
Travel guide online Kryvorivnia

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Kryvorivnia

Kryvorivnia is an ancient Carpathian village, which the famous ethnographer Volodymyr Hnatiuk called "Ukrainian Athens" as a place of inspiration for the creative intelligentsia.

It is located 5 kilometers east of Verkhovyna, at the bend of the Black Cheremosh River, in a picturesque valley at the foot of Varityn Mountain and the Igrets Ridge. Known since the 17th century. The "controversial" name is probably due to the fact that in this place the sharp bends of the river bed are combined with flat parts of the valley.

In 1719, the wooden church of the Nativity of the Virgin was laid, rebuilt in its present form in 1818.

The glory of the center of Ukrainian culture came at the ...

Kryvorivnia is an ancient Carpathian village, which the famous ethnographer Volodymyr Hnatiuk called "Ukrainian Athens" as a place of inspiration for the creative intelligentsia.

It is located 5 kilometers east of Verkhovyna, at the bend of the Black Cheremosh River, in a picturesque valley at the foot of Varityn Mountain and the Igrets Ridge. Known since the 17th century. The "controversial" name is probably due to the fact that in this place the sharp bends of the river bed are combined with flat parts of the valley.

In 1719, the wooden church of the Nativity of the Virgin was laid, rebuilt in its present form in 1818.

The glory of the center of Ukrainian culture came at the beginning of the 20th century, when Ivan Franko began to visit it regularly on vacation - a museum was opened in his house. Lesya Ukrayinka, Olha Kobylyanska, Vasyl Stefanyk, Kostyantyn Stanislavskyi, Mykhaylo Drahomanov, Volodymyr Nemyrovych-Danchenko, Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi, Mykhaylo Stelmakh, Andriy Malyshko, Dmytro Pavlychko and others also visited here at different times.

Now Kryvorivnia is turning into a museum village. There are 14 ethnographic and historical-biographical museums: the museum "Hutsulska grazhda", the museum of Hutsul life, the house-museum of Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi.

On the last Sunday of June, the national holiday "Provody na poloninu" is held.

Криворівня - старовинне карпатське село, яке відомий етнограф Володимир Гнатюк назвав "українськими Афінами" як місце натхнення творчої інтелігенції.

Розташоване в 5 кілометрах на схід від Верховини, на вигині річки Чорний Черемош, в мальовничій долині біля підніжжя гори Варітин і хребта Ігрець. Відоме з XVII сторіччя. "Суперечлива" назва, ймовірно, пов'язана з тим, що в цьому місці різкі вигини русла річки поєднуються з рівними ділянками долини.

В 1719 році закладена дерев'яна церква Різдва Богородиці, в нинішньому вигляді відбудована в 1818 році.

Слава центру української культури прийшла на початку XX століття, коли тут став регулярно бувати на відпочинку Іван Франко ...

Криворівня - старовинне карпатське село, яке відомий етнограф Володимир Гнатюк назвав "українськими Афінами" як місце натхнення творчої інтелігенції.

Розташоване в 5 кілометрах на схід від Верховини, на вигині річки Чорний Черемош, в мальовничій долині біля підніжжя гори Варітин і хребта Ігрець. Відоме з XVII сторіччя. "Суперечлива" назва, ймовірно, пов'язана з тим, що в цьому місці різкі вигини русла річки поєднуються з рівними ділянками долини.

В 1719 році закладена дерев'яна церква Різдва Богородиці, в нинішньому вигляді відбудована в 1818 році.

Слава центру української культури прийшла на початку XX століття, коли тут став регулярно бувати на відпочинку Іван Франко - в його будинку відкрито музей. У різний час тут також бували Леся Українка, Ольга Кобилянська, Василь Стефаник, Костянтин Станіславський, Михайло Драгоманов, Володимир Немирович-Данченко, Михайло Грушевський, Михайло Стельмах, Андрій Малишко, Дмитро Павличко та інші.

Зараз Криворівня перетворюється на село-музей. Діють 14 етнографічних і історико-біографічних музеїв: музей "Гуцульська ґражда", музей гуцульського побуту, будинок-музей Михайла Грушевського.

В останню неділю червня проходить народне свято "Проводи на полонину".

Сплануй своє перебування у Kryvorivnia

What to see and where to go in Kryvorivnia

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Tourist attractions and museums of Kryvorivnia

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, Kryvorivnia
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Nativity of the Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Kryvorivnia was founded in 1719, and was rebuilt in its present form in 1818. Tempera paintings of the 19th century have been preserved.

The Church is considered one of the best examples of the Hutsul school of folk architecture. There is a legend according to which it was in this church that Oleksa Dovbush, the people's avenger and leader of the Carpathian opryshkas, met and fell in love with the girl Dzvinka, who later betrayed him.

Thanks to the efforts of the abbot of the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin, Ivan Rybaruk, the church has been restored to its authentic appearance - now, as before, it is covered with shingles, not tin, like most of the present-day Carpathian churches.

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Hutsul Antiquities Museum, Kryvorivnia
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Hutsul Antiquities Museum

Museum / gallery

The Ethnographic Museum of Antiquities of the Hutsul region was opened in the yard of his own house by Yaroslav Zelenchuk, an ethnographer and historian from Kryvorivnia.

In one hall, several thematic expositions are successively placed: ancient times (gathering, hunting, fishing tools), shepherding and Polonynian farming, woodworking and construction, crafts and handicrafts, samples of decorative and applied art (clothes, painted pottery, wood carvings), musical instruments (drums, violins), liberation struggle (world wars, opryshk movement).

In particular, a copy of the smoking pipe of the legendary hutsulka of Chukutykha is presented.

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Ivan Franko Museum, Kryvorivnia
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Ivan Franko Literary Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Literary and Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko was opened in Vasyl Yakibyuk's house, where the writer rested several times in 1906-1914.

He liked Kryvorivnia so much that he chose this village for his permanent summer vacation and came here almost every summer with his family for 12 years. Here he was visited by Lesya Ukrayinka, Hnat Khotkevych, Mykhaylo Kotsyubynsky, Mykhaylo Hrushevsky, Volodymyr Hnatyuk, Volodymyr Shukhevych and others. Already sick, Franko continued to work here, dictating the texts of his works to a local teacher.

The Literary and Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko was founded in 1960 on the initiative of the wife of the writer Hnat Khotkevych - Platonida. In the exhibition, located in 5 rooms, Franko's personal belongings are stored: a bed, a desk and a chair, a bench for guests, a clock, etc. An interesting Hutsul stove decorated with tiles made by Oleksa Bakhmatyuk (1874).

The Literary and Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko is a branch of the Ivano-Frankivsk Museum of Local Lore.

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Kryvorivnia Village Museum
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Kryvorivnia Village Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Local Lore was established in the village Kryvorivnia in 1965 on the basis of a secondary school.

The exposition tells about the history of the Hutsul village, life and way of life of the region's inhabitants.

The museum has more than 100 exhibits.

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Museum "Grandfather's Pharmacy", Kryvorivnia
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Museum "Grandfather's Pharmacy"

Museum / gallery

The "Grandfather's Pharmacy" museum in Kryvorivnia near Verhovyna is dedicated to the history of folk medicine in the Hutsul region. The exposition presents healing herbs, fruits, roots and tinctures from them, which were used to treat Ukrainian highlanders in ancient times.

The excursion begins with the herbal room (museum-pharmacy pantry), where visitors are told about the history of medicine in the Carpathians and about the healing properties of Carpathian herbs and the preventive properties of herbal teas.

In the second room, visitors can learn about the use of special tinctures with fly agaric mushrooms, snakes and bees in traditional medicine for the prevention and treatment of serious diseases.

"Grandfather's Pharmacy" also offers tastings of tinctures based on herbs, fruits, berries and Montenegrin roots, aromatic Carpathian teas, and berry syrups for children. The same products can be purchased in the museum shop.

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