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Attractions of Zaporizhzhia region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Zaporizhzhia region

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Краєзнавчий музей, Гуляйполе
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Huliaipole Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Huliaipole Museum of Local Lore is located in the historic building of the former Mutual Credit Bank in the city center.

The exposition of the museum consists of 9 sections with a fund of 17,000 exhibits, which tell about the most ancient history of these lands, the era of the Zaporozhian Cossacks, the life of peasant and burgher houses, crafts of the Huliaipole region, etc.

The most interesting part of the exposition tells about the life and activities of the glorified anarchist, leader of the Revolutionary Rebel Army, Nestor Makhno. In particular, the legendary tachanka is presented - a movable point of fire on a horse-drawn vehicle invented by the Makhnovists. A monument to Tachanka was installed in the yard.

During the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the city of Huliaipole was on the front line and under constant fire from the Russian army. At the beginning of 2023, not a single surviving building remained in the city. The local lore museum of Huliaipole also suffered significant destruction.

In August 2024, the building of the Huliaipole Museum of Local Lore burned to the ground as a result of another Russian shelling. The day before, museum employees managed to evacuate most of the exposition, which is part of the Museum Fund of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 73 Huliaipole


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Краєзнавчий музей, Мелітополь
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Melitopol City Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery , Architecture

Melitopol City Museum of Local Lore is located in the old three-story house of a merchant of the 2nd Guild of Chernikov.

Currently, the museum has 48,000 items. A unique collection of Scythian gold (IV century BC) from the excavations of the Melitopol mound is presented.

The pride of the numismatic collection is the treasure of silver coins of 1895-1925 release.

Of the exhibits of the art gallery, the graphic and painting works of the world-famous artist Oleksandr Tyshler are of great value.

During the large-scale Russian invasion in 2022, the Melitopol City Museum of Local Lore was under occupation. According to the Crimean Tatar Resource Center, the occupiers stole 1,841 pieces of museum objects, including historical weapons, jewelry from the Melitopol Scythian mound (Scythian gold), ancient coins, orders and medals of the Soviet era.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 18 Melitopol


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Музей архітектури Запоріжжя
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Museum of Architecture of Zaporizhzhia

Museum / gallery

Museum of Architecture of Zaporizhzhia acquaints visitors with the main architectural and city-planning directions and styles of the city.

This is the first in a series of so-called "craft museums" that tell the story through "live", an interactive exhibition that demonstrates the urban development from the first Oleksandrivsk's fortress to modern neighborhoods.

The museum consists of four departments dedicated to the construction of Stariy Oleksandrivsk, Mennonite colonies, the era of industrial modernization, the postwar reconstruction of the city.

Copies of old Oleksandrivsk doors created by masters, video installations and carefully preserved architectural elements are woven into the design of the museum space.

Map pin icon Mykoly Hoholya Street, 66 Zaporizhzhia


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Музей Таврійського університету, Мелітополь
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Museum of History of Tavriya Agrotech University

Museum / gallery

Museum of History of Tavriya State Agrotechnological University named Dmytro Motorny in Melitopol was opened in 1982 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the school.

The exposition tells about the history of the university, the creation of various faculties, famous teachers and graduates.

A separate place is reserved for gifts presented to the school for different years during the celebrations.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Avenue, 18, building 1 Melitopol


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Краєзнавчий музей, Бердянськ
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Museum of Local Lore named after Vasyl Kravchenko

Museum / gallery

Berdiansk Museum of Local Lore named after Vasyl Kravchenko was founded in 1929.

It is located on the first floor of a three-story residential building of the middle of the 20th century.

Objects from the Scythian period of the IV century BC are presented. The interior of a Ukrainian peasant house of the 19th century has been reconstructed. Separate expositions tell about the Greeks and Bulgarians of the Black Sea region.

In the square in front of the museum, a collection of Polovtsian stone women is exhibited, as well as an ancient cannon, raised in the middle of the 19th century from the ship "Boyets" sunk during the Crimean War.

Map pin icon Peremohy Avenue, 14 Berdiansk


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Музей-галерея прикладної кераміки Бурлаїв, Запоріжжя
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Museum-gallery Applied Ceramics of Illya and Oleksiy Burlay

Museum / gallery

The museum-gallery of applied ceramics and painting of Illya and Oleksiy Burlay in Zaporizhzhia is located in the basement of the 18th century building, which once housed a laboratory for the study of clay for the production of bricks and tiles.

The collection includes materials related to the history and first buildings of the old Oleksandrivsk (now Zaporizhzhia), old maps and photo documents, a collection of old roof tiles and bricks, the history of the brick factory in the village of Karantinka.

The museum is also dedicated to the work of the socialist realist artist Oleksiy Burlay and the documentary artist Illya Burlay.

The "Museum and School" project is being implemented, within the framework of which festivals of creativity are held.

Map pin icon Poshtova Street, 29 Zaporizhzhia


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Музей історії музичних інструментів "БарабанЗА", Запоріжжя
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Musical Instruments History Museum "BarabanZA"

Museum / gallery

The Musical Instruments History Museum "BarabanZA" operates on the basis of the music hub of the same name in the Radio House of Zaporizhzhia city, which combines an ethnic music club, a school of playing ethnic musical instruments and a musical rehearsal base.

The museum was founded in 2016 by the public organization "Center for the Development of Business Technologies and Culture".

About 500 musical instruments from different countries of the world are presented in the exposition. Among them are such unique ones as a mechanical glass marimba, meditative singing jugs and stones, and a steel cello. Another unique exhibit is the drum of the last molfar of the Carpathians, Mykhaylo Nechay.

During the tour, you can not only see the exhibits, but also hear their voice. Visitors can play some instruments themselves.

The "BarabanZA" museum has a gift shop where you can buy replicas of musical instruments or order the manufacture of individual copies.

Map pin icon Dmytra Apukhtina Street, 21 Zaporizhzhia


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Пам'ятник Нестору Махну, Гуляйполе
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Nestor Makhno Monument


The monument to Nestor Makhno was erected in 2009 in the center of the city of Huliaipole, in the birthplace of the famous anarchist, the leader of the peasant insurgent movement in the south-east of Ukraine in 1917-1919.

The concrete sculpture is a copy of the plaster monument that was erected a year before in Huliaipole in front of Makhno's older brother's house, which has survived. The commander of the Revolutionary Rebel Army, Nestor Makhno, is depicted sitting in a military uniform and papas with a saber in his hand.

During the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian troops destroyed the Nestor Makhno monument, which was an unofficial symbol of the city, with a missile strike in 2024. However, already in September of the same year, the school was restored.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street Huliaipole


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Новомиколаївський історико-краєзнавчий музей, Новомиколаївка
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Novomykolaivka Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The historical and local lore museum of the urban-type village of Novomykolaivka was opened in 1985.

The museum's collections include about 2,000 objects. The history of the region from ancient times to the present is reflected in the museum's four exhibition halls. In particular, the archaeological section exhibits Bronze Age artifacts from archaeological excavations near the village. Multinational culture of Zaporizhzhia is presented in the exhibition "Settlement of the Region". The "Ethnographic Treasures of the Novomykolaivka Region" collection contains household items of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Separate expositions tell about the events of the Ukrainian revolution, collectivization, the Second World War, and the post-war development of the village.

The exposition dedicated to the heroes of the Russian-Ukrainian war is constantly updated.

Map pin icon Sobornosti Street, 84 Novomykolaivka


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Олександро-Невський собор, Мелітополь
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Oleksandr Nevsky Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Holy Prince Oleksandr Nevsky of Melitopol was built in 1815-1831.

Since the city of Melitopol was then called Novooleksandrivka, they decided to name the church in honor of Grand Duke Oleksandr Nevsky.

At first, the church was wooden, then it was rebuilt in stone.

Today, the Oleksandr Nevsky Cathedral is active.

Map pin icon Oleksandra Nevskoho Street, 5 Melitopol


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Оріхівський краєзнавчий музей, Оріхів
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Orikhiv Museum of Local Lore

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Orikhiv Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1972. Since 1993, the museum has been located in the historic building of the city administration, which is an architectural monument of local importance. The building was erected in 1893 in the style of Ukrainian classicism.

The museum's funds include about 7,000 exhibits. The "Archaeology" hall acquaints visitors with the history of the region from the Stone Age to the second half of the 18th century, when the construction of the Dnipro fortified line began and the first Cossack settlement in Orikhiv Balka arose.

The exposition "Orikhiv region at the turn of the 19th – early 20th centuries" tells about the development of the modern city of Orikhiv.

There is an ethnographic exhibition in the exhibition hall, where old household items are presented: clothes, dishes, towels, irons, samovars, etc.

A separate exhibition tells about the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war, starting in 2014.

During the full-scale Russian invasion of 2022, when Orikhiv was close to the front line, the building of the Orikhiv Museum of Local Lore was damaged by shelling of the city by the Russian invaders.

Map pin icon Pokrovska Street, 38 Orikhiv


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Будинок-музей Петра Шмідта, Бердянськ
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Petro Shmidt Memorial House-Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Petro Shmidt Memorial House-Museum in Berdiansk is dedicated to the famous revolutionary Lieutenant Petro Shmidt, who in 1905 raised an uprising on the cruiser "Ochakiv", as well as to his father Petro Shmidt, who in 1876-1886 served as the chief of the city and port of Berdiansk, greatly contributing to their landscaping

The museum is located in the mayor's house opposite the park laid out by Petro Shmidt the elder.

The exposition on the first floor tells about the Sevastopol Uprising of 1905, one of the organizers of which was Lieutenant Shmidt.

On the second floor, the interiors of the houses of wealthy citizens of the beginning of the 20th century are partially reproduced.

Map pin icon Petra Shmidta Street, 8 Berdiansk


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Музей феноменальної сили, Запоріжжя
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Phenomenal Strength Museum

Museum / gallery

Phenomenal Strength Museum, dedicated to the history of prominent Zaporizhzhia athletes, opened in Zaporizhzhia in 2021.

This is the second of the so-called "craft museums", which provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the history up close, interacting directly with some exhibits.

In the museum you can learn about the history of various sports, see retro photos of important sporting events in Zaporizhzhia, get acquainted with the stories of the most outstanding athletes of city.

The exhibition presents 125 original exhibits, including personal belongings of athletes, awards, videos from their private archives. Among them - a ticket to the Olympics in Tokyo famous Ukrainian weightlifter Leonid Zhabotynsky, where he won the first Olympic "gold" in 1964, swimsuit swimmer Olha Strazheva, in which she competed at the Olympics in 1988-1989, medal medalist of the 2000 Olympic Games Olena Zhupina and others.

In addition, visitors can enjoy interactive elements of the museum space, including table football, treadmill, arm wrestling table and more.

Map pin icon Mayakovskoho Avenue, 7 Zaporizhzhia


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Музей ПрАТ "Дніпроспецсталь", Запоріжжя
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PJSC "Dniprospetsstal" Museum

Museum / gallery

The museum of the private joint-stock company "Dniprospetsstal" in Zaporizhzhia was opened in 1967.

It is located on the second floor of the building of the production department of this industrial enterprise, which has been operating since 1932 and specializes in the production of grade stainless steel.

The total number of museum objects is more than 6,000 storage units. In particular, the exposition presents mock-ups of the factory's production workshops, workers' overalls, samples of the company's products, awards and gifts to the team, photos of important events in the company's history, and documents.

Map pin icon Pivdenne Highway, 81, 2nd floor Zaporizhzhia


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Краєзнавчий музей, Пологи
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Polohy Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The municipal institution "Polohy Museum of Local Lore" of the Polohy City Council has been located in the manor house of the Sandomyrsky merchants in Polohy since 1968.

The museum fund has more than 12 thousand historical monuments. In six halls there are expositions: "Nature of Polohy region", "Archeology and settlement of the region", "Our region at the beginning of the XX century", "Polohy region on the eve and during the Second World War", "Modernity of the native land".

The pride of the museum collection are stone idols of the Polovtsian period, archeological finds during the excavation of mounds, household items and agricultural equipment of the first settlers, photos and documents testifying to the construction of the Katerynynska Railway and the founding of the city  Polohy.

The exposition is complemented by dioramas "Development of the Polohy deposit of kaolins and refractory clays" and "Kinsko-Rozdorivske reservoir", as well as recreated interiors of a peasant house, houses of a middle-class family, apartments of a railway worker.

Map pin icon Vodoprovidny lane, 10 Polohy


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