Attractions of Feodosiia

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Вірменський фонтан, Феодосія
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Armenian Fountain



The old Armenian fountain is located in Feodosiia at the foot of Mount Mithridates. It was built in 1586 on the border of the Armenian and Karaite quarters of the city.

The prism-shaped structure is made of rubble and hewn stone, cemented with lime solution. The eastern side is decorated with a pointed niche and three carved rosettes. A marble slab with an inscription in Armenian and the date of construction of the fountain is located above the fountain.

Not far from here was the house where the famous Ukrainian artist of Armenian origin Ivan Ayvazovskyi was born (destroyed during the Second World War).

The Armenian fountain in Feodosiia is included in the architectural monuments of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Fontannyi Lane Feodosiia


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Фортеця Кафа, Феодосія
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Kafa Fortress

Castle / fortress


The Genoese fortress Kafa is located in the northern part of Feodosiia, on the shore of the bay.

Since the 1340s, it has been the citadel of the city fortifications of medieval Kafa - the center of the Genoese colonies of the Northern Black Sea. The eleven-meter-high walls were fortified with 14 towers, and 6 gates led inside.

Two towers have been preserved - Crisco (Christ) and Clement VI with adjacent walls, as well as pylons of the great gate. The fortress is in poor condition, access is free.

At the foot of Castle Mountain is the Temple Valley, where several ancient basilicas have been preserved: the Church of Saint George, the Church of John the Baptist (now the Iver Icon of the Mother of God), the Church of Staint Stephen and others.

Map pin icon Portova Street Feodosiia


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Гора Мітрідат, Феодосія
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Mount Mithridates

Historic area


Mount Mithridates in Feodosiia is the highest point of the old city (55 meters). It is one of the spurs of the Tepe-Oba mountain range.

In ancient times, one of the city's fortifications was located here - the Foma Tower, the ruins of which have survived to this day.

The mountain was named by the artist Ivan Aivazovsky in honor of the Pontic king Mithridates IV Yevpator. At his own expense, he built a museum of antiquity in the form of an ancient temple on the top (destroyed during the Second World War, restoration is planned).

The observation deck on Mount Mithridates is open for City Day in 2012. From here there is a view of the entire Bay of Feodosiia and most of the city. Right under the mountain - the church of Saint Sarkis and the port; on the right - a view of the old city: the Kafa fortress, the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of Iver; on the left - residential buildings.

Map pin icon Mytrydatska Street Feodosiia


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Вежа Святого Костянтина, Феодосія
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Sant Constantine's Tower

Castle / fortress


Saint Constantine's Tower in Feodosiia is a business card of the city, the best-preserved tower that was part of the system of city fortifications.

The city was girded by two lines of fortress walls up to 2.5 meters thick and 12 meters high, fortified with 26 watchtowers and defensive towers (the ruins of the Thomas Tower, Giovanni di Scaffa Tower, and the Dock Tower are also preserved).

The Constantine Tower is popular among tourists due to its convenient location in the park area on the embankment. The adjacent Turkish bastion is equipped as a bar.

Map pin icon Horkoho Street, 1/1 Feodosiia


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