Attractions of Boryspil district

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Музей трипільської культури, Переяслав
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Museum of Trypillya Culture

Museum / gallery

The Pereyaslav Museum of Trypillya Culture is one of the youngest museums in the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav". It was opened in 2003 in the house where the brother of Ukrainian composer Pavlo Senitsa once lived.

The exposition presents materials from about 40 settlements of Trypillya agricultural culture (V-III millennium BC) from different regions of Ukraine: Dnipro region, Pobuzhzhya, Podnistrovya. They tell about the Trypillya system of land cultivation, the first cultivated cereals, the construction of Trypillya dwellings, the mythology and rituals of the ancient inhabitants of the region. Among the exhibits: ceramic ware, jewelry, clay figurines, tools.

In the same room is the Museum of Cossack Glory, which presents the works of a talented artist and wood carver, Ukrainian poet-singer Vasyl Zavhorodny. In the three halls of the museum there are more than 200 works by the artist, addressed to the theme of the Ukrainian Cossacks: images of Cossacks, princes, hetmans and educators, including Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Hryhoriy Skovoroda, Petro Sahaidachnyi, Taras Shevchenko, Mykola Hohol.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 10 Pereyaslav


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Заповідник "Переяслав",  пам'ятник князю Володимиру Глібовичу
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National historical and ethnographic reserve "Pereyaslav"

Historic area , Museum / gallery

National historical and ethnographic reserve "Pereyaslav" is one of the largest historical and cultural reserves of Ukraine. It unites 24 museums, more than 370 monuments of history and architecture, about 3,000 hectares of the territory of the Pereyaslav city and its surroundings.

The reserve was founded in 1979 by the outstanding Ukrainian historian, ethnographer, museologist, archaeologist, Hero of Ukraine Mykhaylo Sikorsky on the basis of the Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Historical Museum - now it is the Taras Shevchenko "Testament" Museum, and part of the reserve's administration is also located here.

Today, the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav" covers a whole complex of monuments of the cultural heritage of the historical city of Pereyaslav of different eras, starting from the Pereyaslav Child with the remains of the Prince Michael's Cathedral, including the architectural monuments of the Cossack era in the city center and ending with the administrative and residential buildings of the end 19th - early 20th centuries.

The most popular object of the reserve is the Folk Architecture Museum of the Middle Dnipro Region (Open-Air Museum, skansen), where authentic examples of ancient Ukrainian housing, as well as defensive, economic, administrative and religious buildings of the past are presented. There are 13 separate museums on the territory of the skansen, including the Museum of the Ukrainian Towel, the Museum of Ukrainian Rites, the Museum "Postal Station" and others.

The administration of the reserve, the scientific part and the excursion bureau are located in one of the former premises of the Ascension Monastery, next to the Hryhoriy Skovoroda Memorial Museum. Here you can order a sightseeing tour of the city of Pereyaslav.

Map pin icon Hryhoriya Skovorody Street, 52A Pereyaslav


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Церква-ротонда, Воскресенське
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Resurrection Rotunda Church of Kanevskys

Temple , Architecture

The Resurrection Church in the village of Voskresenske near Pereyaslav was built in the 18th century at the expense of the landowner Kanevsky.

The temple in the style of classicism is built in the form of a rotunda, which is rare for Orthodoxy. On the western side, there is a two-story vestibule with a balcony and a triangular pediment, on the frieze under which there is a row of Maltese-type crosses, which may indicate that the former owners of the estate belonged to a Masonic lodge.

Map pin icon Sadova Street Voskresenske


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Затоплена церква Святого Іллі, Циблі
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Saint Illya Flooded Church

Temple , Architecture

The ruins of the flooded church of Saint Illya are the only preserved structure of the flooded village of Tsybli, which was moved to the high bank of the Dnipro in connection with the construction of the Kaniv Reservoir.

The temple was built in 1912 on the site of a wooden church of the 18th century. The architecture of the Illina Church with five onion domes had features of Pskov-Novhorod architecture with elements of classicism. A bell tower with a tent-like top was attached to the temple.

Currently, the church is in a dilapidated state and stands on the shoal. You can get to it by wading or by boat.

Map pin icon Tsybli


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Церква Іоанна Богослова, Гайшин
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Saint John the Theologian Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church in honor of the holy apostle John the Theologian in Haishyn was built in 1870 (according to other data - in 1884).

The temple is single-domed, eight-by-four in shape, with an attached belfry. The height of the building is 25 meters. Outside, the temple is painted blue, the pediment is decorated with carved geometric patterns. Above the central exit, on the pediment of the porch, there is an icon of the Mother of God of Kazan. Above the porch, at the height of the middle tier, there is a full-length icon of John the Theologian. The interior is painted with biblical scenes by local artist Oleksiy Kondratenko.

A parochial school operated at the church.

In 1935, the church was closed by order of the Soviet authorities, but in 1942 the services were resumed and have not stopped since then.

Currently, the church of John the Theologian is in good condition.

Map pin icon Polova Street Haishyn


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Михайлівська церква, Мала Стариця
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Saint Michael's Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church dedicated to Saint Michael was built in Mala Starytsia in the 18th century.

The church is single-domed, cross-shaped in plan, with an attached bell tower. The church is massive and squat.

Saint Michael's Church is an architectural monument of local importance.

Map pin icon Mykhaylivska Street, 38 Mala Starytsia


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Михайлівська церква, Переяслав
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Saint Michael's Church (Museum of Ancient Rus Pereyaslav Architecture)

Temple , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The architectural ensemble of the Saint Michael's Monastery is located on the territory of the Episcopal Court of the Pereyaslav Dytynets (Citadel). 

This fortification at the confluence of the Alta River and the Trubizh River was the historical core of medieval Pereyaslav in princely times. It is a part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

Saint Michael's Cathedral of the XI century, built on the initiative of the Bishop of Pereyaslav, the Reverend Ephraim of Pechersk, under Prince Volodymyr Monomakh was the largest church in the city. Many Pereyaslav princes were buried there (the tomb has not survived).

The cathedral was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars during the storming of Pereyaslav in 1237. Now you can see the later Saint Michael's Church, revived on ancient foundations by Pereyaslav Colonel Fedir Loboda in the middle of the XVII century. as a small wooden temple, and a century later rebuilt in stone in its present form. At the same time, a defensive bell tower with an entrance gate was erected. As a result of secularization in 1876, the church became a parish, received the status of a city council.

Under Soviet rule, Saint Michael's Church was closed and the dome torn down. Until recently, it housed the Museum of Folk Costume of the Dnipro region. The interior has preserved paintings of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Since 2010, the monastery complex has been in use by the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate, the men's monastery of Archstrateg Michael was opened in it. Instead of the authentic dome recorded in Taras Shevchenko's painting, the religious community erected a dome-model of a 12th-century church above the church.

The monastery shares the territory with the Museum of Architecture of Ancient Rus Pereyaslav, which was opened in 1982 on the initiative of the founder of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav" Mykhaylo Sikorskyi. The outline of the temple destroyed by the Mongols is lined with stone around the perimeter of the church, and the original masonry and mosaics are available for viewing in the covered pavilion in the courtyard of Saint Michael's Monastery. There is also a model of an ancient Rus cathedral.

The remains of other structures of the baby are hidden underground. There is a memorial sign in honor of the ancient Rus chronicler Sylvester, one of the authors of the "Tale of Bygone Years", and several other sculptures.

In 2023, the Economic Court of the Kyiv region made a decision based on the lawsuit of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav", according to which the oldest shrine of Pereyaslav should return to the use of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve and obliged the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate to vacate the premises of the Saint Michael's Church.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Sikorskoho Street, 33 Pereyaslav


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Миколаївська церква, Рогозів
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of Saint Nicholas in Rohoziv was built at the beginning of the 20th century.

During the Second World War, the Saint Nicholas Church was mined, but it survived.

Now the temple is active.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 93A Rohoziv


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Преображенська церква, Іванків
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Savior and Transfiguration Church

Temple , Architecture

The Savior and Transfiguration Church in Ivankiv ​​was built in the first half of the 19th century. It does not belong to architectural monuments.

The church is in good, well-kept condition. Divine services are held. Belongs to the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Soborna Street Ivankiv


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Срібне джерело, Трубівщина
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Silver Spring "Kalynoviy Hay"

Natural object

The silver spring "Kalynoviy Hay" is located 8 kilometers south of Yahotyn, behind the Trubivshchyna farm.

The source got its unofficial name due to the fact that the water in it contains a large amount of silver, due to which it has a pleasant taste and does not spoil for a long time.

There is a chapel near the Silver Spring.

Map pin icon Trubivshchyna


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Сулимівський парк, Сулимівка
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Sulymivsky Park

Park / garden

Sulymivsky Park, a monument of horticultural art, with an area of 23.6 hectares, now looks more like a dormant forest.

It was founded in the 18th-19th century by representatives of the rich Sulyma family - descendants of Hetman Ivan Sulyma, who in 1615 received the Sulymivka estate as a gift from the Polish magnate Stanislav Zholkevskyi.

In 1886, Prince Petro Bagration, the nephew of the famous commander, was buried next to the Intercession Church, which stands nearby. The prince's sisters were the last owners of the estate.

During the Soviet rule, almost all manor buildings were destroyed (only one wooden one-story house next to the church remained), the park was opened.

The park's collection includes 30 species of local and exotic trees and shrubs. Some oaks are 200 years old or more. There are also three artificial lakes in Sulymivsky Park. One of them was cleared by the efforts of local enthusiasts.

Map pin icon Ivana Sulymy Street, 2 Sulymivka


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Флігель Тараса Шевченка, Яготин
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Taras Shevchenko's Outbuilding

Museum / gallery

The museum exposition, dedicated to the stay of the poet and artist Taras Shevchenko in Yahotyn, is located in the reconstructed wooden outbuilding of the former Ryepnin-Volkonsky estate in Kyiv region.

Shevchenko visited Yahotyn several times in 1843-1845, living in this wing. Here he painted portraits of the owners of the Yahotyn estate, painted the surrounding landscapes. Copies of some of his works are now on display in the museum's exposition in six thematic halls.

Of particular value are some items from the Ryepnin estate that Shevchenko used, such as a desk and a chair in the Cabinet Hall.

Also presented here is a unique painting by an unknown Italian artist "Blind Man with a Boy" from the personal collection of the Ryepnin princes.

In the "Living Room" paintings by contemporary artists reproduce some moments of the poet's life in Yahotyn.

The exposition "Taras Shevchenko's Outbuilding" is a department of the Municipal Institution "Yahotyn Historical Museum".

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 69 Yahotyn


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Музей Заповіту Шевченка, Переяслав
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Tarasa Shevchenko Testament Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of "Testament" in Pereyaslav is dedicated to the most famous work of the outstanding Ukrainian poet-prophet Taras Shevchenko. It is a part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

The exposition is located in an old wooden house built in 1820, which belonged to the family of Pereyaslav doctor Andriy Kozachkovskyi. It was there that Shevchenko visited him during his stay in Pereyalav, and it was here on December 25, 1845, during a serious illness, that he wrote his program poem, which became a call to the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people and a message to his descendants.

The house reproduces the preliminary planning and interiors of the guest room where the poet lived, living rooms, libraries, Kozachkovsky's office. For a long time, a historical museum was located here. Much of his exposition is preserved and now reveals in chronological order the history of the Pereyaslav region of the Cossack period through the prism of its understanding by Shevchenko.

The most interesting exhibits belong to the Cossack era: ancient weapons, Cossack jewels, personal belongings of Cossack leaders, copies of important documents of the time. In particular, the personal sword of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, presented to him by the Polish King Yan Kazymir, is presented. You can also see the hetman's mace of the XVIII century, bunchuk of the XVII century, colonel's pirnach, squid of the hetman's clerk, etc.

Three literary and artistic halls tell about Taras Shevchenko's studies at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, the poet's early work, as well as his acquaintance with many Pereyaslav residents and personally with the owner of the house, about the "Pereyaslav Kobzar Autumn" - the period of a real creative rise of the artist.

In front of the estate grows an acacia tree planted by Shevchenko together with Kozachkovskyi. There is a souvenir shop in front of the museum.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 8 Pereyaslav


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Ташанський парк, Ташань
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Tashan Park

Park / garden

Tashan Park with an area of ​​144 hectares is a monument of garden and park art of national significance.

The estate in Tashan was established in 1775 by Field Marshal General, Count Petro Rumyantsev-Zadunayskyi, who was appointed by Catherine II as the Governor General of Ukraine. The castle-palace of Rumyantsev was located on the market square, where there used to be a military fortress. A large landscape park was laid on the basis of a plot of ancient oak forest. The count died alone in Tashan.

Count Mykola Holitsyn's grandson expanded the park and built a mahogany house in it. With him, the park's plantings were replenished with such trees and shrubs as hornbeam, Weymouth pine, European larch, birch, ash, common juniper.

In 1901-1903, the last owner of Tashan, Prince Kostyantyn Horchakov, added a system of three ponds to the park, which used to grow fish. Now only one pond with an island looks attractive. Canadian maple and silver fir grow on the island and on its shores. In some places, you can find nests of chestnuts, maples and boxwood.

On Chmirova Hill, which was a place of reception and entertainment for guests, there is a single pyramidal oak, and very close to it is a well dug by Horchakov in 1901.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street Tashan


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Музей Заболотного, Переяслав
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Volodymyr Zabolotny Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of the Famous Academician, Outstanding Architect, Founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture Volodymyr Zabolotny is located in a building that belonged to the Zabolotny family. It is a part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

The exposition includes unique items from Volodymyr Zabolotny's collection: paintings by Western European artists, luxurious vases, a library (over 5,000 volumes). Here are the works of the architect himself - a model of the Verkhovna Rada building, furniture designed by him, watercolors and oil landscapes.

Map pin icon Ivana Mazepy Street, 9 Pereyaslav


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