Holy Spirit Church, Polupanivka


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General information about Holy Spirit Church (Polupanivka)

The Church of the Holy Spirit was founded in Polupanivka in 1878 as a small chapel above a healing spring near the top of the Holy Mountain.

According to legends, there was an apparition of the Mother of God at this place, after which the source became a place of pilgrimage for Christians of various denominations.

Another legend tells of a local landowner who ordered a spring that flooded his fields to be filled with stones. After that, the landowner fell ill and went blind. When the spring was cleaned, the blind man washed his eyes with water and saw.

The current Church of the Holy Spirit was built over the chapel in 1989. The Catholi ...

The Church of the Holy Spirit was founded in Polupanivka in 1878 as a small chapel above a healing spring near the top of the Holy Mountain.

According to legends, there was an apparition of the Mother of God at this place, after which the source became a place of pilgrimage for Christians of various denominations.

Another legend tells of a local landowner who ordered a spring that flooded his fields to be filled with stones. After that, the landowner fell ill and went blind. When the spring was cleaned, the blind man washed his eyes with water and saw.

The current Church of the Holy Spirit was built over the chapel in 1989. The Catholic church and the Way of the Cross are located nearby.

Церква Святого Духа заснована в Полупанівці в 1878 році як невеличка каплиця над цілющим джерелом поряд із вершиною Святої гори.

За переказами, на цьому місці було явлення Божої Матері, після чого джерело стало місцем паломництва християн різних конфесій.

Інша легенда розповідає про місцевого поміщика, який наказав засипати камінням джерело, яке заливало його поля. Після цього поміщик захворів і осліп. Коли джерело очистили, незрячий промив водою очі й прозрів.

Нинішня церква Святого Духа зведена над каплицею в 1989 році. Поруч розташований католицький костел та "Хресна дорога".

Practical information about Holy Spirit Church (Polupanivka)

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Categories Temple
Date of foundation 1878
Address Svyata hora tract


Coordinates 49.475675° N, 25.987827° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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