Attractions of Kropyvnytskyi

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Пам'ятник студентам, Кропивницький
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Monument to students


The monument "Students of all times" was installed in Kropyvnytskyi in 2012 on the square in front of the Central Ukrainian National Technical University, which is now called Studentska.

At the heart of the composition of the monument to students is a bench, near which a male and a female student are sitting with books in their hands. The bench is a Mebius strip (a surface with only one side) engraved with the names of the higher education institution at different times.

Map pin icon Universytetskyi Avenue, 8 Kropyvnytskyi


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Музейний Льотної академії, Кропивницький
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Museum complex of the National Aviation University Flight Academy

Museum / gallery

The museum complex of the National Aviation University Flight Academy in Kropyvnytskyi unites a number of museum institutions and exhibition spaces dedicated to the history of Ukrainian aviation in general and the educational institution in particular.

The center of the complex is the Aviation Museum, which has been operating since 1971. The exposition presents many aircraft models, photos, souvenirs from different countries, awards and gifts. The most popular exhibit is the cabin of the An-24 aircraft, which was used as a training exercise for cadets. Samples of on-board recorders - so-called "black boxes" are also presented.

Kozhedub Square behind the main training building of the academy was created in 2010 around a memorial sign in honor of the stay of Ukrainian ace pilot Ivan Kozhedub in Kirovohrad Oblast. The square also features a forged commemorative sign "Shpakivnia forever" in honor of all graduates, a memorial plaque dedicated to the two-time Hero of the Soviet Union Amet Khan Sultan, stands with information about outstanding aviators whose activities are related to Kirovohrad region, etc.

Alley of Aviators was laid in 2010 from Chobanu Street to BC "Aviator" in honor of the 100th anniversary of the first flight into the sky of Yelisavetgrad. There are real airplanes and models, stands and creative compositions, a fountain in the form of an airplane and much more.

The Aeronautical square is located between the second educational building and the training center - here the composition "Rose of the Winds" and samples of aeronautical equipment, which was operated at the airfield "Kirovohrad" in different years, are presented.

The museum exposition of historical local history is also a part of the complex.

Map pin icon Stepana Chobanu Street, 1 Kropyvnytskyi


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Музей Кароля Шимановського, Кропивницький
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Musical Culture Museum named after Karol Shymanovskyi

Museum / gallery

The Kropyvnytskyi Museum of Musical Culture named after Karol Shymanovskyi was founded in 1991 on the initiative of musicologist Olha Levtonova. At this time, it temporarily does not have its own premises, the exhibits are stored in storage rooms.

The museum is dedicated to the Yelysavethrad period in the life of the outstanding Polish composer Karol Shymanovskyi, who was born in 1882 in Ukraine - in the family estate in the Chyhyryn region. In Yelysavethrad, where his family lived during the winter, he studied at the music school of Neuhaus, where he began his concert and journalistic activities.

The memorial building of the Shymanovskyi on Hoholya Street, which was in a state of disrepair, was actually rebuilt in 1991-1997, but the construction was never completed. The museum was temporarily located in Music School No. 1 named after Heinrich Neuhaus, but in 2020, in connection with the major renovation of the school building, the museum exhibits were dismantled.

The museum's collections include about 10,000 exhibits. Among them, the most valuable are autographs, belongings and portraits of Karol Szymanowski, documents and photographs of the Neuhaus and Blumenfeld families.

Currently, the Karol Shymanovskyi Museum of Musical Culture organizes separate exhibitions at other venues, conducts thematic tours of the city and works online.

Map pin icon Mykoly Hoholya Street, 42 Kropyvnytskyi


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Музей Олександра Осмьоркіна, Кропивницький
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Oleksandr Osmyorkin Memorial Art Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Oleksandr Osmyorkin Memorial Art Museum was created in 1985 on the basis of the memorial building in Kropyvnytskyi, where this outstanding artist and teacher spent his childhood and youth.

The building is an architectural monument of national importance, built in 1899 according to the own project of the famous Yelisavetgrad architect Yakiv Pauchenko, the artist's uncle. The project of its reconstruction was developed by the artist's widow, architect Nadiya Osmyorkina.

The exposition of the museum is placed in three halls. The memorial hall invites visitors to get acquainted with the life and work of Oleksandr Osmyorkin. Painting and graphic works of the master, studio drawings of the 1920s and 1930s, his personal belongings, including items of creative work - easel, palette, sketch book, brushes, still life collection, memorial items from the Pauchenko-Osmyorkin house are presented.

Painting and graphic works of Osmyorkin's students, who donated more than 50 of their works on the eve of the museum's opening, are exhibited in two exhibition halls.

Map pin icon Arkhitektora Pauchenka Street, 89 Kropyvnytskyi


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Музей Генріха Нейгауза, Кропивницький
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People's Memorial Museum of Henrikh Neyhauz

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The People's Memorial Museum of the outstanding pianist Henrikh Neyhauz was opened in 1981 at Music School No. 1 in the city of Kropyvnytskyi (then Kirovohrad), which he was the founder of and which now bears his name.

Since 1933, the music school has been located in a two-story building in the center of the city, which once belonged to the family of the composer Yuliy Meytus, and is now an architectural monument. This is one of the oldest state music schools in Ukraine.

The initiators of the opening of the museum of a country musician at the school were its director Viktor Revenko and teacher of the piano department Ella Torhovetska. They were the main collectors of museum funds.

Historical documents, photographs and personal belongings belonging to Henrikh Neyhauz and his family are presented in two exhibition halls of the museum. 16 editions in different languages of the world of the main theoretical work of Henrikh Neyhauz "On the Art of Piano Playing" are exhibited. The grand piano and bureau of the composer and musicologist Heorhiy Polyanovskyi are also presented.

On the 125th anniversary of the musician, a commemorative plaque was unveiled on the facade of the building of the music school, and a bust of Henrikh Neyhauz by the Lviv sculptor Volodymyr Tsisaryk was installed in front of the building.

Map pin icon Viktora Chmilenko Street, 65 Kropyvnytskyi


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Музей історії техніки, Кропивницький
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Technics History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Technics History Museum at the Central Ukrainian State University named after Volodymyr Vinnichenko in Kropyvnytskyi opened in 2015. It is located in the computer laboratories of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, on the first floor of educational building No. 4.

In the exhibition "Computing and computer technology" are presented pre-mechanical counters, mechanical arithmometers, microcalculators, personal computers of different generations, samples of microprocessors, RAM boards, motherboards, video cards, disk drives, various data carriers (punched cards, diskettes, hard drives).

Of particular interest are the large demonstration calculator "Programmer" based on the standard MK-61 programmable calculator board and a demonstration version of a personal computer with microcircuits and peripheral devices open for inspection.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenka Street, 1, building 4 Kropyvnytskyi


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Преображенський собор, Кропивницький
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Transfiguration Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Transfiguration Cathedral was built in Kropyvnytskyi in the classicist style as the main Orthodox church of the city after the liquidation of the Trinity Church, which was located on the territory of the abolished fortress of Saint Elizabeth.

In Soviet times, the cathedral was closed by the authorities as a religious building. In 1965, a city art gallery was opened in its premises, which saved it from destruction. With the declaration of Ukraine's independence, the church resumed services. It currently belongs to the UOC community of the Moscow Patriarchate.

In the Transfiguration Cathedral, fragments of the relics of the saints of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, as well as of Nicholas the Wonderworker, are kept. A monument in honor of the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ was erected on the territory of the cathedral, a new bell tower was built in the neoclassical style.

Map pin icon Preobrazhenska Street, 22 Kropyvnytskyi


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Музей хореографічного мистецтва, Кропивницький
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Ukrainian Choreographic Art History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of the Ukrainian Choreographic Art History in Kropyvnytskyi was founded in 2004 as a department of the Central Ukrainian Regional Museum of Local Lore.

For a long time it was located on the territory of the State Museum-Reserve of Ivan Tobilevych (Karpenka-Kary) "Khutir Nadiya" not far from Kropyvnytskyi. It was here that the prominent Tobilevych family lived and worked, with whom the emergence of Ukrainian folk stage dance is associated.

In 2023, the updated exhibition opened on the first floor of the former National Bank administration building, where the Museum's historical and artistic space is now being arranged. The exposition in three halls highlights the development of choreographic art in Ukraine and beyond, the connection between the work of outstanding ballet masters of the past and the development of Ukrainian dance today.

In the first hall, materials on the history of the formation of Ukrainian dance are presented. The second hall is dedicated to the Honored Ukrainian folk dance ensemble "Yatran", which was created in Kropyvnytskyi (then Kirovohrad) in 1949. In the third hall there are photos, posters and costumes of groups that dance Ukrainian dance abroad, as well as children's choreographic groups.

In the gallery before the entrance to the museum, there are portraits of outstanding choreographers of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Velyka Perspektyvna Street, 33 Kropyvnytskyi


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Галерея "Єлисаветград", Кропивницький
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Yelysavethrad Gallery

Museum / gallery

The first private gallery "Yelysavethrad" in Kropyvnytskyi opened in 2011 in the historical quarters of the city, on the street named after the mayor Oleksandr Pashutin. The two-story building of the gallery was built at the end of the 19th century by the local baker Oleksiyenko.

The exhibition includes several dozen paintings by famous Ukrainian, including Kirovohrad, artists, in particular, the brothers Anatoliy and Serhiy Shapovalovy, Semen Ravskyi, Borys Vintenko, Fedir Klymenko and others. One of the works of Petro Ossovsky is presented.

There is a permanent exhibition of documents, photographs, objects related to the history of the city of Kropyvnytskyi. Thematic exhibitions of household items and art of the Soviet period, coins and banknotes of the world, household items of the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, porcelain dolls, etc., are also popular.

The gallery regularly holds thematic exhibitions and painting workshops.

Map pin icon Pashutynska Street, 36 Kropyvnytskyi


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Музей Юлія Мейтуса, Кропивницький
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Yuliy Meitus Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The People's Memorial Museum of Yuliy Meitus in Kropyvnytskyi has been operating since 1985 at Music School No. 2, which also bears the name of the outstanding Ukrainian composer, founder of Ukrainian opera of the 20th century, Yuliy Meitus.

The foundation of the exposition is made up of more than 200 unique exhibits donated to the museum by the family of Yuliy Meitus. Among them are manuscripts, posters, photo documents, pianos, letters, music collections, books and personal belongings of the composer.

In addition to excursions, the museum hosts musical evenings, author's concerts, competitions and festivals, lessons-concerts, workshops, presentations of new exhibits.

Map pin icon Yevhena Malanyuka Street, 4 Kropyvnytskyi


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