Attractions of Novhorod-Siverskyi

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Novhorod-Siverskyi

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Тріумфальна арка, Новгород-Сіверський
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Triumphal Arch


The symbolic Triumphal Arch was erected in 1787 on the occasion of the passage of Empress Catherine II through Novhorod-Siverskyi.

The construction was financed by local nobles and merchants. On the pylons between the columns are placed shields with the coats of arms of ten districts of the Novhorod-Siversky Governorate.

The Triumphal Arch in Novhorod-Siverskyi is a unique memorial building of the High Classicism style on the Left Bank of Ukraine. Needs restoration.

Map pin icon Hubernska Street Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Успенський собор, Новгород-Сіверський
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Assumption Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Assumption Cathedral is the oldest of the buildings of Novhorod-Siversky that have been preserved in their original form.

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built approximately in 1671 on the site where, according to legend, in ancient times there was a pagan temple with Slavic idols. The temple is five-domed, cross-shaped in plan. Made in the classic Ukrainian baroque style.

In 1701 reconstruction was carried out, in 1820 the baths were replaced and the bell tower was added.

Today, the Assumption Cathedral is an active temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 6A Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Базарна площа (Торгові ряди), Новгород-Сіверський
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Bazaar Square (Shopping Rows)

Historic area

The complex of trade and commercial buildings on Bazaar Square was built in the center of Novhorod-Siverskyi throughout the 19th century.

The oldest building - Shopping Rows with warehouses, which, despite their status as an architectural monument, are still used for their intended purpose.

On the corner of Hubernska Street is the historic two-story building of the Central Hotel (1898), which has also retained its functionality.

On the square there is an original equestrian monument to Ihor Svyatoslavovych, the hero of "The Tale of Ihor's Campaign" (the bullet above the rider's head symbolizes the solar eclipse, which foreshadowed the prince's defeat in the battle with the Polovtsy).

Map pin icon Knyazya Ihorya Square Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Замкова гора, Новгород-Сіверський
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Castle Hill

Historic area

Castle Hill is a hill above the Desna River, on which an ancient Rus fortress was built in the 10th century, which later became the capital of the Novhorod-Siverskyi principality.

From the 12th century, the wooden fortress with earthen ramparts was the residence of the Olhovychi dynasty, defending the eastern borders of Kyivan Rus. The entrance was made through one gate, inside was the princely court and the stone cathedral of Arch-strategist Michael. On three sides, the baby was surrounded by the surrounding city, where the Saint Nicholas Church was built (now in its place is a wooden church of the same name from 1762).

In the second half of the 14th century, the fortress passed into the hands of Lithuanian princes, in 1503 it went to Muscovy, then to Poland, until it was recaptured by Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. In 1708, the fortress was occupied by Peter I, fortified, but soon lost its importance and was destroyed.

A monument to the legendary Boyan, the author of "The Tale of Ihor's Campaign", as well as a commemorative stone, was erected at the place of the prince's baby.

Map pin icon Naberezhna Street Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Жіноча гімназія, Новгород-Сіверський
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Female Gymnasium


The original brick building of the Female Gymnasium was built according to the project of the architect Feinberg in 1912.

The gymnasium itself was opened in Novhorod-Siverskyi back in 1875. Female graduates had the right to teach in Zemstvo schools.

In 1920, a single labor school was created on the basis of the gymnasium, which was later reorganized into secondary school No. 1. The status of a gymnasium was returned to it in 1999. In 2023, the gymnasium was renamed Novhorod-Siverskyi Lyceum No. 1.

Map pin icon Maystrenka Street, 2 Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Музей "Слово о полку Ігоревім", Новгород-Сіверський
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Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "The Tale of Ihor's Campaign"

Temple , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The powerful defensive Savior Transfiguration monastery on the high bank of the Desna is one of the oldest in Ukraine.

Founded in 1033 by Prince Mstislav Tmutarakansky, the princes of the Novhorod-Siverskyi principality were blessed here. The monastery also served as the prince's residence (the foundation of the prince's chambers was excavated).

In the XII century on the territory surrounded by a fortress wall with towers, a stone Savior Cathedral was built. From him went on a campaign to Polovtsian lands, Prince Ihor Svyatoslavich - the protagonist of "The Tale of Ihor's Campaign."

The name of this historical work is the historical and cultural reserve created on the basis of the monastery complex, the museum exposition of which is located in a two-storey building of the Abbot's House.

Most of the buildings of the monastery revived after the Mongol destruction date back to the XVII-XVIII centuries. The monastery is surrounded by a strong wall with corner towers, a bridge over the defensive moat to the Holy Gate with a bell tower, reinforced by flank towers.

The territory is dominated by the majestic Transfiguration Cathedral (1786-1787), built in the style of classicism on the site of an ancient Rus church. Also preserved are the Peter and Paul (XVII century) and Saint Illya (1787) churches, the building of the bursa (1657-1667). The Savior Transfiguration Monastery is active, completely restored in 2003.

In addition to the "The Tale of Ihor's Campaign" museum and temples, towers, galleries and dungeons are also open to the public.

Map pin icon Slobidska Street, 1 Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Чоловіча гімназія, Новгород-Сіверський
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Male Gymnasium


The male gymnasium building appeared in the center of Novohorod-Siverskyi at the end of the 19th century, although the educational institution itself was founded in 1804 on the basis of an even older public school.

For a long time, the gymnasium was the center of education of the entire Chernihiv province. Among the graduates are the historian, the first rector of Kyiv University Mykhaylo Maksymovych, the Ukrainian writer Panteleymon Kulish, the revolutionary-populist Mykola Kybalchych, as well as the famous teacher Kostyantyn Ushynsky.

The state gymnasium, which currently occupies the premises, is named after the latter.

On the night of May 12, 2022, in the course of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian aviation dropped missiles on the center of Novhorod-Siverskyi. As a result of the Russian airstrike, the entire complex of buildings of the male gymnasium was damaged - the windows were broken, the roof and part of the facade of the building were completely destroyed.

Map pin icon Hubernska Street, 38 Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Краєзнавчий музей, Новгород-Сіверський
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Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Local Lore of the Novhorod-Siverskyi historical and cultural reserve introduces the history of the city, archeology and nature of the Siverskyi region.

The history department presents a diorama of the late Paleolithic Pushkarivska site, as well as a diorama of the liberation of the city from the German-fascist invaders.

The exposition of the nature department with the diorama "Polissya" introduces the flora and fauna of the region.

The exhibition "Ukrainian life, clothing and embroidery" has been opened in the ethnology department.

Museum employees conduct tours of the city.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 3 Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Парк Шевченка, Новгород-Сіверський
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Park named after Taras Shevchenko

Park / garden

The city park of culture and recreation named after Taras Shevchenko in Novhorod-Siversky is located in the central part of the city, in front of the Holy Transfiguration Monastery.

Interesting unusual park sculptures of Soviet times. It is a monument of garden and park art of local importance.

Map pin icon Maystrenka Street, 6 Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Покровська криниця, Новгород-Сіверський
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Pokrovsky Well

Natural object

"Pokrovsky Well" (Pokrovska krynytsya) in Novhorod-Siverskyi is called a source of pure spring water in the lower part of the city.

Local residents say that the spring used to hit the ground with a strong jet, which is why it was called a fountain.

The water from the spring is rich in silver, and it is attributed healing properties. In 2013, enthusiasts built a wooden pavilion over the spring and equipped a bathhouse.

Map pin icon Krynychnyi lane Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Миколаївська церква, Новгород-Сіверський
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Saint Nicholas Church in Novhorod-Siverskyi is a remarkable work of carpentry art of the Chernihiv school of wooden folk architecture of the 18th century.

The first church in honor of Saint Nicholas was built in 1086 on a hill above the road, on which a pagan idol stood in pre-Christian times. After the Mongol invasion, the church was restored only in 1720.

The church is cruciform in plan, single-headed, five-aisled. The pyramidal shape organically completes the silhouette of the hill.

Map pin icon Mykolayivska Street, 18 Novhorod-Siverskyi


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