Attractions of Zastuhna

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Гора Остриця, Застугна
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Ostrytsia Hill

Archaeological site

Ostrytsia Hill above the Stuhna River opposite Kopachiv in ancient Rus times was one of the strongholds of the first (northern) defense line of Kyiv, erected against the nomads by Grand Duke Volodymyr the Great.

Two more groups of Stuhna earthen fortifications extended in three lines and several spurs to the south of Stuhna. In the fortifications, a special place was occupied by anti-horse defensive embankments, known as "Snake ramparts", the construction of which began back in Scythian times.

According to one of the versions, the historical fortress of Tumasch stood on Ostrytsia, mentioned since 1150 (according to another version, the hillfort in Stary Bezradichy should be associated with Tumasch).

In 1240, in the fields at the foot of Mount Ostrytsia, a small detachment of Kyiv soldiers engaged in an unequal battle with the Mongol-Tatar army of Khan Batiy, numbering several thousand. It was the last open battle between the Rus and the Mongols. After her, the Horde captured and destroyed Kyiv.

In 2008, a memorial sign - a metal cross - was installed on Mount Ostrytsia.

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