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Боярська школа №2, Боярка
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School No. 2


The building of the Boiarka Secondary School No. 2 was built in 1911 as an orphanage at the expense of patron Flavian Vasylevskyi. It was one of the first brick buildings in the then country village of Boiarka.

The red brick building is made in the Art Nouveau style according to the project of the architect Dorohanevskyi. Thanks to its decoration and high tower, the building looks like a fairy-tale terem, a medieval castle, and a majestic cathedral at the same time.

In November-December 1918, the headquarters of the Ukrainian snipers under the command of Yevhen Konovalets was located in the school (a memorial plaque was installed).

In 1921, when the railway school was located in the building, it was home to a brigade of Komsomol members building the boyar narrow-gauge railway, and among them was the future writer Mykola Ostrovskyi, who later described these events in the novel "How Steel Was Tempered". In this connection, Soviet propaganda positioned Boyarka as a "city of Komsomol glory", a monument to Pavka Korchagin, the hero of the novel, was erected in front of the school building. In 2018, the monument was moved to the neighboring territory of the Boiarka Museum of Local Lore. and in 2024 it was dismantled.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 49 Boiarka


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Скульптура "Сходи", Київ
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Sculpture "Stairs"


The sculptural composition "Stairs" is a three-meter art object installed on the Rusanivska Embankment in Kyiv.

It is a staircase with children and a dog walking on it, symbolizing the desire of youth to meet life.

The author of the sculpture is Oleksandr Lidahovskyi, who created the composition "River of Love" for Landscape Alley.

Map pin icon Rusanivska embankment, 7 Kyiv


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Змієві вали, Круглик
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Serpent's Wall (Great Khodosivka Hillfort)

Historic area

The Great Khodosivka Hillfort (Kruhlyk Settlement) is located on the southern outskirts of Kyiv between the villages of Khotiv, Lisnyki, Khodosivka, and Ivankovychi. Inside the settlement are the villages of Kruhlyk and Kremenishche.

This is one of the three giant hillforts of the forest-steppe of Ukraine, an archeological monument of national importance, which is part of the Khodosivka archaeological complex and is part of the Serpent's Wall system.

The settlement belongs to the early Iron Age (VI–V centuries BC). It was a settlement of Scythian ploughmen, surrounded by a protective rampart with a total length of 10-12 kilometers. Now this rampart has a height of up to 8 meters, in some places a defensive ditch can still be seen along it. In the days of Kyivan Rus', the rampart of the hillfort was built into the system of the Serpent's Wall (Zmiyevi valy) as the last line of defense in front of Kyiv.

The remnants of the Ancient Rus' system of earthen fortifications, located on the southern outskirts of Kyiv and in other places on the territory of the Middle Dnieper region, are called snake ramparts. Their total length, according to various estimates, reaches from 900 to 1500 kilometers. Presumably, the ramparts served to protect the southern borders of the Kyiv state from nomads. The history of their construction and functions have not been sufficiently studied.

The legend tells about the legendary hero Mykyta Kozhemyaka, who harnessed the Zmiy Horynych (Slavic dragon, snake) to a plow and plowed giant furrows, from which the name of the wall came.

According to archaeologists, most of the Serpent's Wall were built in the X-XI centuries. Earth ramparts with wooden structures inside were up to 15 meters high, and were fortified with a wooden palisade along the crest. They formed a front in the direction of the steppe - to the south and southeast. At least 4,000 construction workers were to participate in the construction work, and the work could last about 4-5 years.

Fragments of the Serpent's Wall have been preserved along the tributaries of the Dnipro: Vita, Chervona, Stuhna, Trubizh, Sula, Ros and others. One of the best places to look is the section of the shaft on the road from Kruhlyk to Ivankovychi. There is a parking lot nearby. A wooden sign mistakenly indicates that these are Cossack ramparts of the 16th century.

Map pin icon Ozerna Street Kruhlyk


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Музей Шолом-Алейхема, Київ
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Sholom Aleichem Museum

Museum / gallery

Sholom Aleichem Museum in Kyiv is the first state museum of Jewish themes in modern Ukraine.

Opened in 2009 to the 150th anniversary of the writer's birth on the site of the house where he lived in 1896-1903.

The exposition tells in detail about the life and work of Sholom Aleichem, as well as introduces Jewish culture. Some ceremonial Jewish objects, objects of traditional Jewish life are presented.

On the monitors installed in the hall, you can see fragments of films and performances based on the works of Sholom Aleichem, Jewish architecture, Jewish tombstones (matzevot), ancient Jewish books, ancient manuscripts, copies of Jewish calligraphy.

The museum program includes many lectures and presentations.

Map pin icon Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 5 Kyiv


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Торгові ряди (БрУМ), Біла Церква
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Shopping Rows


The complex of shopping rows in Bila Tserkva was built at the beginning of the 19th century by Count Branytskyi.

Built in the style of early classicism, the enclosed guest courtyard faces the square with large arches with formal porticos along the axis of the four facades. Porticos played a large compositional role, closing the perspective of four mutually perpendicular streets, planned along the axes of the square Market Square. The originally designed shopping complex with an area of about 5,000 square meters was designed for 85 benches. The opening of shopping streets significantly stimulated trade in Bila Tserkva and contributed to the expansion of the Jewish community.

The old shopping rows is still used for its intended purpose - shops and cafes are located here. Various festivals and cultural events take place on the territory.

Map pin icon Torhova Square, 8 Bila Tserkva


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Будинок Сікорського, Київ
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Sikorsky House


The three-story building inside one of the blocks on Yaroslaviv Val Street in Kyiv was built in 1903 by order of the psychiatrist Ivan Sikorsky. In addition to living quarters, the doctor opened a hospital here and ran a private practice.

The son of a doctor, Ihor Sikorsky, who later became a prominent aircraft designer and inventor of the rotorcraft, built the first models of his flying machines in the yard of his father's estate.

In the 1970s, the outstanding cybernetic scientist Viktor Hlushkov, the creator of the country's first computers of the "Dnipro" and "Svit" series, lived here.

The building is currently in a state of disrepair. The restoration and creation of the Ihor Sikorsky Museum of the History of Aeronautics and Aviation is planned.

Map pin icon Yaroslaviv Val Street, 15A Kyiv


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Срібне джерело, Трубівщина
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Silver Spring "Kalynoviy Hay"

Natural object

The silver spring "Kalynoviy Hay" is located 8 kilometers south of Yahotyn, behind the Trubivshchyna farm.

The source got its unofficial name due to the fact that the water in it contains a large amount of silver, due to which it has a pleasant taste and does not spoil for a long time.

There is a chapel near the Silver Spring.

Map pin icon Trubivshchyna


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Краєзнавчий музей, Сквира
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Skvyra Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The City People's Museum of Local Lore of the Skvyra City Council was founded in 1987.

The exposition in 8 halls has more than 3600 exhibits. The archeological collection presents things from different epochs found during excavations in the surrounding villages.

You can also see everyday objects of the XV-XX centuries.

In addition, the museum has an exhibition of military glory and an art gallery.

Map pin icon Karla Bolsunovskoho Street, 70 Skvyra


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Музей мистецтв Славутича, Славутич
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Slavutych Art Museum

Museum / gallery

Slavutych's Innovative Museum of Contemporary Art opened in 2021 as part of the OFAR (Open Format Art Residence) project.

The museum is located in the exhibition hall on the 2nd floor of the Culture House "Enerhiya".

Works of contemporary artists in the genres of graphics and photography are exhibited here. With the help of virtual reality glasses you can see large-scale 3D sculptures that are integrated into the urban landscape without violating its physical space.

Map pin icon Druzhby Narodiv Avenue, 7, CH Enerhiya, 2nd floor Slavutych


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Музей радянської окупації України, Київ
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Soviet Occupation of Ukraine Museum

Museum / gallery

The Soviet Occupation of Ukraine Museum was created in 2001 by the efforts of the Kyiv branch of the All-Ukrainian Society "Memorial" named after Vasyl Stus.

The exposition reflects the crimes of the communist regime in the period 1917–1991 and is divided into 10 sections: "Not to be forgotten. The Chronicle of the Communist Inquisition in Ukraine", "People's War", "Ukrainian Solovki", "Kyiv Martyrologist", "Lost Memory" , "Language exposition", "Broken destinies", "Destruction of spirituality".

Copies of documents, in particular from the declassified archives of the Security Service of Ukraine, photographs of private individuals, memories and testimonies of eyewitnesses and their relatives, video and audio materials are presented.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Stelmakha Street, 6A Kyiv


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СБУ (Земська управа), Київ
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SSU (Zemsky administration)


The gloomy Neo-Renaissance building of the Zemska Administration, built on the order of the provincial authorities, in Soviet times was transferred to the NKVD department, then the KGB. During the German occupation, it served as the premises of the CD.

The entire block around the building is equipped for the needs of the secret police, including temporary detention cells.

The building still retains its profile - the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) is located here.

Map pin icon Volodymyrska Street, 33 Kyiv


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Сталінське метро, Київ
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Stalin Metro

Castle / fortress

The southern tunnel under the Dnipro is one of the objects of the so-called "Construction No. 1", as mentioned in the secret documents, a project of an underground transport system that duplicates the railway bridges across the Dnipro in the Kyiv region.

Two railway tunnels to the south and north of Kyiv (now within the city limits) were intended to ensure reliable, safe and secret transfer of troops and cargo between the right and left banks of the Dnipro. The decision to start "Construction No. 1" was made in 1938. Since the initiative belonged to Joseph Stalin, and the construction was carried out by metro builders, the object was later nicknamed "Stalin metro".

The total number of involved workers and employees was from 5 to 10 thousand people. Overground tunnels and railway embankments were built. Over 240 meters of the Southern Tunnel (pipe) with a diameter of 6 meters was passed by hikers near the Dnipro south of Kyiv, in the area of Zhukiv Island. Construction of the northern tunnel began later.

With the beginning of the Second World War, in 1941, all work was stopped, and machinery and equipment were flooded in the Dnipro. After the war, the object was considered unprofitable and construction was not resumed.

Currently, the South tube of the "Stalin Metro" on Zhukiv Island is one of the most accessible and spectacular structures of "Construction No. 1". It is a reinforced concrete tunnel with a descent towards the Dnipro. The western end rises above the ground almost completely, the eastern end – with its outer surface only a dozen centimeters above the lake level (it goes under the water). The total length is 600 meters. The tunnel is flooded, in winter it is possible to walk on ice from the western entrance to the intermediate entrance.

Also available are the remains of a tunnel and a headstone at Osokorki. The caisson of the Northern Tunnel (the so-called "Concrete Ship") has been preserved in Obolon.

Map pin icon Stolychne highway, Zhukiv island Kyiv


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Кесон Сталінського метро, Київ
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Stalin Metro Caisson

Castle / fortress

The caisson of the Stalinist metro is a huge reinforced concrete structure in the Natalka Park in Obolon, which is popularly nicknamed the "Concrete Ship" for its characteristic shape, reminiscent of a submarine with a cockpit.

This is "Title No. 12" - one of the objects of the so-called "Construction No. 1", as mentioned in secret documents, a project of an underground transport system duplicating railway bridges across the Dnipro in the Kyiv region. Currently, the object is known as "Stalin Metro". Two railway tunnels to the south and north of Kyiv (now within the city limits) were intended to ensure reliable, safe and secret transfer of troops and cargo between the right and left banks of the Dnipro.

The construction of the Northern tunnel in the area of present-day Obolon began later than the construction of the Southern tunnel in the area of Zhukiv Island. At the beginning of the Second World War, in 1941, underground work had not yet begun.

A reinforced concrete tunnel and caisson section remained on the surface of the earth near the bank of the Dnipro, designed to sink into the soil and create an underground working chamber for the work of walkers in water-saturated soils.

Since the information about "Construction No. 1" remained secret until recently, the history and purpose of the "Concrete Ship" - a caisson on Obolon was overgrown with many urban legends. The further fate of the building has not yet been determined.

Map pin icon Obolonska Embankment, Natalka Park Kyiv


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Старокиївська гора
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Starokyivska Hill

Historic area , Archaeological site

Starokyivska Hill is the historical heart of Kyiv. It is here, according to legend, that Prince Kiy founded his city in the 5th century, which is reminded of by a memorial sign - a stone with the words "From here the Rus land has left..." Now the National Museum of the History of Ukraine is located here.

The ramparts of the prince's baby and the foundation of the first stone Christian church founded by Prince Volodymyr in Rus - the Tithe Church (989-996) in the Byzantine style (the prince took a tenth of the income for maintenance) have been preserved. It was destroyed during the Tatar-Mongol invasion, burying the last defenders of the city under it. Restored in the 19th century in the Byzantine-Moscow style, destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1929. The Church of the Tithes History Museum operates.

A four-hundred-year-old linden tree planted by Metropolitan Petro Mohyla grows nearby. The foundation of Princess Olha's palace (10th century) was discovered. In 1937-1939, the Museum of the History of Ukraine was built.

On the nearby Saint Andrew's Hill, where, according to legend, the apostle Andrew announced the birth of one of the eternal cities of the world, the baroque Saint Andrew's Church (1749-1754) was built according to the project of Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. Nearby is a monument to the heroes of the movie "After two hares" Holokhvastov and Pronya Prokopivna.

Map pin icon Volodymyrska Street, 2 Kyiv


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Музей авіації, Київ
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State Aviation Museum named after Oleh Antonov

Museum / gallery

The State Museum of Aviation named after Oleh Antonov in Kyiv is the largest technical museum of Ukraine, a structural subdivision of the National Aviation University. Located near Zhulyany airport.

The museum was created for the 100th anniversary of aviation. Almost all major types of aircraft and helicopters that were in the service of the USSR Air Force or flew in civil aviation were collected on the territory of 14 hectares. The historical collection includes models of aircraft, prototypes of which have not survived: the world's first aircraft of the Wright brothers "Flyer-1", a light bomber "Anatra-Anasal", a YAK fighter. In the collection of ANs - the three most popular aircraft: An-2, An-24, An-26.

The exposition of the design bureau of Mikoyan and Hurevych includes four generations of MiG combat aircraft. The Tu-22M strategic supersonic missile bombers are impressive. Civil aviation is also represented by Tupolev's planes.

In total, the museum has more than 70 planes and helicopters, as well as missiles, weapons and engines.

It is possible to rent exhibits (holding events inside the aircraft: filming, presentations, etc.).

Map pin icon Medova Street, 1 Kyiv


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