
Travel guide online Verkhivnia

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General information about Verkhivnia

The village of Verkhivnia is located on the Verkhovenka River 65 kilometers east of Berdychiv.

It was first mentioned in Polish documents in 1600 as the property of the Lyubomyrskis, then the Skorunskis. Since 1780, it has been owned by Count Vatslav Hansky.

Here, in 1847-1850, the great French writer Honore de Balzac lived and worked on the dramas "Stepmother" and "Human Comedy", having married the widow of the count, Evelina Hanska, whom he met in Switzerland after many years of correspondence.

The palace of the Hanskys (1800) in the style of classicism, two outbuildings, a part of the underground passage, a park and a church - the family tomb of the Hanskys (1810) have been ...

The village of Verkhivnia is located on the Verkhovenka River 65 kilometers east of Berdychiv.

It was first mentioned in Polish documents in 1600 as the property of the Lyubomyrskis, then the Skorunskis. Since 1780, it has been owned by Count Vatslav Hansky.

Here, in 1847-1850, the great French writer Honore de Balzac lived and worked on the dramas "Stepmother" and "Human Comedy", having married the widow of the count, Evelina Hanska, whom he met in Switzerland after many years of correspondence.

The palace of the Hanskys (1800) in the style of classicism, two outbuildings, a part of the underground passage, a park and a church - the family tomb of the Hanskys (1810) have been preserved.

Село Верхівня розташоване на річці Верховенка в 65 кілометрах на схід від Бердичева.

Вперше згадується в польських документах в 1600 році як володіння Любомирських, потім Скорунських. З 1780 року у власності графа Вацлава Ганського.

Тут в 1847-1850 роках жив і працював над драмами "Мачуха" та "Людська комедія" великий французький письменник Оноре де Бальзак, одружившись на вдові графа Евеліні Ганській, з якою познайомився в Швейцарії після багаторічного листування.

Зберігся палац Ганських (1800 рік) в стилі класицизму, два флігелі, частина підземного ходу, парк та костел - родинна усипальниця Ганських (1810 рік).

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What to see and where to go in Verkhivnia

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Tourist attractions and museums of Verkhivnia

Granary, Verkhivnia
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The granary in Verkhivnia was built in 1913. It is an architectural monument of local importance. A warehouse of agricultural tools of that time has been preserved nearby.

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Hansky Palace (Balzac Museum), Verkhivnia
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Hansky Palace (Honore de Balzac Literary and Memorial Museum)

Palace / manor

The Empire-style palace with antique motifs in the decor was built in Verkhivnia in 1800, according to the project of the Italian architect Blerio, by Count Vatslav Hansky, who inherited the Verkhivnia  estate from his father Yan Hansky.

The manor with a palace and outbuildings, a large landscaped park and a church-burial church was presented by the count to his young wife Evelina from the Rzhevusky family, who was considered one of the first beauties of Poland. From here, Evelina began a secret correspondence with Honore de Balzac, signing under the pseudonym "Foreigner". Soon their first meeting took place in Switzerland, but only 15 years later, when Evelina's husband died, the writer was able to come to Verkhivnia.

In Balzac's study, which has survived, on the second floor of the palace, there is a table at which he wrote "Deputy of Arcy", "Petite Bourgeois", "Theatre as it is" and the drama "The Stepmother". The interior of Balzac's bedroom has not been preserved - there are exhibited portraits of the novelist made by his contemporaries. These rooms house the Literary and Memorial Museum of Honore de Balzac.

Other premises of the Hansky palace are occupied by the Agricultural College, restoration is underway.

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