Attractions of Pervomaisk district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Pervomaisk district

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Pervomaisk district


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Музей "Партизанська іскра", Кримка
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"Partyzanska Iskra" Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery , Monument

The "Partyzanska Iskra" (Partisan Spark) Museum was founded in the village of Krymka in 1965 by Ivan Herasymenko, a member of the underground youth organization.

In 1985-1991, the museum underwent reconstruction, during which a large exhibition hall and a cinema hall were completed, a monument to a young underground fighter was erected against the backdrop of granite pylons, a stele near the mass grave was restored, and a young park was planted. After the reconstruction, the museum was granted the status of a memorial complex.

The main collection of the "Partyzanska Iskra " Museum contains 2,428 museum exhibits. The auxiliary collection includes 1,676 items. The oldest museum items date back to the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

The museum's exposition is located in two halls. Among the exhibits are photographs of members of the underground organization, their personal belongings (clothes, school supplies, drawings, musical instruments, sports equipment), documents, samples of weapons, postcards, maps, letters, a diorama.

The exhibition hall hosts various exhibitions from the museum's collections, exhibitions of creative works by artists, photographers, amateur craftsmen, local artists, and exhibitions of the Mykolaiv Museum of Local Lore, a branch of which is the "Partyzanska Iskra " Memorial Museum.

Map pin icon Hrechanoho Street, 23 Krymka


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Свято-Покровська церква, Первомайськ
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Holy Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Intercession Church is the only architectural structure preserved in Pervomaisk from the 19th century.

The traditional church was built in 1805 in the style of classicism. In 1839, a bell tower was built nearby.

Holy Intercession Church is located on the territory of the former Polish settlement of Bohopol, which later became part of Pervomaisk.

Map pin icon Pokrovska Street Pervomaisk


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Історичний музей, Криве Озеро
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Kryve Ozero Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

Kryve Ozero Museum of History and Local Lore is located in the former house of the merchant Kreymholts, built in 1848 by the Salamander Society.

The museum keeps many things: documents and certificates of different times, photographs of different periods, a collection of ancient coins and banknotes of different times, antique clothes, embroidered towels.

Archaeological finds, ancient household items, weaving and pottery are exhibited.

Map pin icon Kalantyrska Street, 7 Kryve Ozero


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Мигійські пороги, Мигія
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Myhiia Rapids

Natural object

Myhiia Rapids on Pivdenniy Buh are the most famous part of the National Nature Park "Buzhkiy Gard" and the Regional Landscape Park "Granite-Steppe Pobuzhzhia".

The Pivdenniy Buh and its tributaries flow here through a narrow canyon-like valley with majestic granite rocks, a hollow channel, islands and eddies.

Myhiia rapids on Pivdenniy Buh, especially the "Integral" rapid, are popular among water tourists and athletes - this is one of the best water slalom tracks in Ukraine.

A beautiful view of them opens from Mount Vysoka, which is next to the highway at the exit from Myhiia in the direction of Mykolaiv.

The administration of the national park is also located in Myhiia.

Map pin icon Pershotravneva Street Myhiia


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Національний природний парк "Бузький Гард", Мигія
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National Nature Park "Buzkyi Gard"

Natural object , Reserve

The national nature park "Buzkyi Gard" stretches from the outskirts of the village of Myhiia for 40 kilometers along the Pivdenniy Buh to the village of Oleksandrivka. Its area is 6,138 hectares within Voznesensk and Pervomaysk districts of Mykolaiv region.

The creation of a national nature park on the basis of the regional landscape park "Granite-Steppe Pobuzhzhya" began in 2004 as part of the implementation of the World Environmental Fund - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development project "Biodiversity Conservation in the Azov-Black Sea Corridor".

The local flora includes 900 plant species, 26 of which are included in the Red Book of Ukraine, 4 - in the European Red List.

The territory of the national nature park "Buzkyi Gard" coincides with the border of 1658 between the Ottoman Porte (Turkey) and the liberties of the Zaporizhzhia Nizove Army. In fact, the left bank of the Granitno-steppe Pobuzhzhya coincides with the boundary of the Buho-Hardova palanka of the Zaporizhzhia Army as of 1734. For more than three hundred years, the territory where the NPP was created was controlled by the Zaporozhzhians. Their administrative and economic center was located near the confluence of the Tashlyk River with the Pivdenniy Buh, on Gard Island, where a military camp with Cossack huts of up to 500 people was located. The facilities for catching fish were called gardas on Pivdenniy Buh. Such guards existed both in the Guard tract itself and in other areas on the Buh, where Zaporozhzhian winterers were located. Gards, as a method of fishing, existed in this area until 1945. Accordingly, this name first spread to the surrounding areas: Gardovy Island, Gardova Balka, the village of Gardove (now the village of Bohdanivka), Stariy Gard, Gardovy Shlyach.

Aktivsky Canyon on the Mertvovod River and the adjacent canyon on the Arbuzinka River (Maly Aktivskyi Canyon) are a separate part of the "Buzkiy Gard" National Park.

Map pin icon Turystychna Street Myhiia


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Церква Різдва Богородиці, Криве Озеро
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Kryve Ozero has been known since 1766, when it was Greek Catholic. She became Orthodox in 1794.

In the 19th century, the wooden temple burned down. The new Church of the Nativity of the Virgin was built in 1824 from bricks at another location. In 1890-1899, a stone belfry was added at the expense of the landowner Lavrentiy Shyrochenko.

Recently, an image of the Mother of God appeared on the wall of the church, which became the object of a mass pilgrimage of believers.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 121 Kryve Ozero


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Краєзнавчий музей, Первомайськ
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Pervomaisk Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Pervomaisk Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1927 by the well-known archeologist Pavlo Kharlampovych.

At the beginning of World War II, the museum's fund included about 20,000 exhibits. Most of the collection was destroyed during the war, in particular the archaeological collection, which was collected during the Pivdenyi Buh archaeological expedition of 1928-1932 on the banks of the Pivdenyi Buh and its tributaries.

The museum was restored only in 1985. Today, it is a branch of the Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Local Lore as a department. It has 15 chapters, in which you can familiarize yourself with the history of Pervomaisk region from the Stone Age to modern times.

The permanent interest of visitors is aroused by the exposition "Village House" and the exhibition of holograms, which is constantly in operation, which presents objects from the most famous museums of Ukraine.

Museum employees conduct tours of the city and its surroundings.

Map pin icon Teatralna Street, 10 Pervomaisk


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Радонове озеро, Мигія
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Radon Lake

Natural object , Active rest , Rest on the water

The radon lake near the village of Myhiia, also known as the "Black Sea", arose on the site of an old granite quarry in the territory of the regional landscape park "Granite-Steppe Pobuzhzhya" near the rapids of the Pivdenniy Buh.

The lake, more than 40 meters deep with steep banks, is fed by underground radon sources. The water in it is very clean, has an extremely bright blue color. According to legend, you can see a submerged excavator at the bottom.

There is a convenient viewing platform above the lake.

Map pin icon Granite quarry Myhiia


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Млин Скаржинського, Мигія
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Skarzhynsky's Mill


The water mill on the Pivdennyi BuhRiver in Myhiia was built in 1888 by the local landowner Yosyp Skarzhynskyi according to the project of the engineer Vladyslav Yaskulskyi.

The five-story building resembles a medieval castle. Previously, up to 3,000 poods of flour per day were milled here, and in Soviet times the mill was converted into a hydroelectric power station.

Nearby you can see Buh rapids.

Map pin icon Turystychna Street Myhiia


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Млин Цідулка, Первомайськ
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Tsidulko Mill

Architecture , Entertainment / leisure

The water mill on the Synyukha River in Pervomaisk is located in the northern part of the city. The hydrotechnical structure with a stone building was built at the end of the 19th century by a local entrepreneur Tsidulko. In Soviet times, the mill was part of the structure of the district food processing plant.

Now the Tsidulko Mill is in private ownership. The building has been reconstructed as a recreation complex "Residence at the Water Mill", which has been operating since 2024 as a hotel, a location for photo shoots and a space for special events.

It is planned to open a museum, where you can see the work of the wooden mechanism of the water mill.

Map pin icon Aviatoriv Street Pervomaisk


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Краєзнавчий музей, Врадіївка
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Vradiivka Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Vradiivka Historical and Local Lore Museum is located in the central part of the village of Vradiivka. It was founded in 1977. In 1990, it received the status of "people's". The museum's funds number about 6 thousand exhibits.

The exposition attracts attention with the case of the land assignment to sergeant Ivan Vradiy (1800), the Psalter of 1882, the bronze plate with the inscription about the founding of the Oleksandr Nevsky Church in Vradiivka (1902). The ethnographic collection of the museum is represented by tools for the production of woolen and linen yarn and homespun cloth.

The new permanent exhibition is dedicated to the events of the Revolution of Dignity in 2014 and the Heroes of the Russian-Ukrainian War.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 95 Vradiivka


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