
Travel guide online Maniava

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General information about Maniava

The village of Maniava is located on the banks of the river. Maniavka 20 km from Nadvirna.

Back in the princely times of Ancient Rus, there was a settlement of Boyki (now - the Boyki farm on the territory of the village). These lands were the fiefdom of the Dobroslavychy boyars.

The current village of Maniava is known for its ancient Orthodox monastery, founded in the 13th century. at the holy spring on the side of the mountain. Now the Maniavsky Skete is a functioning monastery and a popular tourist attraction. In the center of the village there is a wooden church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (1819).

10 km up the river there is a cascade of waterfalls, incl. the largest Maniava ...

The village of Maniava is located on the banks of the river. Maniavka 20 km from Nadvirna.

Back in the princely times of Ancient Rus, there was a settlement of Boyki (now - the Boyki farm on the territory of the village). These lands were the fiefdom of the Dobroslavychy boyars.

The current village of Maniava is known for its ancient Orthodox monastery, founded in the 13th century. at the holy spring on the side of the mountain. Now the Maniavsky Skete is a functioning monastery and a popular tourist attraction. In the center of the village there is a wooden church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (1819).

10 km up the river there is a cascade of waterfalls, incl. the largest Maniava waterfall in the region (19 m).

Село Манява розташоване на березі річки Манявка в 20 кілометрах від Надвірної.

Ще в княжі часи Стародавньої Русі тут існувало поселення Бойки (зараз - хутір Бойки на території села). Ці землі були вотчиною бояр Доброславичей.

Нинішнє село Манява відоме завдяки стародавньому православному монастирю, заснованого в XIII сторіччі у святого джерела на схилі гори. Зараз Манявський скит - це діючий монастир і популярний туристичний об'єкт.

В центрі села знаходиться дерев'яна церква Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці (1819 рік).

В 10 кілометрах вгору по річці розташований каскад водоспадів, в тому числі найбільший в області Манявський водоспад (19 метрів).

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What to see and where to go in Maniava

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Tourist attractions and museums of Maniava

Maniava Hermitage
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Ascension of Cross Maniava Hermitage

Temple , Architecture

The Maniava Hermitage is an ancient ascetic men's monastery of the Eastern rite, nicknamed the "Carpathian Athos". It is located in the picturesque Carpathian highlands, on the banks of the Maniavka River.

According to legend, it was founded by monks who fled from Kyiv in 1240. The first monastery was located near the holy spring under the Blessed Stone. Rus princes came here for blessings.

The monastery was revived in 1612 by the schymnik monk Iov Knyahynytskyi, who previously settled here in hermitage, and before that he lived on Mount Athos for 12 years. In 1621, the Maniava hermitage received the right of stauropygy, and more than 500 monasteries in Galicia, Bukovyna and Moldova were subject to it.

The architectural complex of stone and wooden buildings, surrounded by a high stone wall with towers and loopholes, is successfully inscribed in the mountain topography. According to scientists, Hetman Ivan Vyhovskyi is buried here.

The monastery was closed by the Austrian authorities in the 18th century. During the Soviet rule, restoration was carried out with the aim of creating a museum. In 1998, the monastery was returned to the Orthodox Church. In recent years, the Church of the Ascension of the Cross and other buildings have been restored.

A steep trail up Mount Maniavka leads to the Blessed Stone - a small cave that was the first refuge of the monks. People go here to cleanse themselves and drink the healing water that flows between the stones.

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Maniava waterfall
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Maniava Waterfall

Natural object

Maniava waterfall is one of the highest and most beautiful waterfalls of the Carpathians. Located in a mountain gorge between steep cliffs on the Maniavka River.

The river valley for 200 meters before the waterfall has the appearance of a canyon with high walls in the lower part. The water falls in several cascades from a height of about 20 meters. Above the main waterfall, there are a number of small ledges (1.5-2 meters) that form comfortable baths. At the foot is a small lake, the water of which, according to legend, has the property of rejuvenating.

The object is difficult to access, it can only be approached by SUV. It is better to leave the car on the outskirts of Maniava village and continue on foot (about 40 minutes).

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Brown Bear Museum, Maniava
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Brown Bear Museum

Museum / gallery

The brown bear museum in Maniava was opened in 2006 on the initiative of the public organization "Our Home - Maniava". In this way, local residents honored the four-legged beast, which is considered the master of the forest, a symbol of power and part of local culture.

More than 80 "bear" exhibits are collected in several rooms of the premises of the Maniava village council, including a stuffed bear.

Also on display are souvenirs made by local residents, toys, Hutsul tiles, watches and much more. A gallery of paintings dedicated to the bear theme is on display.

Excursions are free, but voluntary donations are welcome.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 26


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Intercession Church, Maniava
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin was built in Maniava in 1819.

It is located in the center of the village. The value of the church is that it remained practically in the same form as it was 200 years ago.

The Church of the Intercession in Maniava is an architectural monument of local importance, belonging to the community of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 26


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