Ivan-Hora (Ivan-Hill), Rzhyshchiv

Natural object

Historic area

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General information about Ivan-Hora (Ivan-Hill) (Rzhyshchiv)

The tract of Ivan-hora (Ivan-hill ) is located on the bank of the Dnipro on the southeastern outskirts of Rzhyshchiv, to the right of the pier.

On the top of the 174-meter-high mountain, an ancient Rus settlement of the 11th-13th centuries was discovered in the 19th century, identified with the historical fortress city of Ivan (mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle in 1151). Remains of wooden fortifications were found.

In the 16th century, a Polish fortress was built on Ivan-hora, which in 1663 was used by the troops of King Yan Kazymyr as a bridgehead for the invasion of the Left Bank (according to one version, the mountain bears the name of King Yan (Ivan).

After the construction of the Kaniv HPP ...

The tract of Ivan-hora (Ivan-hill ) is located on the bank of the Dnipro on the southeastern outskirts of Rzhyshchiv, to the right of the pier.

On the top of the 174-meter-high mountain, an ancient Rus settlement of the 11th-13th centuries was discovered in the 19th century, identified with the historical fortress city of Ivan (mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle in 1151). Remains of wooden fortifications were found.

In the 16th century, a Polish fortress was built on Ivan-hora, which in 1663 was used by the troops of King Yan Kazymyr as a bridgehead for the invasion of the Left Bank (according to one version, the mountain bears the name of King Yan (Ivan).

After the construction of the Kaniv HPP, the process of erosion and washing of the mountain by the waters of the Kaniv Reservoir began.

Урочище Іван-гора знаходиться на березі Дніпра на південно-східній околиці Ржищева, праворуч від пристані.

На вершині гори заввишки 174 метри у XIX столітті відкрито давньоруське городище XI-XIII сторічь, ототожнюване з літописним містом-фортецею Іван (згадане в Іпатіївському літописі в 1151 році). Знайдено залишки дерев'яних укріплень.

В XVI столітті на Іван-горі було споруджено польську фортецю, яку в 1663 році використовували війська короля Яна Казимира як плацдарм для вторгнення на Лівобережжя (за однією з версій, гора носить ім'я короля Яна (Івана).

Після спорудження Канівської ГЕС розпочався процес ерозії та підмивання гори водами Канівського водосховища.

Practical information about Ivan-Hora (Ivan-Hill) (Rzhyshchiv)

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Categories Natural object, Historic area
Date of foundation XI-XIII centuries
Address Osvity Street


Coordinates 49.9739° N, 31.0812° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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