Attractions of Kolomyia district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Kolomyia district

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Kolomyia district


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Музей Писанка, Коломия
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"Pysanka" Easter Painting Museum

Museum / gallery

The world's only museum of Easter egg painting "Pysanka" presents in Kolomyia a unique collection of traditional Ukrainian miniature painting on Easter eggs.

Is a branch of the National Museum of Hutsulshchyna & Pokuttya Folk Art in Kolomyia.

The museum building is made in the form of a huge Easter egg 13 m high (2000). The collection includes 10,000 works representing the traditions of Easter painting in all regions of the country. Works by masters from Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Western Europe and America are also presented. Traditionally, the first persons of the state who visit the museum leave their autographs on Easter eggs.

There are master classes on Easter painting.

A wide selection of original handmade Easter eggs, including an ostrich egg, is presented in the souvenir shop of the Easter egg painting museum "Pysanka".

Map pin icon Vyacheslava Chornovola Avenue, 43B Kolomyia


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Музей мистецтва Гуцульщини та Покуття, Коломия
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Hutsulshchyna & Pokuttya Folk Art National Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

National Museum of Hutsulshchyna and Pokuttya Folk Art named after Yosaphat Kobrynskyi is located in the premises of the former People's House, built in 1902 at the expense of the Ukrainian community of the Kolomyia.

The museum building in the Viennese Neo-Renaissance style was designed by local architects who studied in Krakow.

The creation of the People's House with a theater and museum in 1880 was initiated by the local priest Yosaphat Kobrynsky, who played an important role in the formation of Ukrainian national identity in Pokuttya.

The museum was opened in 1926 by the efforts of his nephew Volodymyr Kobrynskyi, having survived the difficult Polish period, the German occupation, Soviet repression and post-perestroika devastation.

Currently, the collection of the National Museum of Folk Art of the Hutsulshchyna and Pokuttya includes 50 thousand exhibits, representing all types of traditional folk art of the Hutsuls and residents of Pokuttya: wood carving, blacksmithing, pottery, weaving, embroidery, etc. Widely presented samples of traditional clothing of mountaineers, Hutsul jewelry made of non-ferrous and precious metals, weapons opryshki and others.

There is a permanent exhibition of tapestries by Mykhaylo Bilas.

Branches of the National Museum of Hutsulshchyna & Pokuttya Folk Art are the Museum of Easter Painting Museum "Pysanka" in Kolomyia, the Kosiv Museum of Folk Art and Life of Hutsul Region, the Carpathian Region Ethnography and Ecology Museum in Yaremche, Shukhevych Family Manor-Museum in Tyshkivtsi.

Map pin icon Teatralna Street, 25 Kolomyia


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Музей історії та визвольних змагань імені Романа Шухевича, Тишківці
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History and Liberation Struggles Museum named after Roman Shukhevych

Museum / gallery

The Museum of History and Liberation Struggles named after UPA Corporal General Roman Shukhevych was opened in 2004 in the village of Tyshkivtsi, where his great-grandfather Osyp Shukhevych served as a priest.

The exhibition in several rooms of the museum tells about several generations of the Shukhevych family (Osyp Shukhevych, Volodymyr Shukhevych, Roman Shukhevych) and the participation of the village residents in the liberation struggle.

The exhibition "Underground Printing" is presented in the reconstructed hiding place in the basement.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 12 Tyshkivtsi


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Костел непорочного зачаття Пречистої Діви Марії, Городенка
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Immaculate Conception of Most Holy Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Immaculate Virgin Mary in Horodenka became the first monumental work of the famous Italian architect Bernard Meretin on Ukrainian lands.

He was invited to Horodenka for this work by the influential Polish tycoon Mykola Potocki. It was also Meretin's first joint work with the brilliant sculptor Ivan Pinzel. The iconostasis, the pulpit, the main altar, above which the image of the Mother of God is today, and two small altars belong to Pinzel's hand. After that, Meretin and Pinzel fulfilled several more orders of Potoski in Horodenka and Buchach.

In the 30s of the 19th century, a bell tower was built outside the church, and a more elegant wrought iron fence was installed around the church instead of a defensive wall.

Several of Pinzel's works from the church in Horodenka are exhibited in the sculptor's museum in Lviv, but a stele with Pinzel's original sculpture of the Virgin Mary has been preserved in front of the church.

Nearby is the monastery building.

Map pin icon Volodymyra Velykoho Street, 1 Horodenka


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Коломийська ратуша, Коломия
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Kolomyia City Hall


The building of the Kolomyia City Hall is located in the corner of the market square, facing away from other buildings. The 33-meter-high clock tower of the city hall dominates the low-rise buildings of the central part of the city.

The three-story building of the city magistrate of Kolomyia was built in 1877 on the site of the burned down wooden town hall. Made in the neo-renaissance style. The tower bears the coat of arms of the city and chimes with three dials. In 1880, Ivan Franko spent several hours under arrest in the premises of the city hall, who was detained by the gendarmerie post for violating the passport regime.

As in the old days, the premises are now occupied by the city government - the Kolomyia City Council is located here.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 1 Kolomyia


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Собор Архистратига Михаїла, Коломия
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Saint Archangel Michael Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Greek-Catholic Cathedral of Saint Archangel Michael was built in Kolomyia in 1855 on the site of an ancient Dominican monastery and a holy spring.

A bell tower was built in 1871. Since that time, the appearance of the "Ruska Church" (Rus, Ruthenian, that is, Ukrainian) has practically not changed.

The authors of the original iconostasis and images were the famous Ukrainian artist Kornylo Ustiyanovych and the Hungarian artist Miklosh. Interior paintings were done by local artist Valerian Krytsinsky.

Several ecclesiastical brotherhoods were active at the temple of Archangel Michael.

During the Soviet rule, Saint Michael's Church was handed over to the Orthodox community of Kolomyia, but in 1990 it was returned to the Greek Catholics. The restoration was completed in 1996.

Across the road from the back side of the cathedral, a life-giving spring flows, which has preserved the ancient name "Klyashtor" (monastery). Its water is considered healing. Every year on Epiphany, the spring is consecrated.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 11 Kolomyia


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Музей-садиба родини Шухевичів, Тишківці
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Shukhevych Family Manor-Museum

Palace / manor , Museum / gallery

The Museum-Manor of the Shukhevych family was inaugurated in 2019 in the village of Tyshkivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk region, where Father Osyp Shukhevych, the great-grandfather of UPA Commander-in-Chief Roman Shukhevych, lived most of his life.

In the house, the living and working premises where members of the Shukhevych family lived and worked have been recreated. The exposition presents their personal belongings, photos, documents, as well as a family tree.

The Museum of the Shukhevych Family is a department of the National Museum of Folk Art of the Hutsul Region and the Pokuttya named after Yosafat Kobrynsky.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 9A Tyshkivtsi


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Сувенірний ринок "Коломия"
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Souvenir Market "Kolomyia"

Entertainment / leisure

Souvenir market "Kolomyia" is located on the bypass road of the city.

Brightly decorated shopping area, covered wooden shopping pavilions.

Here you can buy unique products of folk craftsmen from leather, fur, ceramics, wood and metal.

Map pin icon Kolomyia


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Катедральний Собор Преображення, Коломия
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Transfiguration of Christ Cathedral


The Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Christ in Kolomyia is the largest Greek-Catholic church in Western Ukraine.

Construction was started in 1998 under the direction of architect Viktor Mytsay. The consecration took place in 2012.

The temple is two-story, 50 meters high. 2,000 believers can be accommodated on the first floor, 3,000 on the second floor. Energy-saving technologies are used for heating the temple, in particular, a capillary floor heating system. The cathedral is built of brick, the domes of the cathedral are made of copper, the funds for which were donated by Pope John Paul II during his visit to Ukraine.

Today, the Transfiguration Cathedral is the main Greek Catholic church in Kolomyia. A 60-meter bell tower is planned to be built next to the cathedral.

Map pin icon Teatralna Street, 31 Kolomyia


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Драматичний театр, Коломия
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Academic Regional Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Ivan Ozarkevych

Architecture , Theater / show

Kolomyia Academic Regional Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Ivan Ozarkevych bears the name of the founder of the first Ukrainian drama theater in Galicia.

The fashion for theaters came here with the transition of the region under Austrian rule. In 1848, the chairman of the Kolomyia council Vereshchynskyi, burgomaster Drymalin and local priest Ozarkevych initiated the creation of a Ukrainian amateur theater. It lasted three years.

After a short break, the theater was revived in 1865 as a traveling professional troupe "Ruskyi People's Theater". Since 1939, the theater has acquired state status.

Map pin icon Vichevy Maidan, 7 Kolomyia


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Благовіщенська церква, Коломия
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Annunciation of Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kolomyia is one of the oldest wooden churches in the Carpathian Mountains, a beautiful example of the Hutsul school of folk wooden architecture. It is located near the cemetery.

Initially, the Annunciation temple was part of the monastery complex, which was destroyed by the Tatars. Paintings made in 1648 have been preserved.

During Soviet times, the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary housed the Pysanka Museum exhibition. In 1990, the Church of the Annunciation was transferred to the church community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. In 2018, the temple was returned to the Greek Catholics.

Map pin icon Karpatska Street, 2 Kolomyia


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Вірменський костел, Городенка
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Armenian Church

Temple , Architecture

The Armenian Church is the oldest surviving building in Horodenka.

The strict defensive temple was built at the beginning of the 18th century at the expense of the city's Armenian community, which at that time became very influential and controlled almost all trade until the first half of the next century.

Map pin icon Antina Krushelnytskoho Street, 8 Horodenka


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Свято-Вознесенська церква, Снятин
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Ascension of Lord Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Sniatyn was built in 1838 (according to other data, in 1784).

The iconostasis of 1894 has been preserved.

Natalya Kobrynska, a well-known writer and activist of the gender movement, was the wife of the abbot of the temple Teofil Kobrynskyi.

The parish of the Holy Ascension Church belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Kobrynskykh Street, 13 Sniatyn


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Церква Успіння Діви Марії, Городенка
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Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Greek Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in Horodenka in the 18th century at the expense of Mykola Vasyl Potoski.

According to legend, the temple was founded by Potoski to atone for his sin - the murder of a local girl (according to one version, these events formed the basis of the folk "Song of Bondarivna").

The author of the project is the famous architect Berdard Meretyn. Instead of the traditional cross, the temple is crowned with the "Pilyava" cross of the Potocki family coat of arms.

The iconostasis of the Church of the Assumption is similar to the iconostasis of Saint George's Cathedral in Lviv - it was also created by the outstanding Ukrainian sculptor Ivan Pinzel, who often worked together with Meretyn.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 70 Horodenka


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Бернардинський монастир, Гвіздець
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Bernardine Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The Bernardine Monastery in Hvizdets was founded in 1715 by Prince Mykhaylo Puzyna. The baroque church of Saint Anthoniy and the Bernardine monastery were built in 1721-1735 at the expense of Princess Puzyna from the Potocki family.

The complex also includes a belfry over the gate and several outbuildings.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 8 Hvizdets


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