The village of Hamaliivka is located on the banks of the Shostka River, between the towns of Shostka and Hlukhiv.
It was founded in the 17th century by General Osavul Antin Hamaliya. At his expense, in 1702, a wooden church was built in honor of the hieromartyr Kharlampiy, next to which the Hamalivsky hermitage was established.
In 1713, hetman Ivan Skoropadskyi issued a decree on the construction of the defensive Kharlampyivskyi monastery on this site, in which he was later buried with his family. The monastery existed until 1924, and a little later, a correctional labor colony of enhanced regime was created on its territory, which exists to this day. The view of the monastery transformed into a prison makes a depressing impression on those who pass by on the highway.
Село Гамаліївка розташоване на березі річки Шостка, між містами Шостка та Глуховом.
Засноване в XVII сторіччі генеральним осавулом Антіном Гамалією. Його коштом в 1702 році було зведено дерев'яну церкву на честь священномученика Харлампія, поруч з яким виник Гамаліївський скит.
В 1713 році гетьман Іван Скоропадський видав універсал про спорудження на цьому місці оборонного Харлампієвого монастиря, в якому він згодом був похований з родиною. Монастир проіснував до 1924 року, а дещо пізніше на його території була створена виправно-трудова колонія посиленого режиму, яка існує до цих пір. Вид перетвореної на в'язницю обителі справляє гнітюче враження на тих, хто проїжджає по трасі повз.
Kharlampiivskyi Monastery, Hamaliivka
Temple , Architecture
Hamaliivka (Kharalampiivskyi) monastery is a monastery-prison, one of the most negative examples of the use of historical and architectural heritage in Ukraine.
Founded in 1702 as a hermitage at the wooden church of Saint Harlampius. In 1713, Hetman of Ukraine Ivan Skoropadskyi issued a charter and allocated funds for the construction of a women's monastery. He was buried right there in the ancestral crypt of the Harlampius church (white stone tombstones have been preserved), and the monastery actually became an ancestral tomb.
In 1735, the construction of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin was finished, the territory was surrounded by walls with towers and a belfry over the gate, stone cells and farm buildings appeared.
In the 18th century, the monastery burned twice and was rebuilt. It existed until 1924, when a nursing home and a children's shelter were opened here, and the cathedral was transformed into a cultural center.
In 1961, correctional and labor colony No. 66 of strict regime was established on the territory, the crypts of the Skoropadskyi were walled up, and the graves of the monks were dug up. It was only in 1994 that the restoration of the Harlampi church was carried out, and religious services for prisoners began to be held in it. The cathedral is still used as a workshop. The issue of returning the monastery to the Orthodox Church has not been resolved.
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