Attractions of Rivne

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Парк імені Т. Шевченка, Рівне
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Taras Shevchenko Park of Culture and Recreation

Park / garden

Rivne Park of Culture and Recreation named after Taras Shevchenko is a monument of garden and park art of state importance.

It was founded at the end of the 18th century, and today the age of individual trees reaches 150-200 years. There are 160 species of trees and shrubs here, many of which are exotic - North American (Engelmann spruce, Weymouth pine, catalpa bignonia, ash maple, red oak), Far Eastern (Amur velvet), South European (forsythia European, edible chestnut) evergreen ), species from China and Japan, Central Asia (biota orientalis, magnolia Sulanza, tall ailant, Japanese quince).

In the early 1950s, the park significantly expanded its territory, in 1977-1984, the park was reconstructed, as a result, it was replenished with new species. A cascade of pools with fountains surrounded by willows was created. In total, there are about 5,540 trees and 14,200 bushes in the park. In the spring of 2000, 670 trees (spruce, pine, thuja, birch, linden, maple) and 50 bushes were planted.

At the moment, the park named after Taras Shevchenko covers 32 hectares and has 5 zones: quiet recreation, active recreation, spectacular structures, sports and children's sector.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 3 Rivne


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Музей Уласа Самчука, Рівне
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Ulas Samchuk Literary Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Ulas Samchuk Literary Museum in Rivne was opened in 2007 on the 102nd anniversary of the birth of the writer, who was born in Rivne region.

The writer spent most of his life in exile, always remaining a chronicler of his time and people. Samchuk was called the Ukrainian Homer of the twentieth century.

The Ulas Samchuk Museum is a department of the Rivne Regional Museum of Local Lore.

The museum's exposition highlights the main creative achievements of Ulas Samchuk and focuses on the influence of the writer's personality on the entire Ukrainian literary process of the twentieth century. Visitors are presented with the first editions of the trilogy "Volyn", other works of the writer, letters, photographs, his personal belongings.

In addition, the museum focuses on the Rivne period of life and work of the writer (1941-1943), visually recreating the life of Samchuk's apartment in those years (things from the former Rivne apartment where he lived) and preserving the main achievements of the writer in this period.

The exposition of the museum tells about the life and creative path of the writer, shows the cohort of literary figures of the Ukrainian language, with whom Ulas Samchuk met.

Map pin icon Symona Petlyury Street, 17 Rivne


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