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Львівський університет ім. Франка, Львів
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Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko

Museum / gallery , Architecture

Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko is one of the leading higher education institutions of Ukraine, one of the oldest in Europe. It was founded in 1661 by decree of the Polish king Yan Kazymyr.

The building of the main building of Lviv University was built in 1877-1881 (architect Yuliush Hokhberger). Initially, it housed the Regional Diet of Galicia and Lodomeria. The facade is decorated with a majestic portico with columns and a loggia, sculptural allegorical groups "Work" and "Education" at the entrance, "Galicia, Vistula and Dniester" - on the attic (sculptor Theodore Rieger). In 1920, the building was transferred to the Lviv University of Yan Kazymyr.

Currently, Ivan Franko Lviv National University occupies high positions in many international and all-Ukrainian university rankings. More than 20,000 students study at its 19 faculties. The university has its own botanical garden and a collection of old prints in the scientific library.

The History Museum of Lviv University operates in two halls of the main building. Here is presented a gallery of portraits of rectors, diplomas of graduates and scientists of different times, documents and personal belongings of prominent people, manuscripts and editions of scientific works, scientific instruments, photographs and other items related to the history of Lviv University. Museum employees conduct tours.

In addition, the main building houses the Archaeological Museum of Lviv University, which highlights the material and spiritual culture of the population of Volyn and Prykarpattia from the Paleolithic to the princely era.

The Museum Complex of the Lviv National University also includes the Archaeological Museum, the Zoological Museum, the Paleontological Museum, the Mineralogical Museum, and the Museum of Ore Formations.

Map pin icon Universytetska Street, 1 Lviv


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Океанаріум Львів
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Lviv Oceanarium

Museum / gallery , Entertainment / leisure

The first oceanarium in Lviv opened in 2020 in the city center, on Tarasa Shevchenko Avenue, in the former premises of the "Kyiv" cinema. This is one of the projects of a team of professional aquarists led by Oleksandr and Yana Yanovsky.

On three floors there is a labyrinth with more than 20 aquariums of various sizes, as well as an underwater tunnel 18 meters long. At the time of its opening, the collection included more than 3,000 different sea creatures. In particular, blacktip sharks, three types of rays, spotted gars, porcupinefiseh, clownfishes, yellowface angelfishes, red lionfishes, Midas cichlids, giant gouramis, piranhas and other types of fish and sea turtles live in the oceanarium.

Excursions are conducted in Ukrainian, Russian, English and Polish. A souvenir shop is open, orders for aquarium fish are accepted.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Avenue, 8 Lviv


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Львівський театр ляльок, Львів
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Lviv Puppet Theater

Theater / show , Architecture

The Lviv Puppet Theater was founded in 1946. It is located in a building that was built in 1913 as the "Craft Chamber" according to the project of architect Yan Protshke.

The building is made in the Neo-Renaissance style. Nowadays, fragments of authentic stained-glass windows in the Secession style and incredible forging are still preserved on the ceiling.

The Lviv Puppet Theater began its activities with the premiere of the folk tale "Ivasyk-Telesyk" based on Ivan Franko's fairy tale.

Map pin icon Danyla Halytskoho Square, 1 Lviv


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Музей історії Львівської залізниці
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Lviv Railway History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Lviv Railway History Museum is dedicated to the creation and development of the oldest railway line in Ukraine. It was founded in 1973 and became the first railway museum in Ukraine. It is located in the Palace of Science and Technology of the Lviv-West locomotive depot next to the railway station.

The exposition of the museum tells about the birth and construction of the Lviv Railway in Halychyna, Volhynia, in the Carpathians and further south to the city of Chernivtsi during the times of Austria-Hungary, Poland, the USSR and at the current stage of Ukraine's development.

Among the exhibits are rare documents, photographs, tools, devices, models, equipment and uniforms of employees of railway professions from different times. The pride of the museum is the album "Volodymyr-Volynskyi - Sokal Line" published in 1916, trilingual passenger tickets from 1918-1921, as well as the Koptomir counting machine, which was used until 1939.

Map pin icon Yuriya Fedkovycha Street, 54/56 Lviv


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Музей історії електрифікації, Львів
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Lviv Region Electrification History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Lviv Region Electrification History Museum was opened in 2018 at the initiative of Lvivoblenergo PJSC. The exhibition is located on the first floor of the "Lvivoblenergo" building near the "Zalizna Voda" park.

The museum tells about the history of energy development in Lviv from the end of the 19th century. In particular, the model of the first electric tram, which was launched in the city in 1894, is presented. Visitors are offered to set the tram in motion with the help of a dynamo.

You can also see a plan for the laying of cable lines of the city of Lviv from 1908, a copy of a street arc lamp from 1909, a model of a coal mine and its electrical equipment, electric meters from different times, working tools and remains of electricians.

The interior of the laboratory of engineer-inventor Nikola Tesla is reproduced in the museum, and the work of the Tesla coil is demonstrated.

In front of the entrance to the museum, there is a stand dedicated to the memory of Taras Krukenytskyi, director of the Lviv City Electricity Networks. A landmark for visitors is the mural depicting Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison on the fence.

Visiting the museum is possible only with a guided tour and by prior appointment.

Map pin icon Yuriya Mushaka Street, 56 Lviv


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Винники
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Lviv Regional Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Historical and Local Lore Museum in the city of Vynnyki is a communal institution of the Lviv Regional Council. It was opened in 1991 in the former mansion of doctor Yakiv Nahlyak (1935). The exposition is located in three halls.

The archeological collection presents everyday objects of primitive hunters, finds from the Trypillian period, a unique treasure from the Hallstatt-Laten era and a mysterious stone statue. Among the archaeological artifacts of the western region of Ukraine are a Viking sword, one of three cauldrons in the world with the image of Swabian warriors, a fragment of a stone tile with a "smiling face", etc.

The expositions of the "History of the Middle Ages" and "Modern History" departments tell about the origin and development of the city of Vynnyky. In particular, items from the Vynnyky Castle and the first tobacco factory of Galicia, a collection of ancient printed publications of the 17th-19th centuries, personal belongings of the famous opera singer Oleksandra Lyubich-Parakhonyak, ministers of the Ukrainian People's Republic of Ukraine Ivan Lypa and Ivan Ohiyenko are presented.

The museum also has exhibition halls in Vynnyky, which are located in a building at 5 Ivasyuka Street. Personal, scientific, ethnographic and artistic exhibitions, thematic lectures, seminars and symposia are held here.

The departments of the Lviv Regional Historical and Local Lore Museum are:
- Volodymyr Patyk Museum (Lviv);
- Weaving and Carpet Making Museum (Glyniany);
- Lord Homestead Museum (Zhuravnyky).

Map pin icon Halytska Street, 26 Vynnyky


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Палац Лянцкоронських, Комарно
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Lyantskoronsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The Lyantskoronsky manor in the city of Komarno was founded in the 18th century opposite the old castle. The palace in the style of classicism was built at the end of the 19th century.

Until 1939, a Polish school was located in the estate. During the Second World War, the palace was badly damaged and has not been restored since then, now it is in ruins. The park is in a very neglected state.

Map pin icon Sambirska Street, 72 Komarno


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Палац Любомирських (Музей меблів та порцеляни), Львів
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Lyubomyrsky Palace (Furniture and Porcelain Museum)

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The elegant Renaissance building of the palace was built for Count Sapeha, but later architect Yan de Vitte rebuilt it for the Lyubomyrskyi family.

Since the 19th century, the building belonged to the Ukrainian society "Prosvita".

Currently, the premises of the Lyubomirskyi Palace house the exposition of the Museum of Ancient European Furniture and Porcelain (680 items) - a branch of the Museum of Ethnography and Art Crafts of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Rynok Square, 10 Lviv


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Театр Марії Заньковецької, Львів
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Mariya Zankovetska National Theater

Architecture , Theater / show

The National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Mariya Zankovetska, which was called the "Galician La Scala", was at one time the largest theater in Lviv.

Built in 1837-1842 at the expense of Count Stanislav Skarbek (the letter "W" of his coat of arms "Abdank" is preserved on the portal). The project of the building in the style of Viennese classicism, about 96 meters long, 76 meters wide and covering an area of ​​more than 7,000 square meters, was developed by architects Lyudvig Pihl and Yohann Salzmann. Three horses could enter under the portal with six Ionic columns. A progressive at that time heating and ventilation system was provided.

Niccolo Paganini, Ferenc Liszt, Sarah Bernard performed on this stage.

In 1923, the tetra was named after Mariya Zankovetska.

Map pin icon Lesi Ukrayinky Street, 1 Lviv


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Костел Марії Сніжної, Львів
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Mary the Snowy Church (Mother of God's Perpetual Help)

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Mary the Snowy in the Stariy Rynok district in Lviv is one of the oldest churches in the city.

Built in the 14th century by German colonists next to the old market square. The church was first mentioned in documents in 1352.

The original appearance of the building was greatly changed by subsequent reconstructions in the 17th and 19th centuries. After the last reconstruction, carried out by the architect Yulian Zakharevych, the church became a single-nave, basilica type, with an elongated altar part, a square vestibule and a square two-story bell tower.

Previously, the interior was decorated with frescoes of 1750-1751 by the artist Stanislav Stroyinsky. In their place in the 19th century, the artist Edvard Lyepshy executed new paintings imitating mosaics.

Today it is the church of the Mother of God of Perpetual Help of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.

Map pin icon Snizhna Street, 2 Lviv


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Музей "Територія терору", Львів
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Memorial Museum of Totalitarian Regimes "Territory of Terror"

Museum / gallery , Historic area

The Memorial Museum of Totalitarian Regimes "Territory of Terror" was opened in Lviv on the territory of transit prison No. 25.

The prison was established in 1944 by the Soviet occupation administration, which replaced the Nazi one. During the Second World War, this place was the Lviv ghetto.

The museum complex has two barracks, watchtowers, barbed wire fence and other infrastructure facilities.

The museum tells the story of political, social, ethnic and religious repressions of totalitarian regimes against the population living in Ukraine.

Map pin icon Vyacheslava Chornovola Avenue, 45 Lviv


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Військовий цвинтар, Глинськ
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Military Сemetery of the First World War

Historic area , Monument

The military cemetery of the First World War is located in the rural cemetery on the outskirts of Hlynsk.

Soldiers who died in 1915 during the campaign of the Austro-Hungarian army to Lviv occupied by Russian troops are buried here. Nearby are Ukrainians, Poles, Germans and Hungarians.

The entire cemetery is crowned by a rectangular memorial column, as a symbol of the triumph of the Austro-Hungarian troops over the Russians. On the four sides of the column, dedications to the fallen soldiers are written in four languages - German, Hungarian, Ukrainian and Polish.

The battle that took place in the vicinity of the village of Hlynsk on June 21, 1915, enabled the troops of General Bom-Ermoli to liberate Lviv from Russian troops. Reburials were carried out in July 2015.

Map pin icon Hlynsk


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Музей модернізму, Львів
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Modernism Museum

Museum / gallery

A new exhibition of contemporary art of the Borys Voznytsky Lviv National Art Gallery - Modernism Museum - opened in 2021 in a modern two-storey office building made of silicate brick, erected in Soviet times behind the Potocki Palace.

A retrospective of Lviv art from early modern experiments to examples of the aesthetics of late structuralism is unfolded in the seven halls of the museum.

The exhibition hall of historical avant-garde and high modernism of 1914-1939 begins the exposition. The next section illustrates the existential sensitivity of postwar society and the state of social alienation of Lviv intellectuals in the days of totalitarian pressure of 1939-1953, in particular the work of Karl Zvirynsky and the artists of his "hermetic circle". The following are the works of artists of 1960-1970: Yevhen Lysyk, Lubomyr Medvid, Ivan Ostafiychuk, Roman Zhuk, Roman Petruk, whose works trace the influences of European trends: Dadaism, Surrealism and Neo-Expressionism, as well as the large-scale phenomenon of the "Lviv neo-avant-garde".

The last halls exhibit the works of the final phase of modern aesthetics and visualize the transitional period between Lviv modernism and postmodernism. The works of Myroslav Yahoda, Roman Zhuk, Rostyslav Lakh, and Andriy Sahaydakovsky reveal the phenomenon of anti-social alienation, close to the Western definition of "trans-avant-garde."

Map pin icon Kopernyka Street, 15 Lviv


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Музей Львів стародавній
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Museum "Ancient Lviv"

Museum / gallery

The "Ancient Lviv" museum opened in 2020 in the dungeons of the Transfiguration Church in the center of Lviv, near Rynok Square.

This is the second institution of a large project of innovative museums under the brand "Formation of the Ukrainian Nation", which combines modern exhibition technologies, realistic 3-D figures of prominent Ukrainians and exhibits from private collections and museum funds.

The Lviv museum presents 40 figures of notable figures who had an impact on the development of the city from 1256 to 1722. Among them are King Danylo Halytsky, Prince Vasylko Romanovych, King Casimir III, sculptor Ivan Heorhiy Pinzel, founder of the first Viennese coffee houses Yuriy Kulchytsky and many others.

Classical and thematic excursions, children's quests, master classes on decorating weapons, weaving chain mail, pottery, making a motanka doll, painting with coffee, and medieval dances are held.

Tickets can be purchased online in advance.

Map pin icon Krakivska Street, 21 Lviv


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Музей-криївка УПА, Басівка
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Museum "Kryivka of the UPA Underground Printery"

Museum / gallery

The Museum "Kryivka of the UPA Underground Printery" was opened in 2014 on the territory of the Basivka Arboretum, north of the Basivka village near Lviv. In 1955, the last battle between a group of local rebels and a KGB special forces unit took place at this place.

During the liberation struggle against the Soviet occupation, UPA fighters created an underground printery here. The kryivka (hideout) is recreated in its original form according to the memories of eyewitnesses. The underground bunker consists of three rooms connected by a 30-meter long tunnel.

The exposition presents improvised furniture, khagants, an oven, typewriters, household items of the rebels, photographs, originals and copies of documents. A mini-chapel has also been recreated, one of the exhibits of which is the "Prayer Book of the Ukrainian People" (1947).

Map pin icon Lapayivka Forestry, quarter 38 Basivka


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