The village of Bozhykivtsi is located 20 kilometers southwest of Derazhnia.
It was first mentioned in 1461. According to one of the versions, as early as the 11th century, there was an ancient Rus city of Bozhsk nearby, whose inhabitants moved to a new place after the Mongol-Tatar invasion. In the 16th century, the village belonged to Petro Shafranets, but was bought by Prince Vytautas. After the death of Vytautas, the Bozhikiv family passed to Petro Odrovonzh, then to his son Andriy.
At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the nobleman Zdyslav Kolonna-Chesnovskyi built a luxurious manor in Bozhykivtsi, in which the school has been located since 1923. The sculpture "The Thinker ...
The village of Bozhykivtsi is located 20 kilometers southwest of Derazhnia.
It was first mentioned in 1461. According to one of the versions, as early as the 11th century, there was an ancient Rus city of Bozhsk nearby, whose inhabitants moved to a new place after the Mongol-Tatar invasion. In the 16th century, the village belonged to Petro Shafranets, but was bought by Prince Vytautas. After the death of Vytautas, the Bozhikiv family passed to Petro Odrovonzh, then to his son Andriy.
At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the nobleman Zdyslav Kolonna-Chesnovskyi built a luxurious manor in Bozhykivtsi, in which the school has been located since 1923. The sculpture "The Thinker" is installed in front of the palace - a gift from school graduate Vasyl Korchovyi to his teachers.
Село Божиківці розташоване в 20 кілометрах на південний захід від Деражні.
Вперше згадується в 1461 році. За однією з версій, ще в XI сторіччі неподалік існувало давньоруське місто Божськ, жителі якого після монголо-татарської навали переселилися на нове місце. В XVI столітті село належало Петрові Шафранцю, але було викуплене князем Вітовтом. Після смерті Вітовта Божиківці перейшли до Петра Одровонжа, потім до його сина Андрія.
В кінці XIX - на початку ХХ століття дворянин Здислав Колонна-Чесновський побудував в Божиківцях розкішну садибу, в якій з 1923 року розміщується школа. Перед палацом встановлена скульптура "Мислитель" - подарунок випускника школи Василя Корчового своїм вчителям.
Colonna-Chesnovsky Palace
Palace / manor , Architecture
The palace in Bozhykivtsi was built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Zdyslavom Kolonna-Chesnovsky, a Polish landowner with Italian roots.
From 1923 to the present, the Chesnovsky manor houses a secondary school. Other manor houses have been preserved. The wing houses a kindergarten, and the bakery houses a country club. The former distillery was converted into a starch factory in 1931.
In 1998, the museum of the journalist and writer Dmytro Prylyuk was opened, a memorial plaque was installed on the school building.
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