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Attractions of Odesa region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Odesa region

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Odesa region


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Успенський монастир, Одеса
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Holy Assumption Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Assumption Monastery is the most famous abode in Odesa, founded by Metropolitan Havryil.

Since 1946, the summer residence of the Moscow Patriarchs was located here, the monastery was named Patriarchy, and the Odesa Theological Seminary was transferred here. The building of the patriarchal residence has been preserved on the territory.

The first stone temple was built in 1825 on the site of a wooden one (it was later destroyed by the Bolsheviks). In 1834, a second monastery church with a bell tower was built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving Source" (now Uspensky) with the funds donated to the temple by the Odesa merchant Dariya Kharlambu.

Today, there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Milkmaid", painted by Athos monks in the 17th century.

Map pin icon Mayachny lane, 6 Odesa


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Покровський собор, Ізмаїл
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Holy Intercession Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in Izmail is the main temple of the city.

It was built in the center of Izmail in 1820-1831, during the heyday of urban planning, in the house of an old wooden temple from Turkish times. The cathedral in the style of classicism was built according to the project of the architect Avraam Melnykov, professor of architecture and rector of the Moscow Academy of Arts (according to another version - Heorhiy Torichelli).

At first it was a simple one-domed temple. Next to it in 1848, a 65-meter three-tier bell tower was built, the bells for which were cast from the metal of captured Turkish cannons. A little later, the bell tower was connected to the cathedral by a covered gallery, and above it was built the upper temple of Nicholas the Wonderworker. The distinct oval colonnade was built in 1837. As a result, the form of the Holy Intercession Cathedral began to vaguely resemble the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

The interior was painted in the Art Nouveau style by the artist Pavlo Piskarev, a student of Viktor Vasnetsov.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a clock with a battle was installed on the belfry, which is still going on.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Avenue, 31 Izmail


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Покровський собор, Кілія
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Holy Intercession Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Intercession Cathedral in Kiliia was built in 1822-1836 according to the project of the architect Abraham Melnikov.

In 1895, a bell tower was added to the new cathedral.

Local residents call the church a "Ukrainian church" as opposed to Old Believer churches.

Map pin icon Haharinska Street, 94 Kiliia


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Свято-Троїцький собор, Одеса
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Holy Trinity Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Trinity Greek Church was built according to the project of architects Dzhovanni Frapolli and Arkadiy Todorov in the style of classicism.

Founded in 1795, it was intended for the Greek community of the city, and was originally made of wood. In 1804, the solemn laying of the stone temple took place, the construction lasted 4 years. In 1821, the Patriarch of Constantinople Hrihoriy V, who was executed by the Turks, was buried here (later the remains were transferred to Athens).

From 1936 to 1941, the church was closed.

The oldest temple in the city. The marble floor is partially preserved.

Since January 4, 2006 - the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Odesa Metropolis of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Katerynynska Street, 55 Odesa


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Готель Лондонський, Одеса
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Hotel Londonsky


The legendary Hotel Londonsky is located in the center of Odesa on Prymorsky Boulevard.

The building in the style of the early Italian Renaissance was designed by the architect Frants Boffo.

At one time, the Brazilian emperor Don Pedro II, Oleksandr Kuprin, Anton Chekhov, Theodore Drayzer, Volodymyr Mayakovskyi, Leonid Utyosov, Robert Lyuyis Stivenson, Isidora Dunkan, Ivan Ayvazovskyi, Dmytro Shostakovych and many other celebrities of the XIX-XX centuries stayed here. Hotel Londonsky still remains one of the most prestigious hotels in Odesa.

The Summer Garden with a fountain and old plane trees, where a summer cafe is open, is particularly cozy (it is better to book a table in advance for the evening).

Map pin icon Prymorsky Boulevard, 11 Odesa


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Будинок з атлантами, Одеса
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House with Atlanteans


"House with Atlanteans" in Odesa is considered one of the most beautiful residential buildings not only in the city, but also in the whole country.

The complex of profitable buildings on Mykoly Hoholya Street was created in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by architects Lev Vlodek and Semen Landesman. The houses belonged to the Falts-Feyn family, the founders of the "Askania-Nova" nature reserve.

The "House with Atlanteans" became especially popular thanks to the statues of the sculptor Tovy Fishel that decorate it. The figures of the mighty Atlanteans, bent under the weight of the star globe, became the business card of Odesa.

On the house opposite you can also see Atlanteans supporting the balcony.

Map pin icon Mykoly Hoholya Street, 7 Odesa


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Будинок-стіна (Плоский), Одеса
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House-wall (Flat house)


The House-wall or Flat House is the former profitable house of Rafalovych, which attracts tourists with its unique architectural feature.

When looking at it from a certain angle, a complete illusion is created that the building has only one wall - the facade. The best perspective on this optical effect opens from the intersection of Vorontsovsky Lane and Prymorsky Boulevard.

In 2013, Rafalovych's House-wall was recognized as an architectural monument of local importance in Ukraine.

Map pin icon Vorontsovsky Lane, 4 Odesa


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Покровська церква, Кілія
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in Kiliia is the largest Old Believer church in Odesa region.

The first Old Believer Intercession Church in Kiliia was built in 1846 from adobe (clay bricks mixed with straw, dried in the sun). The Old Believer district of Kiliia was formed around the church.

In 1912-1916, a new one was built around the adobe church - the old one was dismantled and taken out through the door. Great help in the construction of the Old Believer Cathedral was provided by Jewish merchants - a feature of multinational Kiliia.

In 1929-1930, a new 51-meter bell tower was built. The fence around the temple yard was built already in Soviet times - in 1953-1954.

Map pin icon Solovyova Street, 29 Kiliia


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Музей цікавої науки, Одеса
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Interesting Science Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Interesting Science in Odesa is the first science-entertainment interactive museum in the south of Ukraine, where more than 130 unique interactive exhibits from the world of science have been collected.

If in other museums you can't even touch the valuable exhibits, here you can not only touch, check, feel and see everything in action. Both children and adults can conduct interesting experiments and unusual experiments.

The main task of the museum is to show schoolchildren and students that even the most difficult problems and the longest formulas can be fascinating, you just have to look at them from a different angle.

The Museum of Interesting Science aims to teach subjects of the natural cycle: physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, mathematics and many other fields of knowledge.

The museum's laboratory hosts a Tesla show every day, and chemistry and physics shows are also being actively developed. In the planetarium, sessions of informative scientific films about space take place every hour.

In the summer of 2023, a Russian rocket destroyed the premises of the Museum of Interesting Science on Taras Shevchenko Avenue in Odesa. But with the exception of special rooms, the museum team managed to save almost all of its exhibits and after 7 months the museum moved part of its exposition to a new location and opened its first branch - the Experimentarium.

And already on April 12, 2024, he resumed his work in a new place - in the shopping center Arkadiya City, where you can see 50 more exhibits. Also, in the renovated Museum of Interesting Science, they plan to open a completely new exhibition "The World under a Microscope".

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Avenue, 4E Odesa


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Пам'ятник Інзову, Болград
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Ivan Inzov Monument


The memorial sign in honor of General Ivan Inzov was opened in 2010 for the 165th anniversary of the death of the founder of Bolhrad, a hero of the Franco-Russian war, a guardian of immigrants from the southern part of the Russian Empire.

The first monument to Inzov in Bolhrad was created with public funds back in 1911, but it was dismantled and taken to Romania under the Romanian authorities. It is planned to create an exact copy.

The current memorial is a round obelisk with a relief portrait of Inzov. The inscription on the reverse side reads: "General Inzov of the Suvorov and Kutuzov schools made a famous name for himself in military and civil positions. He gave the settlers a new life in the new Motherland. With his assistance, the construction of Bolhrad was started."

Map pin icon Inzovska Street Bolhrad


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Картинна галерея, Ізмаїл
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Izmail Art Gallery

Museum / gallery

The Izmail Art Gallery presents a collection of modern Ukrainian and foreign art, an exposition of decorative and applied art, sections of Ukrainian and Western European art of the 16th-19th centuries, works of icon painting, art of the peoples of the East.

Painting, graphics, sculpture are presented. A portrait of Generalissimo Oleksandr Suvorov painted by an unknown 19th-century master, engravings with portraits of Hryhori Potomkin, Kostyantyn Vorontsov, Fedir Tolstoy, graphic sheets of itinerant artists Ivan Shyshkin, Illya Repin, and Volodymyr Makovsky are on display. The painting "Bay" by the celebrated mariner Rufin Sudkovskyi is presented.

Among the pearls of the museum collection is a vase by the famous French master Emile Halle.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Avenue, 19 Izmail


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Військово-історичний музей, Ізмаїл
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Izmail Military History Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Izmail Military History Museum is located in a mansion of the XIX century, which belonged to the mayor Ioann Abraham.

The museum's collection includes more than 30,000 exhibits: flags, military uniforms and equipment of the XVII-XX centuries, a collection of cold steel and firearms, paintings and graphics on the Russian-Turkish wars, archeology and everyday life, numismatics.

The diorama in the Little Mosque is a department of the Izmail Military History Museum.

Map pin icon Torhova Street, 37 Izmail


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Церква Іоанна Богослова, Стара Некрасівка
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John the Theologian Church

Temple , Architecture

The Old Believer Church of John the Theologian was built in Stara Nekrasivka at the end of the 19th century.

The interior is decorated with an iconostasis made according to Old Believer canons with icons of the 17th century, brought to Stara Nekrasivka by the Don Cossacks from Nekrasivka.

The winter church and Sunday school of the Old Believers are nearby.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 59 Stara Nekrasivka


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Музей Костянтина Паустовського, Одеса
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Kostyantyn Paustovsky Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Kostyantyn Paustovsky Memorial Museum is located in a building on a quiet seaside street in Odesa, right above Langheron.

The writer lived in the janitor's house of the neighboring house, which has not been preserved, from 1920 to 1922, during the Odesa period of his work.

The museum was opened in 1998 on the initiative of the public organization "Paustovsky World Society". The main exposition is dedicated to Paustovsky's book "The Time of Great Expectations" written in Odesa. It has more than 1,000 exhibits, including manuscripts, photographs, household items (beginning of the 20th century) and personal belongings of the author. In particular, the model of the janitor's house described by Paustovsky and the model of the motor ship "Kostyantyn Paustovsky" are presented.

Everyone can try to type "SOS" in Morse code using the famous telegraph key, as well as touch the hand washing machine used by Kostyantyn Heorhiyovych while fishing in the village of Sanzhiika.

Map pin icon Chornomorska Street, 6 Odesa


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Палац Куріса, Ісаєве
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Kuris Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The palace of the Kuris family in Isaieve was built in 1905, when the former manor house turned out to be too small for the growing family (in 1903, a fifth child was born in the family).

The owner of the estate, Oleksandr Kuris, was a descendant of Volyn Governor Ivan Kuris, an associate of Oleksandr Suvorov, a Greek by nationality.

A beautiful palace in the Art Nouveau style with elements of romanticism is harmoniously connected with the surrounding landscape. The building had water heating and electrical wiring. At the beginning of the 19th century, the French artist Lucien Monod visited the Kurys for several months, who painted portraits of family members.

Since 1924, the palace housed various educational institutions: a labor school, an agronomic technical school, and now a professional agrarian lyceum.

Fragments of the interior decoration have been preserved: wooden stairs, stucco ceiling decorations, floor tiles, an original round sliding table on beautiful carved legs.

Since 1991, the Kuris Palace in Isaievo has been an architectural monument of local importance.

Map pin icon Naberezhna Street, 15 Isaieve


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