History and Local Lore Museum "Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors", Bilopillia

Museum / gallery

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General information about History and Local Lore Museum "Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors" (Bilopillia)

The Museum "Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors" was founded in Bilopillia in 1998 as a historical and local lore museum. Since 2023, it has been located in the premises of the Center for Children's and Youth Creativity of the city.

The museum's exposition covers the period of the history of the city of Bilopillia from the beginning of the 10th century to the events of the Bolshevik coup of 1917. The central place is occupied by a model of the ancient fortress of Vyr, as an outpost of the Kievan state, which presents the structure of the city in the 10th century. The museum's exposition also includes artifacts from the times of the Kyivan state, as well as valuable items found during archaeological excavations in the city. An interesting exhibit is a trade seal ...

The Museum "Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors" was founded in Bilopillia in 1998 as a historical and local lore museum. Since 2023, it has been located in the premises of the Center for Children's and Youth Creativity of the city.

The museum's exposition covers the period of the history of the city of Bilopillia from the beginning of the 10th century to the events of the Bolshevik coup of 1917. The central place is occupied by a model of the ancient fortress of Vyr, as an outpost of the Kievan state, which presents the structure of the city in the 10th century. The museum's exposition also includes artifacts from the times of the Kyivan state, as well as valuable items found during archaeological excavations in the city. An interesting exhibit is a trade seal from the times of Prince Izyaslav Davydovych (12th century).

Музей "Тіні незабутих предків" заснований в Білопіллі в 1998 році як історико-краєзнавчий. З 2023 року розташовується в приміщенні Центру дитячої та юнацької творчості міста.

Експозиція музею охоплює період історії міста Білопілля з початку Х сторіччя і до подій більшовицького перевороту 1917 року. Центральне місце займає макет давньої фортеці Вир, як форпосту Київської держави, на якому представлено будову міста в Х столітті. В експозиції музею також є артефакти часів Київської держави, а також цінні речі, знайдені під час археологічних розкопок на території міста. Цікавим експонатом є торгова пломба часів князя Ізяслава Давидовича (ХІІ сторіччя).

Practical information about History and Local Lore Museum "Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors" (Bilopillia)

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Categories Museum / gallery
Date of foundation 1998
Hours of work 09:00-18:00, days off - Saturday, Sunday
Address Oleksandra Olesya Street, 10


Coordinates 51.15087° N, 34.31903° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
Phone +380 99 557 4362,
Email 43385491@mail.gov.ua
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