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Музей комп'ютерних технологій, Львів
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Museum of Computer Technology

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Computer Technology in Lviv is located in the basement of the Scientific Library of Ivan Franko Lviv National University.

The interactive exhibition is devoted to the history of computers and video games of the 1980s and 1990s. More than a hundred devices are presented, most of which are in working condition.

In particular, you can see the technology of the USA (Apple, Atari, Commodore, IBM), the UK (Acorn, Sinclair, Tangerine Computer Systems), the countries of the former Eastern Bloc ("Pravets", Mera, Robotron), the USSR ("Elektronika BK") and of Ukraine (PK-01 "Lviv", "Search", "Orel" BK08).

Map pin icon Mykhayla Drahomanova Street, 5 Lviv


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Музей народної архітектури "Шевченківський гай", Львів
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Museum of Folk Architecture and Life "Shevchenkivsky grove", Lviv

Museum / gallery , Ethnographic complex

The Museum of Folk Architecture and Life named after Klymentii Sheptytskyi in Lviv is also known as "Shevchenkivsky Grove", Lviv Skansen or open-air museum. It is located on the wooded hills of the "Znesinnia" Regional Landscape Park in the eastern part of Lviv, behind the Vysoky Zamok.

The open-air museum in Lviv was founded in 1971, although the exhibition began to take shape in the interwar period at the initiative of Lviv art critic Mykhailo Dragan and Archimandrite Klymentii Sheptytskyi. The first exhibit was the wooden church of St. Nicholas of 1761, which was transported from the village of Kryvka.

Currently, the exposition of the open-air museum includes more than 110 architectural monuments from all western regions of Ukraine: 6 churches, residential buildings, a forge, a school, a sawmill, a cloth mill, a water mill and a windmill. The museum has the largest collection of sacred buildings in Europe.

The exposition is divided into six ethnographic zones, representing the daily life of residents of various Western Ukrainian regions: Boikivshchyna, Lemkivshchyna, Hutsulshchyna, Bukovyna, Pokuttia, Podillia, Zakarpattia, Lviv region. Each zone is a mini village with religious, residential and economic buildings. The interiors of most houses are available for viewing, and household items are exhibited in them.

In particular, the central exhibit of the "Hutsulshchyna" zone is a traditional Hutsul grazhda from the village of Kryvorivnia. And the oldest exhibit is a peasant hut from 1749.

Traditional Christmas and Easter celebrations take place in the Museum every year, attracting the attention of a large number of Lviv residents and guests of the city. At individual facilities, you can get acquainted with ancient crafts, including straw weaving, pysankarstvo, and playing folk instruments. Workshops for children and adults are constantly held in the open-air museum.

Map pin icon Chernecha Hora Street, 1 Lviv


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Інтерактивний музей цікавої науки та техніки "Еврика", Львів
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Museum of interesting science and technology "Eureka"

Museum / gallery

The interactive museum of interesting science and technology "Eureka" (Evrika) in Lviv is a children's scientific and entertainment complex that introduces visitors to the world of science in an accessible game form.

The interactive exposition covers the main branches of science: physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, astronomy, geology, etc. All exhibits are not only possible, but must be touched, moved, looked at from all sides and checked in practice. In the "Eureka" laboratory, everyone can independently conduct more than two hundred laboratory experiments in physics, chemistry and other scientific fields.

The modern Lviv planetarium of the "Eureka" museum will help you immerse yourself in the world of space discoveries and learn about the causes of the universe, the structure of the constellations, the structure of the solar system, the discovery of the Hubble space telescope and the prospects of research on the newest James Webb orbital telescope.

The virtual reality section will help you meet dinosaurs, become a spectator of the Du Soleil circus or get to a distant country. Science shows are regularly held in "Eureka" hosted by the "crazy professor" Smiley.

In addition to the rich museum exposition, there is a small shop where you can buy educational literature, interesting intellectual games and unusual souvenirs.

Map pin icon 106 Knyahyni Olhy street, "Lviv" department store, 4th floor, hall 15 Lviv


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Музей Патріарха Йосипа Сліпого
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Museum of Patriarch Yosyp Slipy

Museum / gallery

The Memorial Museum of the Patriarch of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, Cardinal Yosyp Slipy, was opened in 1997 in the main building of the Ukrainian Catholic University.

The museum exposition is presented on the basis of materials from the private collection of the famous popularizer and propagandist of the ideas of the Patriarch, doctor of medicine, Roman Smik from the USA, as well as modern philatelic materials of the head of the Lviv Regional Organization of the Ukrainian Philatelic Society Roman Byshkevych, documents and photo materials of the Institute of Church History. These are special envelopes, postcards and stamps, medals, tokens, festive ribbons, with which the Ukrainian community abroad tried to celebrate every event in the life of the Church and the Patriarch after his arrival in Rome.

The museum illuminates the life of the Patriarch, popularizes the ideas laid down in the Testaments of Yosyp Slipy. It combines three periods of the Patriarch's life: Lviv, in exile in Siberia, and Roman.

Two rarities are included in the museum's collection: a cast of the great seal of Patriarch Yosyp Slipy and the medal "For Loyalty to the Church and the Pope", which was awarded in 1998 to priests of the UGCC who survived the times of persecution. Photographs of the Patriarch occupy a special place in the museum. In the museum there are personal paramans (an amulet that testifies to the special care of the Virgin Mary) worn by the Patriarch, his sweater, kamilavka, omophorus and miter. Also in the exhibition is the miter of the Patriarch, which was worn on the day of the funeral. After restoration, it was transferred to the museum.

A particularly valuable museum exhibit is the omophorus of the Patriarch. This is the first omophorus he wore when he came to Rome (the Patriarch went to a meeting with Pope Ivan XXIII in a borrowed cassock).

Map pin icon Ilariona Svyentsitskoho Street, 17, room 119 Lviv


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Музей Русалка Дністрова, Львів
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Museum-Reserve "Rusalka Dnistrova"

Museum / gallery

Museum-Reserve "Rusalka Dnistrova" is a branch of the Lviv National Art Gallery. Dedicated to the first Ukrainian folklore and literary almanac "Ruskalka of Dniester", which had a great influence on the Ukrainian national revival and the development of Ukrainian literature in Galicia.

It is located in the architectural monument of the 18th century - the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Spirit. In 1939, the church itself was destroyed by a German bomb, leaving only the bell tower with a baroque finish, on which there is a unique clock, donated in the 17th century by Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky to the Manyavsky hermitage and later transported and installed on the Holy Spirit bell tower.

The museum's exhibits highlight the social, research, literary and publishing activities of the founders of the "Ruthenian Triad" (Ruska Triytsia) society, Markiian Shashkevych, Ivan Vahylevych and Yakiv Holovatsky, who published the Western Ukrainian literary almanac "Rusalka Dnistrova" in the Ukrainian vernacular since 1873.

Map pin icon Kopernyka Street, 36 Lviv


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Музей Михайла Грушевського, Львів
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Mykhaylo Hrushevsky Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery , Palace / manor

The Mykhaylo Hrushevsky Memorial Museum in Lviv was founded in 1998 in the mansion where he and his family lived in 1902-1914.

At that time, Hrushevskyi was a professor at Lviv University, and immediately became the initiator of the creation of the Ukrainian National Democratic Party.

The museum's main exposition is devoted to the Lviv period in Hrushevsky's life. The originals of his publications, photographs, letters of the scientist, personal belongings of the Hrushevsky family are presented.

The activities of Mykhaylo Hrushevsky at the head of the Central Council of the Ukrainian People's Republic are also highlighted.

Map pin icon Ivana Franka Street, 154 Lviv


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Пам'ятник Михайлові Грушевському, Львів
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Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi Monument


The monument to Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi was erected in Lviv in 1994.

The outstanding Ukrainian historian taught at Lviv University in 1894-1914. It was in Galicia that the political activity of the future leader of the Ukrainian state, the head of the Central Council of the Ukrainian People's Republic, began.

The bronze sculpture, made by sculptors Dmytro Krvavych, Mykola Posikira, Lyubomyr Yaremchuk, is installed on a granite pedestal (architect Vasyl Kamenshchyk).

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Avenue, 28 Lviv


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Музей "Тюрма на Лонцького", Львів
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National Memorial Museum of Victims of Occupation Regimes "Prison at Lontskoho"

Historic area , Museum / gallery

The National Memorial Museum of Victims of Occupation Regimes "Prison at Lontskoho" was opened in Lviv in a building that for 85 years was occupied by the punitive bodies of various authorities.

The complex at the intersection of modern Bandery and Kopernika streets was built at the end of the 19th century for the Austrian gendarmerie. Then the prisons of the Polish, German and Soviet authorities were located in the building. In 1941, the largest number of political prisoners in Western Ukraine was destroyed here - 1,645. During the German occupation, the Gestapo prison was housed in the building. After the Second World War, it was used by the Soviet punitive and repressive authorities to hold captured rebels. After the declaration of Ukraine's independence, the detention center of the SBU was located here.

The museum complex "Prison at Lontskoho" was opened by the Liberation Movement Research Center and the Security Service of Ukraine. An authentic prison setting has been recreated. The complex includes a solitary confinement cell, a death row cell, and an investigator's office. Declassified "shooting lists" are presented, as well as the archive file of one of the most famous prisoners - Father Mykola Khmilevskyi, head of the underground Greek Catholic Church and member of the Ukrainian Main Liberation Council.

Excursions are conducted by appointment.

Map pin icon Stepana Bandery Street, 1 Lviv


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Музей Олекси Новаківського, Львів
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Oleksa Novakivsky Art and Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Oleksa Novakivsky Art Memorial Museum is located in the house where the famous Ukrainian painter has lived since 1913.

The exquisite red-brick villa, built in the late 19th century in the neo-Romanesque style by the famous Lviv architect Yulian Zakharevych, was once known as the palace of the Polish artist Yan Styka.

In 1907 it was bought by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky for the needs of the church museum. With the assistance of the Metropolitan in 1923-1935, the Oleksa Novakivsky Art School operated here - the first art school for young people in Western Ukraine, which became the leading center of artistic life in Lviv.

The artist's creative studio was located on the second floor of the house, and his family lived next door in five rooms. Since 1972, an art-memorial museum has been set up in these premises, covering the main stages of the artist's creative path.

The Oleksa Novakivsky Museum is a branch of the National Museum named after Andrey Sheptytsky in Lviv.

Map pin icon Lystopadovoho Chynu Street, 11 Lviv


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Музей Олени Кульчицької, Львів
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Olena Kulchytska Art and Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Olena Kulchytska Art Memorial Museum was opened in 1971 in the artist's former apartment in Lviv, on the third floor of a residential building of the late 19th century.

According to the artist's will, all her creative heritage, apartments and personal belongings were donated to the Ukrainian people.

The exposition in four rooms reveals the artist's work in various genres and types of fine and applied arts. And also presents her as an innovator and creator of modern expression in Ukrainian art culture.

The best-preserved interior of the apartment reproduces the artist’s aesthetic preferences for the decoration of urban housing in the context of Ukrainian folk tradition and its creative interpretation.

The Olena Kulchytska Museum is a branch of the Lviv National Museum named after Andrey Sheptytsky.

Map pin icon Lystopadovoho Chynu Street, 7 Lviv


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Палаццо Бандінеллі, Львів
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Palazzo Bandinelli

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The three-storey townhouse at the corner of Rynok Square and Stavropihiyska Street is one of the oldest buildings in the central part of Lviv.

Built in the style of the late Renaissance in 1593. It was in this house that the wealthy Florentine merchant Roberto Bandinelli in 1629 opened the first post office in Lviv. Later the owners were local Armenians, Austrians and Poles.

Now "Palazzo Bandinelli" is a department of the Lviv Historical Museum, which recreates the residential interiors typical of the life of wealthy Lviv residents of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

For the attention of visitors - a hall for ceremonial receptions, and also enfilades of rooms: a drawing room, a gallery of a front portrait, an office, a dining room, etc. The rooms exhibit samples of handmade furniture, porcelain and earthenware from Europe, China and Japan, a collection of silverware, paintings.

The decoration of the collection is woven wallpaper, made to order by King Louis XVI of France. Of great interest is the interior of the kitchen, where samples of antique metal utensils are collected.

Earlier, the Palazzo Bandinelli housed the Royal Mail Museum, which told about the development of the postal service in Galicia, the construction of postal tracts, the opening of post offices with hotels, the emergence of stagecoaches and postmen.

Map pin icon Rynok Square, 2 Lviv


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Аптека-музей Під чорним орлом, Львів
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Pharmacy-museum "Under the Black Eagle"

Museum / gallery

The oldest pharmacy in Lviv has been operating on Rynok Square for almost 300 years.

The pharmacy in the townhouse "Under the Black Eagle" was opened in 1735 by a military pharmacist Frants Vilhelm Natorp, as evidenced by a wrought-iron sign with the emblem of medicine above the entrance. On both sides of the neat portal there are relief portraits of the god of healing Aesculapius and his daughter - the goddess of health Hygiene.

The old interior of the trade hall, paintings by Viennese masters on the ceiling, antique scales and cash registers have been preserved.

In 1966, the Museum of the History of Pharmacy opened here, with an exposition of more than 3,000 exhibits. In the exhibition halls you can see a variety of pharmaceutical devices, reconstruction of the pharmacist's home, an underground alchemical laboratory.

The courtyard recreates the view of the house of a rich burgher of the XVI-XVII centuries.

Pharmacy "Under the Black Eagle" continues to serve people today, becoming a state pharmacy № 15. In addition to drugs, you can buy the world-famous "Iron Wine" (aqueous solution of iron sugar used in iron deficiency anemia) and the popular Lviv tincture "Vihor", which is considered a means of increasing potency. Memorable souvenirs are also sold here.

Map pin icon Drukarska Street, 2 Lviv


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Палац Потоцьких, Львів
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Potocki Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The most luxurious palace in Lviv was created for the influential Polish magnates Potocki according to the project of the union of Lviv architects Ludwik Baldwin-Ramult, Juliusz Cybulski, Piotr Harasimowicz and Leonard Marconi.

The customer was Count Alfred II YJózef Potocki, his son Roman Potocki was completing the construction. The historicist-style palace is modeled on the entre cour et jardin residences of King Louis XIV of the Baroque Classicist era, when clear planning combined with rich exterior design.

Interiors in the style of King Louis XVI have been preserved. In particular, on the ground floor there are ceremonial halls for the reception of guests, in the design of which stucco, gilding, colored marble, painting are widely used. In Soviet times, the Palace of Marriages was located here.

In 2007, the Potocki Palace opened the Museum of European Art of the XIV-XVIII centuries - a department of the Lviv National Gallery of Arts. Borys Voznytskyi. On the second floor there is one of the richest collections of European art in Ukraine, including "Catching Corals and Pearls" by Jacopo Zucchi, "Payment" by Georges de La Tour, "Portrait of a Young Patrician" by Sofonisba Anguissola, "Allegory of Divine Mercy" by an unknown German artist, "The Visit of Mary Elizabeth" by Jan van Scorel, sketches of monumental paintings by Paul Troger, Joseph Winterhalter, Franz Anton Maulbertsch and others.

The Park of Castles and Defense Structures of Ancient Ukraine has been opened in the courtyard of the Potocki Palace. Architect Ihor Kachor created 1:50 scale models of 18 fortifications that exist now or existed earlier on the historical territory of Ukraine-Russia. Entrance to the territory is free.

Map pin icon Mykoly Kopernyka Street, 15 Lviv


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Королівський арсенал, Львів
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Royal Arsenal


The Royal Arsenal of Lviv was built in the Baroque style by the architect Pavlo Grodzytskyi by order of the Polish King Vladyslav IV.

As a strategically important city, Lviv had two arsenals. The city arsenal was formed by the citizens of the city, and the royal was maintained at the expense of the monarch. Since 1939, the Royal Arsenal has housed the Lviv Regional State Archive.

In 1977, a monument to the first printer Ivan Fedoriv was erected in front of the arsenal building, opened for the 400th anniversary of printing in Ukrainian lands. Near the monument is a second-hand market, popular with foreign tourists. Traders of old books and antiques gather here.

Map pin icon Pidvalna Street, 13 Lviv


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Музей сакрального мистецтва, Львів
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Sacred Art Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Sacred Art of the Lviv Archdiocese named after Father Anton Petrushevych Curia of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church was opened in 2008 in the restored church of Saint Klymentiy Sheptytsky.

An exposition of monuments of iconographic art collected by Studite monks after the legalization of the UGCC is presented.

Map pin icon Maksyma Kryvonosa Street, 1 Lviv


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