Attractions of Kremenchuk

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Будинок-музей Антона Макаренка, Кременчук
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Anton Makarenko Memorial House-Museum

Museum / gallery , Palace / manor

The pedagogical-memorial house-museum of the outstanding teacher Anton Semenovych Makarenko was opened in his parents' house in Kremenchuk in 1951.

Anton Makarenko spent 1905-1911 and 1917-1919 in this house. The Kremenchuk Museum became the first museum of a famous teacher in the former USSR.

Currently, the museum exposition has about 34 thousand exhibits, including personal belongings of Anton Makarenko (chess, glasses, antimony, violin), furniture and books of his parents.

Map pin icon Antona Makarenko Street, 44 Kremenchuk


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Музей авіації та космонавтики, Кременчук
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Aviation and Cosmonautics History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Kremenchuk Museum of the History of Aviation and Cosmonautics was opened in 2014 at the initiative of enthusiast and amateur historian Anatoliy Byshenko, 6 years after the start of work.

The museum is located in the basement of the building, next to which the activists of the public organization "Kremenchuk Museum of the History of Aviation and Cosmonautics" previously broke a square and erected a monument to the fallen pilots from Kremenchuk.

The museum covers events related to the city's history of aviation, but in general, the exposition is built on the theme of World War II. The museum presents military and civilian uniforms of pilots (both modern and from the time of the Soviet Union), documents, photographs, awards, household items, samples of weapons, models of military aircraft, etc.

Map pin icon Starshoho Leytenanta Kahala Street, 57A Kremenchuk


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Гранітний репер, Кременчук
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Granite Rapper (Rock-Register)

Natural object

The granite rock on the banks of the Dnipro in Kremenchuk is a geological monument of nature and an ancient geodetic mark.

Until the middle of the 20th century, it was used as a rapper - a sign fixing a point on the earth's surface, the height of which in relation to the original leveled surface was determined by leveling.

The rock is an outcrop of gray biotite-plagioclase magmatites 2.5-3 billion years old. It is also called a granite register.

On the rock, which rises 5-6 meters above the river level, there are marks of the highest water levels during floods on the Dnipro since the 18th century. These floods occurred in 1789, 1820, 1845, 1877, 1888, 1889, 1895, 1945.

Since 1970, the granite rapper has been a natural monument of local importance.

Map pin icon Naberezhna Street Kremenchuk


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Художній салон, Кременчук
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Kremenchuk Art Salon

Museum / gallery

The renovated art salon in Kremenchuk is an active creative platform that combines an exhibition space, a democratic bar, a platform for creative experiments, a designer store and a literary house.

This is a space for the presentation of creative works, freedom of creative expression, communication between the artist and the viewer. Workshops, cultural and educational programs, round tables, discussions, master classes, lectures, seminars, meetings with young and prominent representatives of modern culture are held here.

Map pin icon Ukrayinskoho Vidrodzhennya Boulevard, 7 Kremenchuk


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Музей Кременчуцького автомобільного заводу
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Kremenchuk Automobile Plant Museum

Museum / gallery

Kremenchuk Automobile Plant (AvtoKrAZ), which has been producing heavy-duty civilian and military vehicles since 1958, opened its own museum back in 1967. Initially, it was a small room in the new engineering building, where several dozen exhibits, documents and photographs were placed. In 1970, the factory museum moved to a spacious room in the new educational building, where it is still located.

The updated museum of the history of the AvtoKrAZ plant opened its doors after a large-scale reconstruction in 2015. Now it houses more than 2,000 exhibits, including models of cars (including military ones), machines and tools, as well as many documents and photographs. The exposition tells about all periods of the establishment and development of the enterprise and about all modifications of KrAZ cars that were produced there.

Among the visitors of the museum over the past half century have been numerous delegations from foreign countries and honored guests of Kremenchuk, including pilot-cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, singer Sofia Rotaru and others.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 62 Kremenchuk


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Краєзнавчий музей, Кременчук
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Kremenchuk Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Kremenchuk Museum of Local Lore was opened in 1975. The exposition of the museum is located in 11 halls and covers geography, history, ethnography and art of the region.

The number of exhibits stored in the funds of the Museum of Local Lore is over 66 thousand units. The paleontological collection of the museum is the largest in Poltava region. The funds contain a wonderful collection of minerals and rocks, as well as a unique sample of fossil amber weighing 525 grams, which is over 30 million years old. The archeological collection of the museum includes more than 6,000 items, covering the time range from the Mousterian Paleolithic to the excavation materials of the late medieval fortress Kremenchuk.

The oldest manuscript document stored in the museum dates back to 1813. The thematic collection "Life of Kremenchuk citizens at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries" is significant.

Map pin icon Ihorya Serdyuka Street, 2 Kremenchuk


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Пам'ятник сантехнікам, Кременчук
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Monument to plumbers


The monument to plumbers in Kremenchuk was created at the expense of employees of the local water utility. It is designed to perpetuate the difficult work of locksmiths and plumbers.

The monument was installed at the entrance to the utility company "Kremenchukvodokanal" on the occasion of the company's 95th anniversary.

The sculpture depicts two workers twisting the valve of a water supply.

Map pin icon Heroyiv Mariupolya Street, 35A Kremenchuk


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Картинна галерея Наталії Юзефович, Кременчук
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Nataliya Yuzefovych Art Gallery

Museum / gallery

The Nataliya Yuzefovych Art Gallery in Kremenchuk was founded in 2002 to exhibit the works of contemporary Ukrainian artists, primarily the outstanding Kremenchuk artist Nataliya Yuzefovych, whose name the gallery bears.

The artist Nataliya Yuzefovych was a master of lyrical landscapes, picturesque still lifes, unique portraits and subject paintings, one of the best colorists of her time. She lived in Kremenchuk for four decades, starting in 1971. She donated 167 of her best works to this city.

The gallery has three exhibition halls, two of which introduce visitors to Yuzefovych's work. Many of her works on display are dedicated to Kremenchuk, where she often painted in the Dnipro Park.

The gallery updates its exhibition three times a year, and also holds personal and collective exhibitions of artists, photographers, and masters of decorative and applied arts.

Map pin icon Kosmichna Street, 9 Kremenchuk


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Парк Миру, Кременчук
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Peace Park

Park / garden

"Peace Park" (Park Myru) was established in Kremenchuk in 1983 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the city from the German-fascist invaders.

The only Peace Gong in Ukraine - the Indonesian symbol of peace - has been installed on the territory of the park. There is also an open-air museum of military equipment and a parking lot, there are children's and sports grounds, and a chess club.

In 2012, a Sakura Avenue was planted in the park. In 2017, a memorial sign "To the Righteous of the World" was unveiled in Peace Park, on the territory of which more than 20,000 civilians were shot during the years of German-fascist occupation.

The observation deck of Peace Park offers a wonderful view of the central part of Kremenchuk.

Map pin icon Myru Street, 2 Kremenchuk


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Музей історії однострою, Кременчук
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Uniform History Museum

Museum / gallery

The All-Ukrainian Museum of the Uniform History in Kremenchuk was founded by collector Roman Patsovsky in 2018 with the support of veteran organizations. Since 2020, the exhibition has been housed in the second building of the Kremenchuk Gymnasium No. 27.

The collection of the Uniform Museum includes about 4,000 uniforms of state structures operating on the territory of Ukraine in the 20th-11th centuries. Samples of clothing and equipment of the Soviet Army, Navy and Air Force of the USSR, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB, the SBU, border troops, the prosecutor's office, military educational institutions, the fiscal service, the customs service, the civil sea and river fleets, civil aviation, postal services, Ministry of Emergency Situations, forest protection, executive service, service of execution of punishments, railway transport.

Museum employees conduct thematic tours of the city of Kremenchuk.

A branch of the Uniform History Museum is the Kremenchuk Military History Museum, located in the same building.

Map pin icon Svobody Avenue, 106 Kremenchuk


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