
Travel guide online Antopil

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General information about Antopil

The village of Antopil is located between Tomashpil and Kryzhopil.

Founded in the 17th century. The first known owner was Prince Antoniy Jan Svyatopolk-Chetvertynskyi, castellan of Bratslav. At the end of the 18th century, the prince laid a large park (27 hectares) in his Antopil estate and built a pompous palace in the style of classicism. According to legend, in 1821 the Chetvertynskyi was visited by the poet Pushkin, who lived at that time with Decembrist friends in Tulchyn (Pushkin's oak is preserved in the park).

Yosyp Yaroshynskyi from Hnivan bought the estates from Chetvertynsky's descendants. The last owner of Antopil was the famous financier, public figure and philanthropist Karl Yarosh ...

The village of Antopil is located between Tomashpil and Kryzhopil.

Founded in the 17th century. The first known owner was Prince Antoniy Jan Svyatopolk-Chetvertynskyi, castellan of Bratslav. At the end of the 18th century, the prince laid a large park (27 hectares) in his Antopil estate and built a pompous palace in the style of classicism. According to legend, in 1821 the Chetvertynskyi was visited by the poet Pushkin, who lived at that time with Decembrist friends in Tulchyn (Pushkin's oak is preserved in the park).

Yosyp Yaroshynskyi from Hnivan bought the estates from Chetvertynsky's descendants. The last owner of Antopil was the famous financier, public figure and philanthropist Karl Yaroshynskyi.

In Soviet times, the Chetvertynskyi-Yaroshynskyi estate was used as a rest house, then a psychiatric hospital, which is still functioning today.

The Church of the Holy Cross has also been preserved.

Село Антопіль розташоване між Томашполем і Крижополем.

Засноване в XVII сторіччі. Першим відомим власником був князь Антоній Ян Святополк-Четвертинський, каштелян брацлавський. В своєму Антопільскому маєтку князь заклав в кінці XVIII століття великий парк (27 гектарів) і побудував помпезний палац в стилі класицизму. За легендою, в 1821 році у Четвертинських на полюванні гостював поет Пушкін, який жив у той час у друзів-декабристів в Тульчині (в парку зберігся дуб Пушкіна).

У нащадків Четвертинських маєток купив Йосип Ярошинський з Гнівані. Останнім власником Антопіля був відомий фінансист, громадський діяч і філантроп Карл Ярошинський.

В радянські часи садиба Четвертинських-Ярошинських використову ...

Село Антопіль розташоване між Томашполем і Крижополем.

Засноване в XVII сторіччі. Першим відомим власником був князь Антоній Ян Святополк-Четвертинський, каштелян брацлавський. В своєму Антопільскому маєтку князь заклав в кінці XVIII століття великий парк (27 гектарів) і побудував помпезний палац в стилі класицизму. За легендою, в 1821 році у Четвертинських на полюванні гостював поет Пушкін, який жив у той час у друзів-декабристів в Тульчині (в парку зберігся дуб Пушкіна).

У нащадків Четвертинських маєток купив Йосип Ярошинський з Гнівані. Останнім власником Антопіля був відомий фінансист, громадський діяч і філантроп Карл Ярошинський.

В радянські часи садиба Четвертинських-Ярошинських використовувалася як будинок відпочинку, потім психіатрична лікарня, яка функціонує і понині.

Також збереглася Хрестовоздвиженська церква.

Сплануй своє перебування у Antopil

What to see and where to go in Antopil

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Chetvertynsky Palace, Antopil
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Chetvertynsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The Chetvertynsky manor in Antopil was founded at the end of the 18th century by Prince Antoniy Yan Svyatopolk-Chetvertynskyi, castellan of Bratslav.

First, a landscape park in the English style was laid out, and in 1830 a large palace in the style of classicism was built. The main facade of the palace is decorated with a four-column portico of the Ionic order, crowned with a triangular pediment and a stepped attic. A distinctive feature of the building are the balconies, located along the axes of the risalites at the level of the second floor, fenced with metal angular bars. The park facade is more modest, its center is marked by a semicircular risalite.

In the interiors, moldings of ceilings, highly artistic marble fireplaces have been preserved. Single-story wings in the Neo-Renaissance style were attached to the main building. The farm buildings, built mainly at the beginning of the 20th century by the new owners of the estate, the Yaroshynskyi, have also been preserved: a stable, a garage and a warehouse, a glacier, a dovecote, a gate, a stone fence.

The 27-hectare park was laid out in the 1880s on the basis of a natural forest, as evidenced by the trees that have survived to this day, including giant ash trees that reach 2 meters in diameter. The compositional axis of the park is the system of ponds.

During Soviet times, the Chetvertynsky Palace housed first a rest house, and later the Antopil boarding house for the mentally ill, which still operates today (visiting is difficult).

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