Holy Ascension Cathedral, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi



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General information about Holy Ascension Cathedral (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi)

The Holy Ascension Cathedral is the main Orthodox shrine and the largest temple in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi.

Construction on the site of the old Turkish cemetery was carried out from 1815 to 1820 with donations from local residents. Initially, the church had the shape of a ship, but in 1830, three porticos with 4 columns were added, and the cathedral took on the shape of a cross, characteristic of Russian classicism. In 1971, the walls and dome of the cathedral were painted by the family of the artist Piskarev with a group of Moscow artists.

A part of the relics of Saint Ioann of Suchavsky is preserved in the Ascension Cathedral.

A 40-meter-high belfry adjoined the cathedral, which collapsed in 2004 (restoration is underway).

A chapel was built on the territory in h ...

The Holy Ascension Cathedral is the main Orthodox shrine and the largest temple in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi.

Construction on the site of the old Turkish cemetery was carried out from 1815 to 1820 with donations from local residents. Initially, the church had the shape of a ship, but in 1830, three porticos with 4 columns were added, and the cathedral took on the shape of a cross, characteristic of Russian classicism. In 1971, the walls and dome of the cathedral were painted by the family of the artist Piskarev with a group of Moscow artists.

A part of the relics of Saint Ioann of Suchavsky is preserved in the Ascension Cathedral.

A 40-meter-high belfry adjoined the cathedral, which collapsed in 2004 (restoration is underway).

A chapel was built on the territory in honor of the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ.

Свято-Вознесенський собор - головна православна святиня та найбільший храм Білгорода-Дністровського.

Будівництво на місці старого турецького цвинтаря велося з 1815 по 1820 рік на пожертви місцевих жителів. Спочатку храм мав вигляд корабля, але в 1830 році було прибудовано три портики по 4 колони, і собор набув вигляду хреста, характерного для російського класицизму. В 1971 році стіни та купол Вознесенського собору розписала родина художника Піскарьова з групою московських художників.

До собору примикала дзвіниця висотою 40 метрів, яка обрушилася в 2004 році (йде реставрація).

У Вознесенському соборі зберігається частка мощей Святого Іоанна Сучавського.

На території споруджено каплицю на честь 2000-річчя Різдва Христового.

Practical information about Holy Ascension Cathedral (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1846
Address Soborna Street, 75


Coordinates 46.191895° N, 30.336231° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 4849 27 627,
Official site https://svsobor.church.ua/ External link icon
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