The village of Demydiv is located between the Irpin and Kizka rivers at their confluence with the Dnipro, near the Kyiv Reservoir.
In the annals, it was first mentioned in 1026 as Horodets, where the Kyiv prince Yaroslav the Wise and his brother Mstyslav made peace (the fortress has been preserved).
After the Mongol invasion, the Demydiv are mentioned in the lustration of Kyiv Castle in 1543. The population took part in the Liberation War of 1648-1654. In the 18th century, when Demydiv was owned by Stetskyi, a Kyiv castelian, the village received the status of a small town.
On the opposite bank of the Irpen in the Demydiv area, several pillboxes of the "Stalin Line" have been preserved.
Село Демидів розташоване між річками Ірпінь та Кізка при їх впадінні в Дніпро, поблизу Київського водосховища.
У літописах вперше згадується в 1026 році як Городець, де уклали мир Київський князь Ярослав Мудрий та його брат Мстислав (збереглося городище).
Після монгольської навали Демидів згадується в люстрації Київського замку 1543 року. Населення брало участь у Визвольній війні 1648-1654 років. В XVIII столітті, коли Демидовом володів київський каштелян Стецький, село отримало статус містечка.
На протилежному березі Ірпеня в районі Демидова збереглося кілька дотів "Лінії Сталіна".
Zoo "12 Months"
Happy Animal Park "12 Months" (Zoo "XII Months") is located 40 kilometers from the center of Kyiv on the highway to Dymer, between Demydiv and Lytvynivka.
On the territory of 16 hectares, there are aviaries built according to modern technologies. You can see more than 100 species of animals in the zoo. Among its inhabitants are a white lion and a lioness, a white tiger, giraffes, a black jaguar, a red wolf, cheetahs, puma, hyenas, Kamchatka bears, various monkeys, a rhinoceros, antelope kanna, bison, alpacas and others. Indian elephants are expected to arrive.
For children, there is a petting zoo in "12 Months", where you can interact with donkeys, lambs, mini-cows and other domestic animals. A large playground and a pirate ship have been prepared for active children's recreation.
In the center of the complex, next to the pond, there is a restaurant in the style of a fairy-tale castle, similar to the Bavarian castle Noyshvanshtayn - the prototype of Snow White's castle from Disney cartoons. Many animals can be hand-fed.
Russian-Ukrainian war
Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, in February 2022, the "!2 months" zoo immediately found itself under Russian occupation, at the epicenter of hostilities, and was actually cut off from the outside world. For more than a month, in extremely difficult conditions without light, gas and fodder, under constant enemy fire, seven employees of the park cared for the animals and saved most of them. Unfortunately, several animals died due to the stress of the explosions - they could not withstand the sounds of shells flying over the park and exploding.
Currently, the Happy Animal Park "!2 Months" has resumed its work and welcomes visitors.
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