Nativity of Holy Virgin Church, Zhurzhyntsi



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General information about Nativity of Holy Virgin Church (Zhurzhyntsi)

The large and magnificent three-seated Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Zhurzhyntsi was built in 1832 at the expense of the court adviser Vasyl Protopopov, who owned large land plots here, and his palace and park were located in the village itself.

During Soviet times, the palace was destroyed, and the temple was turned into a warehouse, which saved it.

In the 1990s, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin was returned to the parishioners, and in the 2000s, its restoration was carried out.

The temple is made in the style of classicism, the bell tower is crowned with a high spire.

Велика та пишна трипрестольна церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці у Журжинцях була збудована у 1832 році коштом придворного радника Василя Протопопова, якому належали тут великі земельні наділи, а в самому селі знаходилися його палац та парк.

За радянських часів палац зруйнували, а з храму зробили склад, що його врятувало.

У 1990-х роках церкву Різдва Богородиці повернули парафіянам, а у 2000-х роках було проведено її реставрацію.

Храм виконаний у стилі класицизму, дзвіниця увінчана високим шпилем.

Practical information about Nativity of Holy Virgin Church (Zhurzhyntsi)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1832
Address Myru Street


Coordinates 49.3138445° N, 30.8794277° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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