Attractions of Sumy district

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Краєзнавчий музей, Лебедин
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Lebedyn Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Lebedyn Museum of Local Lore was established in 1996 on the basis of the Public Museum of the History of the Lebedyn Region. Expansion in the historical past of 1820, which housed the gendarmerie department, then the living room, the human gymnasium, the building of the pedagogical school.

There are about 10 thousand exhibits that tell about the settlement of the region, significant historical events, economic and industrial development of the region.

Permanent exhibitions: "From the history of the region", "Musical heritage" (materials about composers Oleksandr Steblyanko and Serhiy Rakhmaninov, singers Ivan Steshenko and Borys Hmyrya), "Under the black brand" (exhibition dedicated to the Holodomor 1932-1933) etc.

Map pin icon Taras Shevchenko Street, 37 Lebedyn


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Палац Ліщинських, Кияниця
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Lishchynsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The Neo-Renaissance palace in Kyianytsia is considered one of the pearls of manor construction in Slobozhanshchyna.

It was built in 1890 by the Lishchynsky merchant family, who inherited Kiyanitsa from the rich sugar farmer Ivan Kharytonenko.

The two-story Kyianytsia Palace with an elegant tower, surrounded by an age-old park, looks especially romantic from the opposite bank of the pond. More than 70 species of trees and shrubs grow in Kyianytsia Park (56 hectares), among which you can find sycamores, ginkgos, silver firs, pines, lindens, maples and, of course, the main park-forming wood - oak. A small outhouse has also been preserved.

In Soviet times, the "Kyianytsia" recreation center was located on the territory of the manor. Currently, the building is owned by Sumy National Agrarian University, partial restoration has been carried out.

Map pin icon Lisova Street, 1 Kyianytsia


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Благовіщенський костел, Суми
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Annunciation of Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sumy was built according to the principle of Romanesque basilica churches and Gothic churches.

A small red brick building with a high gable roof faces the street. The end itself is decorated with a central portal and a round rose window above it. The pointed arch on the high pediment is supported by miniature angular pointed turrets. A clear rhythm of arrowed windows and pilasters is visible on the side facades.

In 1945-1953, the building housed a local history museum, in 1953-1972 - the sports hall of the pedagogical institute, in 1972-1994 - the school sports hall. In 1994, the church was returned to the Catholics.

Map pin icon Troyitska Street, 6 Sumy


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Музей "Причал Одіссея", Суми
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Antiquities Museum "Odyssey Moorage"

Museum / gallery

The private antiquities museum "Odyssey Moorage" in Sumy was founded in 2015 by the Sumy photographer, local historian and collector Serhiy Hutsan. His collection began with a selection of old photos and cameras. Over time, personal archaeological finds from different eras, as well as antiquities purchased in antique shops in different countries of the world, were added to them.

In 2022, the official opening of the museum took place in the new premises – the former house of the famous Hryhorievy family from Sumy. The exposition is located in four rooms and in the attic. The first room presents a variety of unsystematic things that characterize the creative search of the collector. The second hall is dedicated to the history of Voskresenska street from Cossack times to the 20th century. In the third room, a typical interior of the beginning of the 20th century is reproduced and an exposition dedicated to the Hryhorievy family is presented. Artifacts transformed by artists into art objects are displayed in the fourth hall. The "Svitlytsya" exhibition space in the attic has a changing exhibition.

Visiting the museum "Odyssey Moorage" is possible by prior appointment accompanied by the author's tour of the owner (one-hour tour of the exposition or two-hour tour of the exposition and Voskresenska and Soborna streets).

The museum has a shop called "Herodotus-Shop", where you can purchase copies of historical jewelry from Sumy master Danylo Sorokin.

Map pin icon Voskresenska Street, 6 Sumy


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Будинок-музей Чехова, Суми
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Anton Chekhov Memorial House-Museum

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

Anton Chekhov's Memorial house-museum was created in Sumy in the noble estate of the Lyntvarov family (XVIII-XIX centuries), located in the Luka district.

In 1888-1889, the writer lived in the western wing of the estate - a one-story white house with six columns and a porch. The Chekhov used his Sumy impressions in the stories "Birthday", "Sad History", plays "Forester" and "Seagull". He wrote about the Lyntvarov estate: "The abbey and the Adriatic Sea are wonderful, but Luka and Psel are better."

The Chekhov Museum was opened on the anniversary of the writer's birth in 1960. The memorial exposition tells about Chekhov's life in Luka, about his medical care for local residents, about his creative work and trips to Ukraine.

The interiors of the living room and dining room, the guest rooms and the "Antosha's room", which served as Chekhov's bedroom and study, were restored.

Museum staff conducts local history tours.

The large eastern wing of the Lyntvarov estate, where the writer's family lived when Chekhov traveled to Sakhalin in 1890, has also been preserved.

Map pin icon Chekhova Street, 79 Sumy


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Художній музей, Лебедин
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Art Museum named after Borys Rudnev

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Lebedyn city art museum named after Borys Rudnev is located in an old building in the center of the city. This was the mansion of the surgeon and founder of the zemstvo hospital, Kostiantyn Zilbernyk, built at the beginning of the 20th century.

The beginning of the creation of the art museum in Lebedyn was laid in 1918 by Borys Rudnev, a technological engineer from Kharkiv. The exposition was created on the basis of the nationalized collections of local landowners, in particular from the Strohaniv estate in Khotin near Sumy.

Currently, there are about 2,000 rarities in the exposition. Among them are good collections of Ukrainian portraits of the 18th century, works of artists Dmytro Levytskyi, Vasyl Polenov, Serhiy Vasylkivskyi, Hryhoriy Myasoedov, Valentina Serova, the Krychevskyi family, etc.

Map pin icon Voli Square, 17 Lebedyn


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Вознесенська церква, Лебедин
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Ascension Church

Temple , Architecture

The Ascension Church in Lebedyn was built in 1858 on the site of the wooden church of the same name, known since 1692.

The new brick temple was made cubic, four-columned, with a semicircular altar apse. There is a bell tower above the entrance.

In the architecture of this building, classicism and baroque are well combined with the local flavor.

Map pin icon Voli Square, 36 Lebedyn


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Вознесенська церква, Великий Бобрик
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Ascension Church

Architecture , Temple

The white-stone Ascension Church in Velykyi Bobryk is one of the most successful religious buildings in the Sumy Region.

A majestic temple in the style of classicism with a three-tier bell tower was built in 1808 on the heights in the center of the village. It perfectly complemented the picturesque rural landscape with a pond and hills. The church comes into view immediately after the turn from the Sumy-Okhtyrka road, and then it does not disappear from view for the entire five kilometers of the road.

At first, the temple seems very small, which is natural for a small village. The real scale of the structure becomes apparent only when you start to descend to the pond. Compared to the surrounding rural structures, the Ascension Church looks simply huge.

The original architectural feature of the temple is an open three-lane arcade gallery topped by a belfry.

The interior of the church is decorated with columns and pilasters of the Corinthian order. Ancient frescoes have been preserved.

Map pin icon Mykoly Pyrohova Street Velykyi Bobryk


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Садиба Асмолова (Дендропарк), Суми
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Asmolov Manor (Arboretum)

Palace / manor , Architecture , Park / garden

Park named after Ivan Asmolov is a monument of garden and park art.

The park with an area of about 3 hectares is located across the street from the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Sumy. In the middle of the 19th century, Ivan Asmolov, a merchant of the 2nd guild, bought a block of land on Troyitska Street to build his residence. A park was laid out around the house, built according to the latest architectural fashion. Asmolov, a passionate traveler and breeder, was brought exotic plants from all over the world, which went well with the local ones.

Currently, about 100 rare species of coniferous and deciduous trees, about 30 varieties of lilac grow in the park. The Sumy regional specialized dispensary for radiation protection of the population is located on the territory of the park. Asmolov's manor house is one of its buildings.

Map pin icon Troyitska square, 14 Sumy


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Успенський собор, Межиріч
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Assumption Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The large stone Cathedral of the Assumption is located on the terrace above the village of Mezhyrich, at the foot of the plateau of the high right bank of the Psel River.

Founded in 1759 by the order and at the expense of local native Luka Bilous, archimandrite of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, as the cathedral church of the hundred-year-old town of Mezhyrich. Assumption Cathedral in Okhtyrka (1728-1738, not preserved) served as a model.

Built in a rare temple style typical of Slobozhanshchyna, the cathedral is a valuable monument of Ukrainian national architecture of the Baroque era.

Map pin icon Mezhyrich


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Успенська церква, Верхня Сироватка
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Assumption Church

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Assumption Church in Verkhnia Syrovatka was built in 1805-1812 according to the project of the poet and educator Oleksandr Palitsyn, who lived in the nearby "Popivka" estate, at the expense and under the direction of a descendant of the elder family, lieutenant Mykola Vlasovskyi. The brick and iconostasis were purchased from the dismantled Sumy monastery.

In 1844, lightning struck the bell tower and, passing inside the church, burned the gilded iconostasis, but the church survived. The Chenstokhova church icon of the Mother of God, which, according to tradition, was brought to the old wooden church by a Polish nobleman from Chenstokhova was especially revered.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Verkhnia Syrovatka


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Дитячий парк "Казка", Суми
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Children's Park "Kazka"

Park / garden , Entertainment / leisure

Children's park "Kazka" is located in the central part of the city of Sumy.

On its territory, in addition to children's attractions, there are fairy-tale buildings and figures of fairy-tale characters.

In addition, a mobile zoo and a circus are regularly opened in Kazka Park, as well as city-wide entertainment events.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko avenue Sumy


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Палац графині Штерич, Суми
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Countess Shterych Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

A romantic palace with a watchtower and pointed windows decorates the former estate of Countess Paraskeva Shterych (Shterychova), born Donets-Zakharzhevska.

The Basy estate is located on the southern outskirts of Sumy (Zarechny district), on the banks of the Psel River. Countess Shterych inherited the estate in Basy from her father Mykhaylo Donets-Zakharzhevsky at the end of the 18th century. For the construction of the palace, she invited the famous Slobojan architect Oleksandr Palytsyn, who developed a project of an unusual in these parts asymmetrical building in the pseudo-Gothic style. The home church of the Ascension was provided for in the palace.

After the death of the countess, the estate passed into the possession of her brother Andriy Donets-Zakharzhevsky, then to his daughter, who sold it to the widow Hamaliy. In the 1890s, the palace was reconstructed in the English Neo-Gothic style according to the project of Karl Sholts. The last owners were Borys Zolotnytskyi and Samuyil Shteyner.

Currently, the sanatorium-prophylaxis of the Sumy State University is located on the territory of the Paraskeva Shterych manor.

Map pin icon Sanatorna Street, 1 Sumy


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Фонтан-пам'ятник Сумці, Суми
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Fountain-monument "Sumka"


The fountain-monument "Sumka" (Bag), installed in 2008 on one of the central pedestrian streets of Sumy, symbolizes the legend of the founding of the city.

According to legend, in the summer of 1655, the first Cossack settlers from the town of Pruda in the Kyiv region, led by Otaman Kondratyev, found three hunting sums with coins at the place where a small river flowed into the Psel. The river was named Sumka, and the city founded here was called Sumy.

Sculptor Oleksiy Shevchenko recreated the legend in stone: a bag with money hangs over a well with water, from which water also flows. A new urban tradition has appeared - to wet the face, bags and wallets with "magical" water from the well.

Map pin icon Voskresenska Street, 32 Sumy


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Краєзнавчий музей, Білопілля
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History and Local Lore Museum "Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors"

Museum / gallery

The Museum "Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors" was founded in Bilopillia in 1998 as a historical and local lore museum. Since 2023, it has been located in the premises of the Center for Children's and Youth Creativity of the city.

The museum's exposition covers the period of the history of the city of Bilopillia from the beginning of the 10th century to the events of the Bolshevik coup of 1917. The central place is occupied by a model of the ancient fortress of Vyr, as an outpost of the Kievan state, which presents the structure of the city in the 10th century. The museum's exposition also includes artifacts from the times of the Kyivan state, as well as valuable items found during archaeological excavations in the city. An interesting exhibit is a trade seal from the times of Prince Izyaslav Davydovych (12th century).

Map pin icon Oleksandra Olesya Street, 10 Bilopillia


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