Attractions of Boryspil district

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Boryspil district


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Успенський собор, Переяслав
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Holy Dormition Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pereyaslav is located in the western part of the former city center, on the site of the church of the same name, founded in the 12th century.

Before its destruction by the Tatars in the 13th century, it served as a house church for the princes of Pereyaslav. In 1586, Prince Vasyl Ostrozkyi rebuilt the temple as a military cathedral. It was here on January 8, 1654 that the Cossack foreman, led by Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, took an oath of loyalty to the Moscow Tsar. A year later, during a big fire, the wooden building burned down.

Modern architectural forms - a five-domed church in the pseudo-Byzantine style - the cathedral acquired at the end of the 19th century. The church is still active.

Map pin icon maydan Knyazhy dvir, 12 Pereyaslav


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Покровський собор, Бориспіль
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Holy Intercession Cathedral


The majestic cathedral in honor of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God was built in Boryspil at the end of the 20th century according to the project of the archbishop of Cherkasy and Kaniv Sophronius.

The cathedral has four thrones: the central throne is consecrated in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God, the right aisle is in honor of the miracle of Archangel Michael in Khony, the left one is in honor of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the lower church is consecrated in honor of the holy pious princes of the martyrs Boris and Hlib.

It belongs to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Pokrovska Street, 1 Boryspil


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Покровська церква, Сулимівка
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Holy Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin is the oldest architectural monument of the Cossack era in Boryspil region.

The Church of the Intercession was built at the expense of Hetman Ivan Sulyma, and was a family tomb - 8 members of the family are buried here.

The church is distinguished by the strictness of its forms, characteristic of the defensive temple architecture of the 17th century. At one time, it could perform fortification functions. The church never had an interior painting. The walls are decorated with icons. In 1900, a three-tier bell tower was added.

During the Soviet era, the temple was looted. Currently, the restoration has been carried out, the iconostasis has been recreated.

The Church of the Holy Intercession is often confused with the Church of the Meeting of the Lord in the village of the same name, Sulymivka, in the same district.

Map pin icon Ivana Sulymy Street, 2 Sulymivka


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Троїцький собор, Яготин
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Holy Trinity Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Trinity Cathedral was built on the central square of Yahotyn in 1800 at the initiative of Hetman of Ukraine Kyrylo Rozumovskyi.

The temple was made in the form of a rotunda.

It was completely destroyed in 1936. In 1999, restoration work began, which lasted for 17 years. On January 2, 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Filaret of Kyiv consecrated the newly built Trinity Cathedral.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 164 Yahotyn


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Троїцька церква, Переяслав
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Trinity Church in Pereyaslav was built in 1804 on the site of an old wooden church.

The first wooden temple was built in the 17th century at the expense of the Pereyaslav colonel Voyts Serbin. In 1791, the church burned down after a lightning strike. The restored church was consecrated in 1804, and a bell tower was added 60 years later.

The simple and laconic design is designed in accordance with Ukrainian cult traditions, typical for a small Orthodox church.

On June 22, 2022, the Trinity Church in Pereyaslav became part of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Himnaziyna Street, 1 Pereyaslav


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Троїцька церква, Безуглівка
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church in honor of the Holy Trinity in Bezuhlivka was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The temple is well preserved to this day.

Residents of Bezuhlivka claim that it functioned even in the Soviet years.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 63 Bezuhlivka


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Музей Сковороди (Колегіум), Переяслав
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Hryhoriy Skovoroda Memorial Museum (Collegium)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Pereyaslav Collegium was opened at the Ascension Monastery in Pereyaslav in 1738. Its main purpose was to train the Orthodox clergy to fight against the union and Catholicism on the Right Bank.

The school had six classes: two grammars, one each - rhetoric, poetics, philosophy and theology. The term of study was six years. Children of the clergy, Cossack officers, burghers, and peasants studied here.

From 1750 to 1751, the outstanding Ukrainian philosopher-humanist, poet and educator Hryhoriy Skovoroda taught poetry at the Pereyaslav Collegium. To commemorate the 250th anniversary of his birth, a memorial museum was established in the reconstructed building. The atmosphere of the library, classroom, teacher's room is recreated. The atmosphere of the era is conveyed by antique furniture and interior items - cabinets, chairs, secretary, astronomical globe, ancient musical instruments. A copy of the Peresopnytsia Gospel, which was kept in the collegium until 1862, is presented.

In the art department you can see a portrait of Hryhoriy Skovoroda by an unknown artist of the XVIII century, a sculptural portrait of the philosopher Ivan Kavaleridze, rare folk paintings: "Cymbalist", "Near the house".

The Hryhoriy Skovoroda Memorial Museum is part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

Map pin icon Hryhoriya Skovorody Street, 52 Pereyaslav


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Ivankiv Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Ivankiv Museum of Local Lore is located on the 2nd floor of the House of Culture.

The exposition presents a large number of weapons of different epochs, tools and household items of the Ukrainian village of the XIX century, a large number of printed publications and documents of the Soviet-Ukrainian war, the period of collectivization and the Second World War.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 1 Ivankiv


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Садиба-музей Білокур, БогданівкаСадиба-музей Білокур, Богданівка
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Kateryna Bilokur Manor-Museum

Museum / gallery

The museum of the famous folk artist Kateryna Bilokur was created in a village house in Bohdanivka, where she lived almost all her life - from 1909 to 1961.

Here she began to paint in her unique, unique style. The lack of a high school diploma did not allow her to receive an art education, but it was replaced by natural talent, perseverance and love of art. She independently mastered the technique of painting and compositional skills, finding herself in the genre of still life. Bilokur's paintings have been exhibited at many regional and national exhibitions.

The interiors of the house-museum are preserved, the artist's personal belongings, numerous photographs and documents, as well as some paintings are presented.

A monument to Kateryna Bilokur has been erected in front of the house.

Map pin icon Kateryny Bilokur Street, 74 Bohdanivka


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Книшовий парк, Бориспіль
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Knyshovy Park

Historic area , Park / garden

The Knyshovy memorial park complex in Boryspil was created in 2007 on the territory of the historical cemetery, where many famous people are buried: ethnographer-folklorist and author of the words of the national anthem of Ukraine Pavlo Chubynsky, Decembrist Vasyl Lukashevych, hero of the Soviet Union Mykhaylo Babkin.

During the Holodomor of 1932-1933, people who died of starvation were buried here. In 1934, the Knyshova Church and Chubynsky's grave were destroyed.

Currently, the territory of the park has been cleaned and arranged, and the creation of a memorial complex is underway. Saint Nicholas Church was rebuilt.

Map pin icon Kyivskyi Shlyach Street, 33/1 Boryspil


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Музей кобзарства, Переяслав
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Kobzar Art Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Kobzar Art in Pereyaslav is located in an old house, where in the early XX century there was a shop of the Pereyaslav merchant Arkhyp Marchenko. It is a part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

About 250 exhibits tell about the history of the origin and development of Kobzar Art, about the life of the most famous Ukrainian bards, as well as about modern trends in kobzar art - traditional folk and folklore and stage-academic.

The oldest exhibits are authentic ancient Rus musical instruments: whistles, tambourines and harps. A special place in the exposition is occupied by the traditional Ukrainian kobza - a lute-like string plucked musical instrument, which was an indispensable companion of the Zaporozhzhian Cossacks.

In addition to the Cossack kobza, the museum exhibits lute, zither and bagpipes, as well as 26 banduras, which are more modern and sophisticated musical instruments. In particular, there are banduras that belonged to a prominent kobzar of the XIX century. Hnat Honcharenko and the famous master Oleksandr Korniyevskyi.

The museum hosts concerts of Pereyaslav kobzars and other events.

The back side of the building is decorated with artistic ceramic tiles on historical subjects, which tell about the princes and bishops of Pereyaslav.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 20 Pereyaslav


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Краєзнавчий музей, Кулябівка
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Local Lore Museum named after Petro Neporozhnyi

Museum / gallery

The local lore museum of the Kuliabivka village in the Kyiv region is named after the Ukrainian scientist and statesman Petro Neporozhnyi. The main exposition of the museum, which opened in 2012, is dedicated to him.

Petro Neporozhnyi was born in 1910 in the Tuzhyliv farm near Kuliabivka, graduated from the local school and the Pereyaslav Factory Apprenticeship School, and later from the Leningrad Institute of Water Transport Engineers. He was engaged in the construction of hydroelectric power stations. From 1954 he worked in government positions in the Ukrainian SSR, and from 1965 to 1985 he held the position of Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR. For more than 30 years, he headed the Department of Energy at the Odesa and Moscow Polytechnic Institutes.

The four exhibition halls of the museum present materials about the life and activities of Petro Neporozhnyi: documents, photographs, portraits, etc. Ethnographic exposition is also presented.

Map pin icon Myru Street, 183A Kuliabivka


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Майдан Княжий двір, Переяслав
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Maydan Knyazhyi dvir

Historic area

Maydan Knyazhyi dvir (princely court) is located in the center of the ancient Pereyaslav. Princes of Pereyaslav lived here, state affairs were decided, the princely army was gathered, from here they set off against the enemy and returned here victorious.

In princely times, the area of the entire city center reached 2.5 hectares. The princely court (Knyazhyi dvir) occupied its northern part and was bounded from the east by the central street connecting the princely and episcopal gates, from the north and west by a defensive rampart, and from the south by a transverse street that departed from the city center.

It was at this place in 1654 that the Pereyaslavska Rada was held - the general military council of the leaders of the Ukrainian Cossacks, at which Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, before the Moscow embassy of the boyar Vasyl Buturlin, took an oath of loyalty to Tsar Oleksiy Mykhaylovych, the result of which was the conclusion of an agreement on a military-political union between Ukraine and by Muscovy.

On the square is the Cathedral of the Dormition, where the Cossack foreman was sworn in. Ukraine was under the protectorate of the Muscovite Empire. The process of curtailing the autonomy of the Cossack state and the complete absorption of Ukraine by the Muscovite state, which later became the Russian Empire, soon began.

In honor of the anniversary of those events in Soviet times, the square in front of the Cathedral of the Dormition was named "Pereyaslavska Rada Square". On September 26, 2019, by the decision of the city council session, Pereyaslavska Rada Square was renamed Maydan Knyazhyi dvir.

Map pin icon maydan Knyazhyi dvir Pereyaslav


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Стрітенська церква, Сулимівка
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Meeting of Lord Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Meeting of Lord was built in Sulymivka in 1905. The initiator of the construction was a resident of the village Pylyp Kyryk, who collected donations for the temple throughout the country. Yelyzaveta Dzevonovska allocated the land for the temple. She ordered a gilded iconostasis from the workshops of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

The Streeten church was built in the Cossack architectural style traditional for this area. Master Kabanov supervised the works. It is a typical temple of that time with one head and an attached bell tower.

An architectural monument of local importance.

The Church of the Meeting of Lord is often confused with the Church of the Holy Intercession of the village of the same name Sulymivka in the same district.

Map pin icon Kravchenko Street, 150 Sulymivka


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Музей етнографії, Яготин
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Museum of Ethnography and Education

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Ethnography and Education in Yahotyn is located on the territory of the Yahotyn Lyceum No. 3, in the premises of the former Zemstvo school built in 1913. Since 1996, one of the branches of the Yahotyn Historical Museum has been located here.

In the two main halls, the history of the Yahotyn school, its teachers, leaders, and students is highlighted. Documents, photographs, personal belongings are widely presented.

In the ethnographic exposition, which appeared in the museum since 2006, exhibitions of old towels, peasant clothes of the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, and household items are on display. A typical interior of a rural house in the Yahotyn region of the beginning of the 19th century has been reconstructed.

Author exhibitions of canvases by Yahotyn artists are held.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 105 Yahotyn


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