Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Church (Art Museum), Uman



Museum / gallery

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General information about Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Church (Art Museum) (Uman)

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Uman was built on the initiative of Count Andriy Potocki on the site of the old wooden church of Saint Anthony.

During Soviet times, two towers with domes and crosses were removed from the Assumption Church. The building was used for various purposes, and in 1977, the Uman Art Museum was opened there.

There are two departments in the permanent museum`s exhibition: "Western European and Ukrainian art of the 19th - early 20th centuries (works of Western European artists Dzhuzeppe Betstsuoli, Zhan-Batist Hrez, Symon, Polish masters Stanislav Reykhan, Kazimir Mardzevych, Kryzhanovsky, the German artist Busch), as well as "Modern Ukrainian art".

Divine services are held every Sunday in the Church of t ...

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Uman was built on the initiative of Count Andriy Potocki on the site of the old wooden church of Saint Anthony.

During Soviet times, two towers with domes and crosses were removed from the Assumption Church. The building was used for various purposes, and in 1977, the Uman Art Museum was opened there.

There are two departments in the permanent museum`s exhibition: "Western European and Ukrainian art of the 19th - early 20th centuries (works of Western European artists Dzhuzeppe Betstsuoli, Zhan-Batist Hrez, Symon, Polish masters Stanislav Reykhan, Kazimir Mardzevych, Kryzhanovsky, the German artist Busch), as well as "Modern Ukrainian art".

Divine services are held every Sunday in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Костел Успіння Пресвятої Діви Марії в Умані збудовано за ініціативою графа Андрія Потоцького на місці старого дерев'яного храму Святого Антонія.

За радянських часів з Успенського костелу було знято дві вежі з банями та хрестами. Приміщення використовувалося у різних цілях, а в 1977 році в ньому відкрили уманський Художній музей.

В постійній експозиції музею два відділи: “Західноєвропейське та українське мистецтво ХІХ - початку XX століття (роботи західноєвропейських художників Джузеппе Беццуолі, Жана-Батіста Греза, Симона, польських майстрів Станіслава Рейхана, Казіміра Мардзевича, Крижановського, німецького художника Буша), а також ”Сучасне українське мистецтво”.

Щонеділі в костелі Успіння Пресвятої Діви Марії проводяться богослужіння.

Practical information about Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Church (Art Museum) (Uman)

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Categories Temple, Architecture, Museum / gallery
Date of foundation 1826
Hours of work 08:30-17:00, Friday - 08:30-16:00, day off - Monday
Address Andriya Kyzyla Street, 2


Coordinates 48.74941° N, 30.219025° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 4744 36 414,
Additional services
Cost Adults - UAH 30; schoolchildren and students - UAH 15; excursion - UAH 50
International Symbol of Access

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