky silhouette.

Currently, the temple is active (UPC of the Moscow Patriarchate).

Map pin icon Blahovishchenska Street, 5 Trostianets


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Благовіщенський костел, Суми
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Annunciation of Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sumy was built according to the principle of Romanesque basilica churches and Gothic churches.

A small red brick building with a high gable roof faces the street. The end itself is decorated with a central portal and a round rose window above it. The pointed arch on the high pediment is supported by miniature angular pointed turrets. A clear rhythm of arrowed windows and pilasters is visible on the side facades.

In 1945-1953, the building housed a local history museum, in 1953-1972 - the sports hall of the pedagogical institute, in 1972-1994 - the school sports hall. In 1994, the church was returned to the Catholics.

Map pin icon Troyitska Street, 6 Sumy


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Музей "Причал Одіссея", Суми
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Antiquities Museum "Odyssey Moorage"

Museum / gallery

The private antiquities museum "Odyssey Moorage" in Sumy was founded in 2015 by the Sumy photographer, local historian and collector Serhiy Hutsan. His collection began with a selection of old photos and cameras. Over time, personal archaeological finds from different eras, as well as antiquities purchased in antique shops in different countries of the world, were added to them.

In 2022, the official opening of the museum took place in the new premises – the former house of the famous Hryhorievy family from Sumy. The exposition is located in four rooms and in the attic. The first room presents a variety of unsystematic things that characterize the creative search of the collector. The second hall is dedicated to the history of Voskresenska street from Cossack times to the 20th century. In the third room, a typical interior of the beginning of the 20th century is reproduced and an exposition dedicated to the Hryhorievy family is presented. Artifacts transformed by artists into art objects are displayed in the fourth hall. The "Svitlytsya" exhibition space in the attic has a changing exhibition.

Visiting the museum "Odyssey Moorage" is possible by prior appointment accompanied by the author's tour of the owner (one-hour tour of the exposition or two-hour tour of the exposition and Voskresenska and Soborna streets).

The museum has a shop called "Herodotus-Shop", where you can purchase copies of historical jewelry from Sumy master Danylo Sorokin.

Map pin icon Voskresenska Street, 6 Sumy


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Будинок-музей Чехова, Суми
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Anton Chekhov Memorial House-Museum

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

Anton Chekhov's house-museum in Sumy was created in the noble estate of the Lintvarov family (XVIII-XIX centuries), located in the Luka district.

In 1888-1889, the writer lived in the western wing - a one-story white house with six columns and a porch. The writer used his Sumy impressions in the stories "Birthday", "Sad History", plays "Forester" and "Seagull". He wrote about the Lintvarev estate: "The abbey and the Adriatic Sea are wonderful, but Luka and Psel are better."

The Chekhov Museum was opened on the anniversary of the writer's birth in 1960. The memorial exposition tells about Chekhov's life in Lutsk, about his medical care for local residents, about his creative work and trips to Ukraine.

The interiors of the living room and dining room, the guest rooms and the "Antosha's room", which served as Chekhov's bedroom and study, were restored.

Museum staff conducts local history tours.

The large eastern wing of the Lintvarev estate, where the writer's family lived when Chekhov traveled to Sakhalin in 1890, has also been preserved.

Map pin icon Chekhova Street, 79 Sumy


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Церква Архістратига Михаїла, Охтирка
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Archstrategist Michael's Church

Temple , Architecture

The architecturally original temple of Archangel Michael with ball domes on thin "necks" was built on the outskirts of Okhtyrka in 1884 as a military church.

Relief masonry made of red brick with decorative elements of Byzantine and Rus architecture of the 17th century vaguely resembles the image of military churches of the beginning of the 20th century, found in Right Bank Ukraine.

A feature of the interior decoration of Saint Michael's Church is a belt of deep semi-circular niches with works of easel painting stretched under the lunettes. A conch is covered with thematic oil painting. The interior decoration was done later.

The Church of Archangel Michael in Okhtyrka is distinguished by the originality of the three-dimensional solution and the clarity of the silhouette.

Map pin icon Sumska Street, 216 Okhtyrka


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