Attractions of Zaporizhzhia district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Zaporizhzhia district

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Музей етнографії народів Півдня України, Запоріжжя
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Southern Ukraine Peoples Ethnography Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Ethnography of the Peoples of Southern Ukraine was established in 1997 at the Faculty of History of Zaporizhzhia National University.

Several generations of student historians managed to collect one of the best collections of tiles, household items and relics in the territory of Steppe Ukraine. 

In 2015, the Museum of Soviet Life was opened in the adjacent room. Among its exhibits are furniture, household items and appliances of the 20th century. The clothes of those times are hung in the closets, a place is reserved for costume jewelry, cosmetics, and perfumes of the Soviet era. Featured record player collection, post-war magazines, record phone collection, radio, and more. Many family letters, photographs, documents, and certificates are also exhibited.

The museum complex of the Zaporizhzhia National University also includes the ZNU Zoological Museum and the Water Museum.

Map pin icon Soborny Avenue, 74, educational building No. 5, auditorium 301 Zaporizhzhia


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Музей історії технічного прогресу, Запоріжжя
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Technical Progress History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Technical Progress History Museum of the Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University was opened in 2016 on the occasion of the celebration of the 116th anniversary of the establishment of the educational institution.

The museum in it was started back in 1970, when the first museum room of the then Zaporizhzhia Mechanical Engineering Institute was opened.

The current exposition demonstrates the stages of development of science and technology in Zaporizhzhia from the 18th to the beginning of the 11th century. Instruments, computing devices, radio communication devices, electronics of various periods of the 20th century are presented. The history of the technical university is told by photos and certificates of graduates of the last century, literature and interior elements from the time of the establishment of the institution, layouts, models and projects of graduates.

The central exhibit of the museum is the ZAZ-965 "Zaporozhets" car - one of the first to roll off the assembly line of the then "Komunar" plant (now "AvtoZAZ") in 1960.

Map pin icon Universytetska Street, 64, auditorium 348-A Zaporizhzhia


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Музей техніки "Мотор Січ", Запоріжжя
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Technology Museum "Motor Sich"

Museum / gallery

The Motor Sich Museum of Technology in Zaporizhzhia was opened in 2012.

The museum is located in the former building of the station of young technicians near the territory of Motor Sich - one of the world's largest enterprises for the production of aircraft engines.

The basis for the creation of the Aviation Museum was the National Museum of Enterprise History, opened in 1980. The exhibition presents aircraft engines manufactured by PJSC "Motor Sich", from the first reciprocating star-shaped aircraft engines to modern turbojet engines, as well as models of the first aircraft and helicopters. etc.

Upstairs is an exposition of 26 models of retro motorcycles, as well as consumer goods produced by the plant: chainsaws, motoblocks, milk separators, wind farms, etc.

A Mi-24 transport and combat helicopter with a Motor Sich engine has been installed at the entrance to the aviation museum building.

In February 2023, exhibition exhibits were removed from the Technology Museum in order to protect the residents of the surrounding buildings from a Russian rocket attack.

Map pin icon Feliksa Movchanovskoho Street, 27 Zaporizhzhia


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Краєзнавчий музей, Вільнянськ
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Vilniansk Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Vilniansk Museum of Local Lore was opened in 1971.

More than 2,000 items are stored in the museum's collections. 7 halls are open to visitors.

The "Settlement" hall shows the history of the region from the earliest times to the 19th century.

In the "Beginning of the 20th Century" hall, household items, tools, and documents of this period are exhibited.

Other halls tell about revolutionary events, the history of the Taras Shevchenko plant, and the events of the Second World War.

Temporary exhibitions exhibit the works of local artists, craftsmen and lovers of decorative and applied arts.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 41 Vilniansk


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Вознесенівський парк, Запоріжжя
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Voznesenivsky Park

Park / garden

Voznesenivsky Park is considered one of the most romantic places in Zaporizhzhia.

An open green area of ​​4.5 hectares with elements of modern landscape design is located next to the cascade of "Rainbow" fountains on the Dnipro embankment.

The park got its name in honor of the village of Voznesenka, which was located in this place in ancient times.

An artificial pond with fountains was created in Voznesenivsky Park, over which in 2009, with the financial support of Motor Sich, the Lovers' Bridge (the bridge to Mother-in-law and Mother-in-law) was thrown, which became very popular for wedding photo shoots.

In addition, there is an avenue of newlyweds with a sculpture of two hearts in Voznesenivsky Park. By tradition, brides and grooms come here after marriage registration.

Another landmark of Voznesenivsky Park is the historical monument to Prince Svyatoslav Ihorovych.

Voznesenivsky Park is one of the most well-kept, cleanest and orderly parks in Zaporizhzhia, a place for recreation and various cultural events.

Map pin icon highway Pryberezhna Motorway Zaporizhzhia


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Музей води, Запоріжжя
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Water Museum

Museum / gallery

The entertainment and educational water center "Water Museum" opened in 2021 at the Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the Zaporizhzhia National University.

The exposition characterizes the hydrosphere of the planet Earth, informs about the water resources of Ukraine, introduces the geological structure of the earth's crust and the process of water filtration, demonstrates the technological schemes of wastewater treatment at treatment plants, teaches rational water use, etc.

From the exhibition sections, you can highlight a 3D model of the town, which demonstrates the water cycle in nature, an experiment site (mini-laboratory), an exposition of water purification methods, as well as a photo location.

Tours are held on Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. and at 12:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required to visit.

The museum complex of the Zaporizhzhia National University also includes the ZNU Zoological Museum, the Museum of Ethnography of the Peoples of Southern Ukraine and the Museum of Soviet Life.

Map pin icon Fanatska Street, 10 Zaporizhzhia


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Музей Запорізького національного університету
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Zaporizhzhia National University Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of the Zaporizhzhia National University was opened in 1985 in the main educational building of the institution.

The exhibition tells about the history of public education in the former city of Oleksandrivsk from the beginning of the 20th century, about the founding of the Zaporizhzhia Pedagogical College at the basis of a teacher's seminary in 1921, about Stalin's repressions and the fate of the members of the staff of the Zaporizhzhia State Pedagogical Institute in the mid-1930s, about the participation of students and teachers in The Second World War, about the post-war reconstruction and the further path of the institution to the current university status.

In 2016, an updated exhibition was opened, the highlight of which was the decoration of the educational buildings of the university, made by Zaporizhzhia artist Kateryna Tarlinska using digital art.

The museum complex of the Zaporizhzhia National University also includes the ZNU Zoological Museum, the Museum of Ethnography of the Peoples of Southern Ukraine, the Museum of Soviet Life, and the Water Museum.

Map pin icon Universytetska Street, 66, educational building No. 1, auditorium 28 Zaporizhzhia


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Запорізький художній музей, Запоріжжя
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Zaporizhzhia Regional Art Museum

Museum / gallery

The communal institution "Zaporizhzhia Regional Art Museum" subordinated to the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council represents the fine arts of the XIX-XX centuries.

The museum was founded in 1971. The collection, collected by the team of art critics, has more than 16 thousand exhibits. In particular, the paintings of Ivan Ayvazovsky, Oleksiy Boholyubov, Volodymyr Makovsky, Mykola Pymonenko, Oleksandr Murashko, Oleksandr Benua, Tetyana Yablonska, Mykola Hlushchenko are exhibited. Contemporary art is represented by the works of Oleksandr Roytburd, Ivan Marchuk, Anatoliy Kryvolap.

The museum has a collection of works by folk artist Mariya Prymachenko, as well as a unique collection of works of Ukrainian folk decorative and applied arts, including a collection of Petrykivka paintings by master Marfa Tymchenko.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnoyi Ukrayiny Street, 76B Zaporizhzhia


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Зоологічний музей ЗНУ, Запоріжжя
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Zoological Museum ZNU

Museum / gallery

The Zoological Museum of the Biology Faculty of Zaporizhzhia National University was opened in 1991.

The museum is located in the former premises of school No. 25.

The exposition is located in four halls. About 80 stuffed mammals, more than 300 birds, about 90 fish, more than 70 reptiles and amphibians are exhibited. In particular, typical animals found in the Zaporizhzhia region are presented. The collection of insects and arachnids includes almost 7,000 specimens, most of which are butterflies. The collection of bird eggs consists of 300 clutches from almost 200 species of birds. 

The museum complex of the Zaporizhzhia National University also includes the Museum of Ethnography of the Peoples of Southern Ukraine, the Museum of Soviet Life, and the Water Museum.

Map pin icon Mykoly Hoholya Street, 55 Zaporizhzhia


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