Attractions of Kalush

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Меморіальний музей "Калуська в’язниця"
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"Kalush Prison" Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

"Kalush Prison" Memorial Museum was established in 2013 in the basement of a 19th-century building, which housed judicial and investigative institutions during the Polish and German occupations, and during the Soviet regime, the repressive bodies of the NKVD and the KGB.

Many OUN and UPA activists were under arrest here. The exposition in the hall "Early-Middle of the 20th Century National Liberation Struggle History" tells about their activities in the Kalush region.

In the hall of archaeological finds, materials from excavations on the territory of the city are presented. In another hall, the interior of a city room of the middle of the 20th century is recreated. A separate exposition is devoted to the history of the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian-Ukrainian war. The basement is used as an exhibition space for thematic exhibitions.

The "Kalush Prison" Memorial Museum is one of the subdivisions of the Communal Institution "Museum and Exhibition Center of the Kalush City Council".

Map pin icon Denysa Sichynskoho Street, 5 Kalush


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Виставкова зала, Калуш
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Exhibition Hall

Museum / gallery

The exhibition hall of the Communal Institution "Museum and Exhibition Center of Kalush City Council" was opened in 1991.

The institution presents the work of Ukrainian and foreign artists: painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative art.

Symposiums on various types of arts, demonstrations of embroidered clothes, presentations, charity and book fairs, tourist and industrial exhibitions take place here. In particular, an exhibition of antiquities of the Slobozhanshchyna was held by the ethnofoundation "Rid" from the city of Kramatorsk.

Map pin icon Dzvonarska Street, 5 Kalush


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Музей-оселя родини Івана Франка, Калуш
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Ivan Franko Family House Museum

Museum / gallery

The Ivan Franko Family House Museum in Kalush is located at the exit from the city in the direction of Ivano-Frankivsk. This area of the city was once a separate village of Pidhirky, where the family of Onufriy Franko, the brother of the writer Ivan Franko, lived since 1904. The writer himself also often visited his brother's estate.

A two-story house, built in 1935 by the son of Onufriy Franko, Omelyan, has been preserved. In 1992, Omelyan's daughter Oksana Franko initiated the transformation of the house into a museum.

Letters and other family documents, household items, clothes, paintings are stored in seven exhibition halls. In "Franko Room" original things of Onufry Franko's family are presented, in particular, a unique collection of embroideries and household items. On the second floor, you can see a rare grand piano and antique household items that have been preserved since Onufriy Franko's family moved. 

The Ivan Franko Family House Museum is one of the subdivisions of the Communal Institution "Museum and Exhibition Center of the Kalush City Council".

Map pin icon Ivano-Frankivska Street, 22 Kalush


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Калуська ратуша, Калуш
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Kalush Town Hall


The Kalush town hall was built in Kalush in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, opposite the Saint Valentyne's Church.

The city of Kalush used Magdeburg law since 1549. The first stone town hall existed in the 17th-18th centuries, but its location is unknown.

The current building of the city municipality is built in the style of classicism with elements of modernism, has an L-shaped shape. The main decoration is a low clock tower.

Until 1939, the Kalush magistrate sat here, and during the Soviet times, the district committee of the party moved here. In the early 1970s, the premises were transferred to the Department of Agriculture. Since 2005, the building has been undergoing long-term reconstruction, and its condition remains in a state of disrepair.

Map pin icon Kostelna Street, 5 Kalush


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Етнографічний музей Калущини
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Kalushchyna Ethnographic Museum

Museum / gallery

The Kalushchyna Ethnographic Museum was created in 1994 at the Higher Vocational School No. 7 of the Kalush city on the initiative of teacher Valeriy Serdyuk.

The exposition presents the ethnographic collections of objects of traditional culture of Boykivshchyna and Prykarpattia collected by students and teachers, in particular, household and artistic objects of the 18th-20th centuries. In the section "Folk crafts and crafts" products of pottery, weaving, and blacksmithing are presented.

The collection of agricultural implements tells about ancient methods of farming and animal husbandry. The interior of a village house of the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century is reproduced.

There are many collections of embroidery, folk clothes, artistic products of folk crafts. In the section "Sacred monuments of Boykivshchyna" church antiquities of the 18th-20th centuries are presented.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 76 Kalush


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Краєзнавчий музей Калущини, Калуш
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Kalushchyna Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Kalushchyna Local Lore Museum is one of the subdivisions of the Communal Institution "Museum and Exhibition Center of the Kalush City Council". It was opened in 1997 in the building of the former Jewish community, which is an architectural monument of the first half of the 20th century.

The basis of the exposition is the archaeological monuments of Kalushchyna, ancient documents, old church prints, works of fine art, old photographs, materials on the history of bell-making, household items, etc.

An art gallery is located in the same room.

The Museum and Exhibition Center also includes the Memorial Museum "Kalush Prison", the memorial complex "Kryivka of the Cheremosh", the Franko Family House-Museum and an exhibition hall.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 9 Kalush


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Криївка Черемоша, Калуш
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Memorial complex "Kryivka Cheremosh"

Museum / gallery , Monument

The memorial complex "Kryivka Cheremosh" is located on the territory of the Kalush Central District Hospital, which is located on the residential area "Pidhirka".

It was here during the Second World War that there was an secret bunker of the OUN underground group headed by Ivan Mahas (pseudonym "Cheremosh"), which was engaged in printing propaganda materials. All six rebels died on September 6, 1945 in a battle with a special unit of the NKVD. The remains of the shelter were found and investigated by Kalush activists.

In 2017, the ceremonial opening of the reconstructed kryivka (hiding place) and a memorial sign in honor of the dead underground members of the OUN took place.

The memorial complex "Kryivka Cheremosh" is one of the subdivisions of the Communal Institution "Museum and Exhibition Center of Kalush City Council".

Map pin icon Medychna Street, 6 Kalush


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Народний дім, Калуш
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People's House


The Ukrainian People's House was built in Kalush in 1880. The building in the Art Nouveau style with elements of classicism is L-shaped, with a dome at the corner.

The People's House was the center of Kalush Ukrainian culture. In 1884, the writer Ivan Franko spoke here at the meeting of the literary circle, as evidenced by the commemorative plaque.

During Soviet times, the building housed a district cultural center. It is located next to the church of Saint Valentine.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 8 Kalush


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Церква Святого Михаїла, Калуш
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Saint Archangel Michael Church


The Greek Catholic Church of Saint Archangel Michael was built in Kalush in 1910-1913. The previous temple, built in 1771, was wooden.

For the new brick church, the architect Vasyl Nahirnyi, according to one of the versions, took as a basis the project of the Church of the Transfiguration in Lviv, and the project was implemented by the architect Teodor Melnychuk with the assistance of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi.

Saint Michael's Church was built in the traditional Byzantine style with 3 naves and a small vestibule, topped by 5 domes. On both sides of the portal there are two columns with towers in the form of small domes. The five-tiered iconostasis was made in 1927 by Ivan Lenil, a Bolekhiv carver. Artistic polychrome paintings were made in 1936-38 by a group of artists from Lviv under the leadership of Pavlo Kovzhun and Mykhaylo Osinchuk.

During Soviet times, the Church of Saint Michael in Kalush belonged to the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1990, it was returned to the parish of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

Map pin icon Andreya Sheptytskoho Square, 30 Kalush


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Церква Святого Миколая, Калуш
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of Saint Nicholas with a bell tower in the village of Khotyn (now part of Kalush) was built in 1888 by craftsmen from the village of Perehynsk (Rozhnyativ district).

in 1961, the Saint Nicholas Church was closed, in 1970, a museum of atheism began to operate in the premises. Only in 1989, the Church of Saint Nicholas was re-consecrated as a temple of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

The large "Dmytro" bell, donated to the church by Yanush Felchynsky in 1991, is installed in the belfry.

Behind the gate of the church is a symbolic grave of fighters for the freedom of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Yosypa Slipoho Street, 3 Kalush


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Костел Святого Валентина, Калуш
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Saint Valentine's Church

Temple , Architecture

The Roman Catholic Church of Saint Valentine in Kalush was built in 1841-1845 on the site of the wooden Catholic Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, which has been known since 1464.

The new brick church is made in the Neo-Gothic style. In 1786, a new tower was built. In 1910-1912, a major reconstruction was carried out: side chapels were completed, stairs were built in front of the facade, new main and side altars were made, etc.

From 1954 to 1999, the temple was closed, and a gymnasium was placed in it. For some time he belonged to the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

Currently, the church of Saint Valentine in Kalusha is active. In 2008, the last restoration was carried out, which returned the temple to its authentic appearance.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 10 Kalush


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