Chatsky's Head Rock, Zhytomyr

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General information about Chatsky's Head Rock (Zhytomyr)

"Chatsky's Head" in Zhytomyr is called a rock of a bizarre shape above the Teteriv River (30 meters), a geological monument of state importance.

According to legend, the Polish nobleman Chatsky, who was being pursued by the Cossacks, threw himself into the river from here. According to another version, the name is related to the surname of the founder of Kremenets Lyceum, Tadeush Chatskyi.

The rock is clearly visible from the observation deck at the dam of the Teteriv reservoir and from the hill near the Glory Monument. Opposite - the "Four Brothers" rock.

"Chatsky's Head" rock is a popular summ ...

"Chatsky's Head" in Zhytomyr is called a rock of a bizarre shape above the Teteriv River (30 meters), a geological monument of state importance.

According to legend, the Polish nobleman Chatsky, who was being pursued by the Cossacks, threw himself into the river from here. According to another version, the name is related to the surname of the founder of Kremenets Lyceum, Tadeush Chatskyi.

The rock is clearly visible from the observation deck at the dam of the Teteriv reservoir and from the hill near the Glory Monument. Opposite - the "Four Brothers" rock.

"Chatsky's Head" rock is a popular summer vacation spot for residents of Zhytomyr.

"Головою Чацького" в Житомирі називають скелю химерної форми над річкою Тетерів (30 метрів), геологічна пам'ятка державного значення.

За легендою, звідси кинувся в річку польський шляхтич Чацький, якого переслідували козаки. За іншою версією назва пов'язана з прізвищем засновника Кременецького ліцею Тадеуша Чацького.

Скелю добре видно з оглядового майданчика на греблі Тетерівського водосховища та з пагорба біля Монументу Слави. Навпроти - скеля "Чотири брати".

Скеля "Голова Чацького" - популярне місце літнього відпочинку мешканців Житомира.

Practical information about Chatsky's Head Rock (Zhytomyr)

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Categories Natural object
Address 2nd Kryvyi lane


Coordinates 50.240825° N, 28.644592° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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