Nyzhnii Verbizh

Travel guide online Nyzhnii Verbizh

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General information about Nyzhnii Verbizh

The village of Nyzhnii Verbizh is a southern suburb of Kolomyia. It is located on the opposite bank of the Prut.

It was mentioned for the first time in the "Acts of Hrodskyi and Zemskyi" in 1375, when Prince Vladyslav Opolsky handed it over to a certain Vasko Teptukhovych.

The five-bay Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin, which is considered a masterpiece of wooden Hutsul architecture, has been preserved.

Thanks to a well-developed social infrastructure and a lively economy, Nyzhnii Verbizh has repeatedly won awards as the best rural settlement in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Село Нижній Вербіж - південне передмістя Коломиї. Знаходиться на протилежному березі Прута.

Вперше згадується в "Актах гродських і земських" в 1375 році, коли князь Владислав Опольський передав його якомусь Васкові Тептуховичу.

Збереглася п'ятибанна церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці, яку вважають шедевром дерев'яної гуцульської архітектури.

Завдяки добре розвиненій соціальній інфраструктурі та жвавій економіці Нижній Вербіж неодноразово займав призові місця як кращий сільський населений пункт Івано-Франківської області.

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What to see and where to go in Nyzhnii Verbizh

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Tourist attractions and museums of Nyzhnii Verbizh

Nativity of Holy Virgin Church, Nyzhnii Verbizh
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture , UNESCO world heritage site

The wooden Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin Mary in Nyzhnii Verbizh was built in 1808 at the expense of local resident Hryhor Semenyuk.

According to legend, in his youth, Semenyuk was a soldier in the rebel unit of Oleksa Dovbush, but escaped from accomplices with a treasury, and began building a temple to atone for sins. The construction lasted for 20 years.

The five-bay Church of the Nativity of the Virgin is considered a masterpiece of wooden Hutsul architecture, but the problem is returning it to its authentic appearance, as the church is now covered with galvanized tin. Restoration is planned.

The temple is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in the category "Wooden Churches of the Carpathian Region of Ukraine".

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