Attractions of Mukachevo district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Mukachevo district

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Mukachevo district


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Замок Сент-Міклош, Чинадійово
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Saint Miklosh Castle

Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery , Visitor center

The medieval castle "Saint Miklosh" (Saint Nicholas) in Chynadiiovo was built in the 15th century as a typical Romanesque feudal residence.

The castle is a two-story building of a simple rectangular shape with two three-tiered corner towers. The thickness of the walls of the castle is more than 1 meter.

Chynadiiovo castle belonged to the rich family of Pereni barons, guarded the Carpathian pass "Ruska Brama". In 1657, the castle was damaged during the assault by the Polish troops of Prince Lubomyrsky.

Ilona Zrini, the wife of Prince Ferents I Rakotsi, secretly met here with the leader of the Hungarian rebels, Imre Tekeli, and after her husband's death, she married him. At the end of the anti-Habsburg war, the rebel army of her son Ferents II Rakotsi was stationed here.

Later, the building served as a prison and a warehouse. Until recently, the castle was in an extremely neglected state.

Currently, the Saint Miklosh Castle in Chynadiiovo is rented by the artist Yosyp Bartosh. Enthusiasts are conducting restoration work, a museum exhibition and a picture gallery have been developed. Art exhibitions are held in several restored rooms, artists periodically gather for open-air concerts, live music concerts, and theatrical tours are held.

There is a tourist information center.

Map pin icon Avhustyna Voloshyna Street, 53B Chynadiiovo


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Миколаївська церква, Чинадійово
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

Saint Nicholas Church in Chynadiiovo is located on the river bank in the midst of rural buildings, 250 meters from Pereni Castle.

It was built in the 18th century.

The church and the castle are connected by an underground passage. Nowadays, the passage from the side of the castle is walled up.

The temple belongs to the UOC community of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Teodora Romzhi Street, 6 Chynadiiovo


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Миколаївський монастир, Мукачево
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Saint Nicholas Monastery

Temple , Architecture

Saint Nicholas Mukachevsky Monastery is the main Orthodox shrine of the city of Mukachevo.

According to legend, the ancient monastery was founded in the 10th century by Kyiv monks who accompanied Yaroslav the Wise's daughter Anastasiya, who was given in marriage to the Hungarian king (caves and a healing spring have been preserved). Another legend tells about the victory of Prince Fedir Koriatovych (Koryatovych) in a fight with a snake. In 1360, the prince built a wooden church and cells at the place indicated to him by an angel who appeared above the river.

The Saint Nicholas Monastery was the residence of bishops in 1491-1772. Stone buildings in the Baroque style were erected in the 18th-19th centuries under the direction of architect Dmytro Rats, who is buried in the Assumption Cathedral.

Map pin icon Pivnichna Street, 2 Mukachevo


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Свалявський історичний музей, Свалява
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Svaliava Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

The Svaliava Historical Museum is located on the first floor of the administrative building in the center of the Svaliava city.

About 1,300 exhibits of the museum tell about the history of the Svaliava region and the traditional culture of the inhabitants of this land. The historical part presents archival materials and old photos of the city.

The ethnographic exposition is designed in the form of the interior of a traditional Transcarpathian house. Household items of residents of Svaliava and surrounding villages are exhibited here: work tools, folk clothes and shoes. The traditional technology of manufacturing fabrics and woven products is presented in detail: a spinning wheel, a loom and other tools.

Map pin icon Holovna Street, 33 Svaliava


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Форелеве господарство "Ждимир", Вовчий
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Trout Farm "Zhdymyr"

Entertainment / leisure , Rest on the water , Recreation area , Gastrotourism

Trout farm "Zhdymyr" in Vovchyi near Svaliava is a complex of 18 ponds in which pond trout are bred.

Visitors are offered fishing with a guaranteed catch, fishing gear rental, gazebos over the lake, and a wood-burning bath. You can cook trout yourself on the grill or order a ready-made meal in a restaurant-collibus.

Nearby there is a forest and a river in which you can swim in the summer.

Map pin icon Zhdymyr tract, 2 Vovchyi


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