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Музей Уласа Самчука, Кременець
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Ulas Samchuk Literary Museum

Museum / gallery

The Ulas Samchuk Museum is located in Kremenets in the main building of the Ulas Samchuk Lyceum. It was opened in 2005 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the writer's birth as the cabinet-museum "Ulas Samchuk's Svitlytsya". It acquired the status of a literary museum in 2010.

The museum's exposition highlights the life and creative path of Ulas Samchuk, honoring the memory of the writer. Among the exhibits are student lists, pages of class magazines, a statement, pages of the student almanac "Youth" of Ulas Samchuk's gymnasium period; photographs, documents from the writer's stay in Rivne in 1941-1943. Among the valuable exhibits are photographs of the writer from different years, his family, friends; books published by the artist in Munich, Toronto; photo documents, press materials from past years, current publications, memoirs about Ulas Samchuk, works of the writer published in independent Ukraine, works of his contemporaries. A significant number of books of the writer's creative output came from the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada and the USA.

The museum's exposition has sections: "Childhood and Youth of Ulas Samchuk (1905-1921), "Study at the Kremenets Gymnasium (1921-1927)", "First Emigration (1928-1941)", "Return to the Homeland (1941-1943)", "Stay in camps for the displacement of persons (1943-1948)", "Second Emigration (1948-1987)", "Honoring the Memory of Ulas Samchuk in Ukraine", "Havrylo Chernykhivskyi - a Researcher of Ulas Samchuk's Creativity", "Honoring the Memory of Ulas Samchuk in the Lyceum".

On February 19, 2016, a memorial tablet dedicated to the memory of Ulas Samchuk was unveiled on the facade of the Lyceum.

Map pin icon Borysa Kharchuka Street, 8 Kremenets


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Музей Юліуша Словацького, Кременець
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Yuliush Slovatsky Literary Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Yuliush Slovatsky Literary Memorial Museum was opened in Kremenets in the estate of Yanushevsky (the poet's grandfather), where he spent his childhood in 1814-1828.

Yuliush Slovatsky is one of the most famous Polish poets of the Romantic period. He was born and lived in Kremenets for many years, and then repeatedly praised his hometown in his works. Many objects in the Kremenets are connected with the name of Slovatsky: his native house, the lyceum to which his father taught, his mother's grave in the Tunytsky cemetery.

The museum exposition is located in eight rooms, each of which reflects a certain stage of the poet's creative path. The museum has 1,500 exhibits. Since 2004, the museum has had an extensive exposition "The Hour of Thought of Yuliush Slovatsky".

Map pin icon Yuliusha Slovatskoho Street, 16 Kremenets


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