Attractions of Kolomyia district

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Kolomyia district


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Драматичний театр, Коломия
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Academic Regional Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Ivan Ozarkevych

Architecture , Theater / show

Kolomyia Academic Regional Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Ivan Ozarkevych bears the name of the founder of the first Ukrainian drama theater in Galicia.

The fashion for theaters came here with the transition of the region under Austrian rule. In 1848, the chairman of the Kolomyia council Vereshchynskyi, burgomaster Drymalin and local priest Ozarkevych initiated the creation of a Ukrainian amateur theater. It lasted three years.

After a short break, the theater was revived in 1865 as a traveling professional troupe "Ruskyi People's Theater". Since 1939, the theater has acquired state status.

Map pin icon Vichevy Maidan, 7 Kolomyia


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Вірменський костел, Городенка
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Armenian Church

Temple , Architecture

The Armenian Church is the oldest surviving building in Horodenka.

The strict defensive temple was built at the beginning of the 18th century at the expense of the city's Armenian community, which at that time became very influential and controlled almost all trade until the first half of the next century.

Map pin icon Antina Krushelnytskoho Street, 8 Horodenka


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Свято-Вознесенська церква, Снятин
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Ascension of Lord Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Sniatyn was built in 1838 (according to other data, in 1784).

The iconostasis of 1894 has been preserved.

Natalya Kobrynska, a well-known writer and activist of the gender movement, was the wife of the abbot of the temple Teofil Kobrynskyi.

The parish of the Holy Ascension Church belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Kobrynskykh Street, 13 Sniatyn


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Церква Успіння Діви Марії, Городенка
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Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Greek Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in Horodenka in the 18th century at the expense of Mykola Vasyl Potoski.

According to legend, the temple was founded by Potoski to atone for his sin - the murder of a local girl (according to one version, these events formed the basis of the folk "Song of Bondarivna").

The author of the project is the famous architect Berdard Meretyn. Instead of the traditional cross, the temple is crowned with the "Pilyava" cross of the Potocki family coat of arms.

The iconostasis of the Church of the Assumption is similar to the iconostasis of Saint George's Cathedral in Lviv - it was also created by the outstanding Ukrainian sculptor Ivan Pinzel, who often worked together with Meretyn.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 70 Horodenka


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Чернелицький замок, Чернелиця
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Chernelytsia Castle

Castle / fortress

In the 17th century, Chernelytsia Castle was one of the most powerful eastern outposts of the Commonwealth of Nations.

It was built in 1659 by the Bratslav voivode Mykhaylo Chartoryskyi, as evidenced by his coat of arms "Pohon" on the gate tower. On the other side, there is the coat of arms of "Pilava" of the prince's wife, Yefrosyniya Stanislavitska (a legend is associated with her about the swarthy mistress of the castle, who committed suicide after cheating on her husband).

The castle is square in plan, with high walls on earthen ramparts and four bastions at the corners. It played an important role during the Polish-Turkish wars, Polish troops stored weapons and supplies here. The Polish king Yan III Sobieski repeatedly stayed in the castle during his Moldavian campaigns.

As a magnate's residence, the castle lasted until 1817, when its last owner, Mykola Tsensky, died. In Soviet times, a hospital was located on the territory.

Now the castle is in a dilapidated state.

Map pin icon Lesi Ukrayinky Street, 1 Chernelytsia


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Костел Ігнатія Лойоли, Коломия
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Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola

Temple , Architecture

The Catholic Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola in Kolomyia was built on the initiative of the Polish Catholic community of the city, which invited the Jesuit Fathers of the "Society of Jesus" order. In addition to missionary activity, the Jesuits were engaged in education and charity.

The construction of the temple according to the project of the Chernivtsi architect Yosyp Lyaytsner was supervised by the engineer Dioniziy Kzhychkovskyi. The church was called "man's" because most of the parishioners were wealthy people.

In Soviet times, the church premises were used as a shop. In 1990, the church of Saint Ignatius Loyola was returned to the Roman Catholic community of the city.

Map pin icon Ivana Franka Street, 18 Kolomyia


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Церква Св. Йосафата (Костел), Коломия
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Church of Saint Yosafat

Temple , Architecture

The majestic church of Saint Yosafat (the former church of the Virgin Mary) rises in the center of Kolomyia, next to the market square.

The parish Roman Catholic church in the baroque style was built according to the project of the famous Italian architect Bernard Meretin in 1775 (according to other sources - in 1762). Rebuilt in 1895 after a fire.

During Soviet times, the church was closed and turned into a Children's World store. In 1991, it resumed its activities as the Greek Catholic Church of the Holy Martyr Yosafat Kuntsevych.

Map pin icon Ivana Mazepy Street, 2 Kolomyia


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Благовіщенська церква, Коломия
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Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the oldest wooden churches in the Carpathians, a fine example of the Hutsul school of folk wooden architecture.

Initially, the temple was part of the monastery complex, which was destroyed by the Tatars. Paintings made in 1648 have been preserved. It is located near the cemetery.

In Soviet times, the exposition of the Museum of Easter Eggs was housed here. In 1990, the Church of the Annunciation was transferred to the church community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. In 2018, the temple was returned to the Greek Catholics.

Map pin icon Karpatska Street, 2 Kolomyia


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Музей історії міста, Коломия
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City History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Kolomyia City History Museum occupies the premises of the former county council, where the interiors of the XIX-XX centuries have been restored. During the Western Ukraine, the district military commandant Teodor Primak worked here.

The history of the city's development is presented in 18 exposition halls in documents, memorials and household items. Permanent exhibitions: "German colonies of Kolomyia", "Kolomyia and the Habsburgs", "Formation of Kolomyia at the end of the XIX - first half of the XX century", "Economy and trade of the city in the XIX-XX centuries", "From the history of the Jewish community of the city", " From the history of the Ukrainian ethnic lands of modern Poland until 1944. "

The exposition department of the Kolomyia City History Museum is the Museum of National Liberation Struggle, which opened in 2012 in the basement of the museum building. The exposition consists mainly of old photos of resistance members, which came from private collections. You can also see the clothes of rebels and political prisoners, fragments of weapons.

Map pin icon Romana Shukhevycha Street, 80 Kolomyia


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Музей Писанка, Коломия
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Easter Painting Museum "Pysanka"

Museum / gallery

The world's only museum of Easter egg painting "Pysanka" presents in Kolomyia a unique collection of traditional Ukrainian miniature painting on Easter eggs.

Is a branch of the National Museum of Hutsulshchyna & Pokuttya Folk Art in Kolomyia.

The museum building is made in the form of a huge Easter egg 13 m high (2000). The collection includes 10,000 works representing the traditions of Easter painting in all regions of the country. Works by masters from Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Western Europe and America are also presented. Traditionally, the first persons of the state who visit the museum leave their autographs on Easter eggs.

There are master classes on Easter painting.

A wide selection of original handmade Easter eggs, including an ostrich egg, is presented in the souvenir shop of the Easter egg painting museum "Pysanka".

Map pin icon Vyacheslava Chornovola Avenue, 43B Kolomyia


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Велика синагога, Городенка
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Great Synagogue


The Great Synagogue in Horodenka was built in 1743, when the Jews who settled here from the middle of the 17th century received the right to engage in crafts and trade, as well as land for building a temple.

In the 1760s, a group of supporters of Hasidism emerged in Horodenka. One of them was Nachman from Horodenka, the closest disciple of the founder of the Yisrael Baal-Shem-Tov movement.

The synagogue was reconstructed in 1885.

During the Second World War, more than 2,500 Jews were shot in Horodenka. In Soviet times, the synagogue was rebuilt.

Map pin icon Rynkova Street, 1 Horodenka


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей Олекси Довбуша, Печеніжин
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Historical and Local Lore museum of Oleksa Dovbush

Museum / gallery

The Historical and Local Lore museum of Oleksa Dovbush in Pechenizhyn, the birthplace of the legendary leader of the Opryshkys, was established in 1971.

Since 2004, the exposition has been housed in an adapted room near Saint Michael's Church.

The museum covers the history of the village from ancient times to the present day. There are many household items, tools, folk clothing. The main section is devoted to Oleksa Dovbush, a native of Pechenizhyn, a robber and people's avenger, the most famous leader of the opryshki insurgent movement in the Carpathians of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Pechenizhyn Museum of Oleksa Dovbush is a branch of the Ivano-Frankivsk Museum of Local Lore.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 9 Pechenizhyn


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Музей історії та визвольних змагань імені Романа Шухевича, Тишківці
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History and Liberation Struggles Museum named after Roman Shukhevych

Museum / gallery

The Museum of History and Liberation Struggles named after UPA Corporal General Roman Shukhevych was opened in 2004 in the village of Tyshkivtsi, where his great-grandfather Osyp Shukhevych served as a priest.

The exhibition in several rooms of the museum tells about several generations of the Shukhevych family (Osyp Shukhevych, Volodymyr Shukhevych, Roman Shukhevych) and the participation of the village residents in the liberation struggle.

The exhibition "Underground Printing" is presented in the reconstructed hiding place in the basement.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 12 Tyshkivtsi


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Городенківський краєзнавчий музей "Покуття"
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Horodenka Local Lore Museum "Pokuttya"

Museum / gallery

The Horodenka City Local Lore Museum "Pokuttya" opened in 2009 in the historical building of the savings bank of the beginning of the 20th century, next to the main attraction of the city - the Immaculate Conception of Most Holy Virgin Mary Church.

The exposition presents ancient wooden furniture (tables, chests, bambetli), embroidered clothes, ceramics, a large collection of icons and photographs from centuries ago.

The exhibition "Dwelling of a Pokuttya peasant" reproduces the interior of an old village house. You can also see a collection of bricks with stamps collected at various historical sites in Horodenka.

One of the expositions reproduces the process of making a home-spun canvas, spinning workshops are held here.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 82 Horodenka


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Музей історії села Іллінці
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Illintsi Village History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Illintsi Village History People's Museum was opened in 1987 on the initiative of the local teacher and local historian Roman Ryzyuk.

The museum is located on the second floor of the Illintsi Lyceum. Museum funds include about 2,000 exhibits.

The exhibition tells about the history of the village of Illintsi and its surroundings from the Neolithic era to the present day. In particular, you can learn about the development of the village in the 18th-19th centuries, the wave of emigration at the end of the 19th century, the formation of units of the USS in the region at the beginning of the 20th century, public organizations of the village in the first half of the 20th century, the liberation struggle of 1943-1953, the creation of a collective farm in the village, local schooling, etc.

The exhibition also introduces the folk culture and daily life of the village residents. Separate stands are dedicated to outstanding people of the region.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 1 Illintsi


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